Difference Between PHP and C (With Table)

Many coders will indeed agree that comparing one to another is unfair because they differ in web development. PHP is by far the most famous server-side scripting language, whilst also JavaScript is indeed a customer coding language. JavaScript deals with things on the client end without ever returning to the server, so although PHP manages things on the application server. PHP is based on the C programming language, so everyone with a basic understanding of C will find PHP simple to learn.

PHP vs C

The main difference between PHP and C which is procedural programming is based on the working style of both of these languages. PHP works on the backend part of the websites and C is used to access low-level memory. It is used to develop the operating system. Compiler development can be developed using C.

PHP is an open-source language of programming that is used for server-side web design, which also means that scripts can only be performed on server farms that have PHP installed. Apart from JavaScript, it is responsible for server-side operations such as developing customized web content, processing requests, verifying, and so on. For its strengths as just a strong back content management system, PHP now powers the majority of websites.

The C programming language is a sequence of instructions. Dennis Ritchie created that as a system programming language for developing an operating system. Small memory access, a minimal set of keywords, and a clean style are among the properties that make C language suited for system programs, such as os or compiler development.

Comparison Table Between PHP and C

Parameters of Comparison





Procedural programming language

Data type

Two types of numerical data type only.

Many types of numerical data types are available.


More lenient

More strict


Structure type not needed

Structure type needed


Can be embedded with HTML

Can not embed with HTML

What is PHP?

PHP is an overall coding language that is primarily used in web design. Rasmus Lerdorf, a Danish-Canadian coder, formed it in 1994. This same PHP Group now produces the PHP reference implementation. PHP was originally an abbreviation for Personal Main Website, and it is now used to refer to an iterative initialism. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor.

On a web server, PHP code is typically processed by a PHP interpreter, which can be put in place as a module, a daemon, or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The outcome of the construed and implemented PHP code – that could be any form of information, including such produced HTML or based image data – will indeed form the entirety or a portion of a Response message on a web server.

There are numerous web layout systems, website content management systems, and web frameworks available to orchestrate or enable the creation of that response. Moreover, PHP can be used for a variety of programming other than web development, including standalone graphical applications & industrial robot drone commands. PHP code can be run directly from the command prompt.

PHP is a general-purpose programming language that is especially well-suited to server-side website design, as PHP is often run on a web server. The PHP runtime runs any PHP code contained within a requested file, which is commonly used to generate dynamic online content or dynamic pictures for use on sites or somewhere else. It’s also suitable for client-side graphical interface apps and instruction typescript.

What is C?

Structured coding, lexical variable scoping, and recursion are all supported by C, a practical programming language with a static type system. C was written with constructs that are easy to translate to hardware instructions. It’s been around for a long time, and it’s been used in assembly language programs. Examples of these applications include operating systems and a wide range of application software for system architectures varying from supercomputers to PLCs and embedded systems.

C was created to be built to enable low-level memory access and language structures that easily map to machine code, all while requiring little runtime support. The language was created to enable cross-platform programming, despite its low-level capabilities. With only a few changes to the source code, a standards-compliant C language is built with portability keeping in mind, that could be built for a variety of computer OS.

C, as with most procedural programming within ALGOL tradition, offers structured programming & supports variable scoping & recursion. The system’s static type prohibits unwanted operations. Subroutines are used to contain all executable code in C. Values are always supplied as function parameters (except arrays). In C, pass-by-reference is emulated by sending pointer values explicitly. The semicolon is used as a statement terminator, while curly brackets are used to arrange groups of statements in the C program source language.

Main Differences Between PHP and C

  1. Php is a server-side language whereas c is a procedural programming language.
  2. In Php language, there are only two types of numerical data types available whereas C provides a lot of variety in data types like the void, float, long, etc, and a few derived data types too.
  3. Php is a lenient language and does not throw errors in syntax mostly in comparison to c whereas c is a very strict language in syntax.
  4. PHP does not need any structure whereas c needs a structure.
  5. PHP language allows embedding in Html pages whereas C language does not allow embedding them in Html pages.


The main distinction would be that C is a procedural programming language, although PHP is a server-side coding language. Nevertheless, since the release of Node.js, JavaScript also got popular as just a server new tech for building scalable applications.

Whenever it comes to web development, PHP has multiple functions. It all gets down to the intent you’ll be using for. Along with its simplification and open-source nature, PHP does have a slight advantage over C, and C has its own benefits in programming or developing OS. PHP is indeed a general-purpose programming language for creating custom web data.


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-89856-6_9
  2. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2398857.2384658?casa_token=Iy7hsK_F4AgAAAAA%3A6Ff08_QiB-BYEluLoH4q84iqi-qpVcdpARDrAgg1Rw9pSa1EuG5OXJyd3fb35qRWiJLC76c_m-N-