Difference Between Scanf and Fgets (With Table)

Scanf stands for “Scan formats.” Scanf usually focuses on valid tokens, the input procedure, and, in particular, parsing them according to the provided format. However, Fgets is a C library function. Since its introduction, Fgets has been adopted by several additional libraries.

Scanf vs Fgets

The main difference between Scanf and Fgets is that “Scan formats” are what Scanf is normally used for. Valid tokens, the input mechanism, and notably the parsing of them depending on the defined format are usually the emphasis of Scanf. Fgets is a type of C library function. Since its beginnings, Fgets has been adopted by additional libraries. However, unlike Fgets, the quantitative value of the characters that can be read by Scanf has no boundaries or restrictions.

Scanf rarely performs bounds checking. Fgets can check the bounds, but Scanf can also evaluate it. Scanf concentrates on a particular type of pattern, one whose definition is limited to a single input within the format argument’s bounds. The stdin input is supposed to be a string file. Only those files with standard inputs can be read by Scanf. This tool, on the other hand, can handle conversions that are typically generated by string kinds, such as numeric types. Scanf is commonly used to dissect data.

Fgets can read any file that is handed to it. The file, however, must be open. Fgets can only read one text or line from a file at a time. In the vast majority of cases, Fgets is required to read the given line of data. When bounds checking is done, Fgets is a superior choice as well as a better performance, allowing for the evaluation technique. Fgets is a programme that reads a single line from a series of files. The buffer‘s output is then copied with those lines. Fgets has a character limit that it cannot exceed.

Comparison Table Between Scanf and Fgets

Parameters of Comparison



Focuses on

The specific type of pattern

A line from the given set of files

Limit on character

No limits

A maximum limit exists

Limited To

Standard inputs

Open files

What it is?

Scan formats

C library


Dissection of the given piece of data

Read the line of data that is given.

What is Scanf?

Scanf can only read a single line of text at a time. This tool, on the other hand, can handle conversions that normally come from string kinds, such as numeric types. Scanf is most commonly used to dissect a given piece of data. Scanf does not normally conduct bounds checking. Scanf has no restrictions or limitations on the numerical value of the characters that can be read.

However, once the boundaries have been checked by Fgets, Scanf can assess the result. Scanf concentrates on a specific type of pattern, one whose definition is limited to a single input within the format argument’s bounds. The input is referred to as stdin, and it should be in the form of a string file.

Scanf is capable of reading only those files that have standard inputs. It can’t read all file types. “Scan formats” is what Scanf generally refers to. Valid tokens, the input procedure, and notably token parsing based on the chosen format are usually the emphasis of Scanf.

What is Fgets?

Fgets focuses on reading a single line from a given group of files. The lines are then copied to the buffer’s output. Fgets has a set maximum number of characters beyond which it is unable to read them. Fgets is only capable of reading one text or line from a file at a time.

Fgets is normally necessary to read the line of data that is given in the majority of circumstances. When bounds checking is done, Fgets is a superior choice as well as a better performance, allowing the assessment technique.

The term “fgets” usually refers to a type of C library function. Since its introduction, the use of Fgets has spread to other libraries. Fgets has a lot of potentials when it comes to reading any file. The file must, however, be open.

Main Differences Between Scanf and Fgets

  1. Scanf usually refers to “Scan formats”. On the other hand, Fgets usually refers to a type of function which is of C library.
  2. Scanf usually puts focus on the valid tokens, the input procedure and especially the parsing of them based on the specified format. On the other hand, the use of Fgets has been spreading in other libraries since its inception.
  3. Scanf possesses the potential to read only those files which have standard inputs. It does not possess the ability to read all types of files. On the other hand, Fgets possesses a great potential to read any file given. However, the file must be open.
  4. Scanf is capable of reading one line of texts at a time. However, this tool is also capable of allowing handle conversions usually coming from string types like numeric types. On the other hand, At a given time, Fgets is capable of reading only one text or line from a file.
  5. Scanf is usually used for the dissection of the given piece of data. On the other hand, in the majority of cases, the use of Fgets is usually required to read the line of data that is given.
  6. Bounds checking is something that is usually not performed by Scanf. However, once the bounds are checked by Fgets, then it can be evaluated by Scanf as well. On the other hand, Fgets serve as a better choice as well as a better performer when bounds checking is done, which also allows the procedure of evaluation.
  7. Scanf focuses on a specific type of pattern whose definition is restricted to a specific input within the boundary of the format argument. The input mentioned here is called stdin, which is expected to be in the form of a string file. On the other hand, Fgets specifically focuses on reading a line from the given set of files. Then it copies those lines to the buffer’s output.
  8. Scanf possesses no limits or restrictions on the quantitative value of the characters that can be read. On the other hand, Fgets has a fixed maximum limit of characters, beyond which Fgets is not capable of reading them.


Scanf can only read files with standard inputs. It can’t read all kinds of files. Scanf can read a single line of text at a time. This tool, on the other hand, can handle conversions from string kinds to numeric types. Scanf is typically used to dissect a given piece of data. Whereas, Fgets has a lot of power when it comes to reading files. The file must, however, be accessible. Only one text or line from a file can be read at a time by Fgets. To read the supplied line of data, Fgets is frequently necessary.

Scanf does not normally conduct bounds checking. However, after Fgets has checked the limits, Scanf can evaluate it. When it comes to bounds checking and evaluation, Fgets is a better choice and performance. Scanf is focused on a specific type of pattern whose definition is limited to a single input inside the format argument’s bounds.


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4842-6643-4_28
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-4842-4288-9_20.pdf