Difference Between Debian and Ubuntu (With Table)

These two prominent Distros are the foundation of the Linux distribution system. Both are competitive in terms of strict security policies. Market share ranking of Linux distros states the first position to Ubuntu and second position to Debian. Debian and Ubuntu can be used interchangeably but with few restrictions that make them different.

Debian vs Ubuntu

The main difference between Debian and Ubuntu is stability and security. Debian is more secure and stable for corporate purposes and storing enterprises data on the other hand Ubuntu is more compatible for users who require updated software for individual purposes. There are more drivers and firmware available with Ubuntu as compared with Debian.

The term Debian is one of the oldest Linux distros designed for expert users. It has the biggest online community with the ranking of the most-forked distro. It supports workstations working and other individual servers as well. It is compatible with multiple processor architectures. The update cycle for Debian comes with 2 years release frequency.

The term Ubuntu means an open-sourced distro containing free-cost operating systems where users can change, delete, add the data. To build up space it needs 4GB of memory. The regular version of Ubuntu comes up with all regular tools as required by the users. Snap and APT are the two packages launched by Ubuntu.

Comparison Table Between Debian and Ubuntu

Parameters of Comparison




In terms of Operating mode, Debian is more stable than Ubuntu.

Ubuntu has less stability as it faces bugs sometimes.


The software update cycle has a gap of almost 2 years in the case of Debian.

There are frequent updates in the case of Ubuntu, the latest technology is always there.


Debian is sourced from a collaborative and democratic group.

Whereas Ubuntu is a company-based product run as the operating system by Canonical company.


The initial version of Debian was launched in the year 1993. 

The initial version of Ubuntu was launched in the year 2004. 


Debian contains only charge-free and open-source software in its repositories.

Ubuntu contains vast software repositories in its system including proprietary software.

What is Debian?

Debian works with the Linux kernel and other program components as a cost-free computer operating software system. It was created with the efforts of 500+ computer programmers who collectively achieved the success of the Debian Project. The Debian distro can be downloaded with a small package amount or can be installed through the CD.

The workflow system of Debian doesn’t support Microsoft Word and Excel. Advanced users can depend upon it for its high-quality technology. It is the parent version of Linux distribution to include package management software for simple installation and deletes features. In addition to that, it was the first Linux version that can be upgraded without reinstalling the software.

It sets an example for open-source development software to be compatible with 5000+ applications. To secure the system against “Trojan horses” and other malevolent software, Debian’s servers diagnose that uploaded packages arrive from their registered Debian maintainer’s sources.

There is no root version of the Debian Project that can support Android phones and work on Linux. Debian also has heaps of architectures that operate with the help of the Debian ports. The guidelines of the basic structure of Debian are very strict and no new version is added in the stable version of Debian.

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is a completely free Linux distribution operating system that is available in professional and community support for beginners. It comes in both servers and desktop support. Ubuntu is equipped with thousands of software pieces starting with the Linux kernel distribution 5.4 version and GNOME. Ubuntu is quite prominent in Universities and research centers because it combines all the characteristics of Unix OS with a customizable graphical user interface. 

The package of Ubuntu contains multiple software programs and some of them are Firefox and LibreOffice. Ubuntu software products are licensed through General Public Licence though it makes an advantage for its users. Users can create their programs by developing, improving, changing, and redistributing them.

An important feature of Ubuntu is Thunderbird, It is a prominent email application of Mozilla Firefox which is added in Ubuntu. It has quick access through the desktop regardless of the other non-compatible E-mail services like Hotmail, Microsoft, etc.

With ultimate camera support and mobile phone technology, it doesn’t require any additional drivers. Ubuntu contains numerous charge-free application that runs for every user requirement. Using Shotwell in Ubuntu one can easily share the multimedia database. For editing images professionally, Ubuntu has Krita and Gimp. The majority of the hardware drivers are autoconfigured with Ubuntu.

Main Differences Between Debian and Ubuntu

  1. Architecture: Debian supports amd64, i386, ia64, arm64, arm, architectures, and Ubuntu supports multiple architectures, including arm, amd64, and ppc64.
  2. Installation: The Debian installer is quite poor than Ubuntu. Debian uses NCurses installer and Ubuntu uses Ubiquity installer.
  3. Package: Debian has mostly paid packages that do not support proprietor software adversely Ubuntu has its packaging software namely Snap which is free.
  4. Performance: On performance-wise Debian is light and stable therefore it is quite speedy as compared to Ubuntu on the other hand Ubuntu is slower than Debian.
  5. User Group: Debian is suitable for the expert user groups conversely Ubuntu is most suitable for beginners.


Debian and Ubuntu both are the dominant Linux distribution for their system performance and compatibility. Ubuntu uses more cutting edge-characteristic which leads to bugs and crushes. On stability terms, Debian is always the first choice while comparing the two for organizational purposes. Debian demands fewer resources than Ubuntu that making it system-friendly.  For modern desktop devices, Ubuntu works wonderfully since the release cycle is very frequent. 

On Ubuntu software, the added features and pre-customizations create an impact on the overall performance of the software. While deciding the best version between the two, they both are better in comparison to Microsoft’s window in processing. Every six months, Debian launches a testing branch that is further adopted by Ubuntu.


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7335409
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1471-2105-11-S12-S5