Difference Between Hashmaps and Treemaps (With Table)

With both treemaps and hashmaps, it’s not always easy to identify patterns or clusters within your data because they work on two different principles: one focuses on relationships between different objects while the other focuses on storing ordered pairs of objects.

In the world of web development, there are a lot of terms you might not have heard of. And that’s because hashmaps and treemaps are some of them. These two data structures are used to store map-like data in a more efficient way than using lists or dictionaries. They can also be used to represent relationships between objects in a more concise way than using the traditional.[] notation.

Hashmaps vs Treemaps

The main difference between Hashmaps and Treemaps is that Treemaps are a powerful tool for map visualization. They let you see the relationships between different objects in your data, and they can be used to help identify patterns and clusters. Hashmaps, on the other hand, are a powerful data storage tool. They let you store your data in a set of ordered pairs, and they can be used to visualize your data in a way that is more efficient and accurate than treemaps.

A hashmap is a tool that creates ordered pairs for your data. The first element of each pair is the key and the second element is the value. You can then use these ordered pairs to visualize your data more efficiently and accurately than a treemap, which lets you see patterns and clusters but requires more space and processing power.

A treemap is a type of chart that has rectangular cells for the objects in your data. Each cell has an area proportional to the size of the object. In this way, you can see how many objects are in each row and column as well as how much space they take up.

Comparison Table Between Hashmaps and Treemaps

Parameters of Comparison




Powerful data storage tool for businesses

Vital map visualization tool for marketers


Map consisting of different nodes (trees) representing links between those nodes

The tree-like shape used to represent hierarchical data


Collections of ordered pairs

Set of related images


More detailed analysis of your data or quick exploration of specific areas of interest

It is easy to see relationships between the different objects within your data


Single Null key

Multiple Null keys

What is Hashmaps?

A hashmap provides an effective way of storing diverse objects by storing them in an object called the key with its corresponding value. The key’s purpose is to identify what the object is, while the value will tell you what it contains. It’s easy to create a hashmap that contains all of your data: You just need to create two objects, one for the keys and another for the values. Then, you use these two objects as the basis of your map visualization. Here’s how:

First, create your key object that has all the information about each element (elements could be anything from people to countries). Next, create your values object as well — this should also have all of your data organized into groups and sorted by their position on an axis. Finally, add these two objects into a MapView and there you go!

What is Treemaps?

A treemap consists of four axes: sizes, colors, shapes, and values. The values are things like income or population density. The shapes are typically rectangles and show what percentage of a particular value there is in the dataset. Finally, the size of the rectangles shows how much of the dataset there is overall.

Treemaps help you understand how data relates to each other by using color-coded circles to show different levels of granularity in your data. You can also use them to explore trends, patterns, clusters, outliers, or comparisons between datasets and find points where they intersect.

Main Differences Between Hashmaps and Treemaps

1) Hashmaps are more efficient and accurate than treemaps.

Treemaps show relationships between objects, but they can’t precisely identify which object is at the center of the cluster. Hashmaps, on the other hand, can precisely identify which object is at the center of the cluster. This means hashmaps can be used to quickly and efficiently find patterns in your data.

2) Treemaps are not scalable.

Treemaps are not scalable because you need to add a new node for each different level of your tree (to group objects into clusters). As a result, it’s difficult to visualize your data in a way that represents how it looks when you store and analyze it. With hashmaps, on the other hand, you only need to add one node for each different level to keep your visualization accurate and efficient.

3) A treemap is always two-dimensional; a hashmap can be three-dimensional . . . or four-dimensional!

A treemap has only one layer. With a hashmap, however, you can create multiple layers so that objects in each level have an additional dimension of space associated with them (to distinguish

4) A hashmap is a compact data structure that can be used to efficiently store data points in a densely populated ordered list. Treemaps are easy to understand and provide a great visualization of nested data. A set of ordered pairs that lets you store your data efficiently and accurately.

5)Hashmaps are used for mapping data points to a specific location. Treemaps are used for creating maps of large areas.


Hashmaps and treemaps are two popular map-making tools. They both make it easy to create a map of your data, but they have different purposes. While treemaps are a powerful visualization, they can be inefficient. For example, if you have a lot of points in your data and they’re all the same color, treemaps will take longer to render than hashmaps.

Additionally, treemaps don’t support the ordering or grouping of points or objects. In contrast, hashmaps do let your group and order your data points. Overall, you should use hashmaps for large sets of unordered data that need to be visualized quickly and easily. If you want more flexibility in how the data is stored – such as being able to sort and order the points – use treemaps.


  1. http://ijeast.com/papers/134-138,Tesma501,IJEAST.pdf
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5565628/