Difference Between Graphics Card and Video Card (With Table)

Visual is the very first thing we see on a computer system, as it entices our eyes into the display. Accordingly, graphic cards and Video cards are different in technical terms, as Graphic cards are the hardware that comes separately for better gaming performance, but video cards are in-built hardware for computer system performances.

Graphics Card vs Video Card

The main difference between Graphics Card and Video Card is that the Graphics card is made up of GPU and RAM; used in gaming devices, to improve picture quality and support high-resolution content. Whereas, on the other hand, Video Card is of GPU and other components present in the motherboards; used for video editing and other multimedia projects, in order to control the display setting of the devices. 

Graphics Card is also popularly referred to as a gaming card, as it generates high-quality output images on the display devices, thereby underscoring the integrated graphics of the content. On the whole, its main role is to improve the graphical representations on the computer. Graphics Card is a printed circuit board made up of a processor and RAM. 

Meanwhile, a Video Card is a display controller, implanted in the motherboard of the computers. It is made up of various electronic circuits including GPU, visual processor, VGA card, digital visual interface(DVI), and Video memory Due to its controllability, it assists greatly while editing videos and other multimedia projects on the devices. 

Comparison Table Between Graphics Card and Video Card

Parameters of Comparison

Graphics Card

Video Card


Graphics Card is computer hardware that improvises high-definitive quality for images, videos, and gaming.

Video Card is in-built computer hardware that helps to connect motherboards to computer systems.


Graphic Card does not come along with the installation of the computer. 

Video Card which is essential for the display setting of the computer and comes along with the computer/PC.


Integrated, PCI, AGP, and PCI- Express.



Graphic Card owns RAM, which is installed for better performance

Video Card doesn’t own RAM system


Graphic Cards are usually used for gaming purposes and also render 3D experiences. 

Video Cards are used for editing, controlling speed, resolution, colors, or display settings of PCs.

What is Graphics Card?

A Graphics card is primarily encompassed by a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) card and RAM, which is used to process graphical data on the devices’ screen instantly. Moreover, it plays a huge part in gaming PCs and devices, as it improvises high-definitive quality for images, videos during gaming. Besides, Graphic Card is used in replacing the devices’ RAM and GPU, so it does not come along with the installation of the computer, but as a printed circuit board alongside other components. 

Meanwhile, the other components include a heat sink, firmware, Video memory, D-Sub, DVI(Digital Visual Interface) HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), Display port, USBs. IBM is known as the first company to invent and manufacture the first Graphics Card. It was initially invented as a plug-in adapter in the CRT devices in the 1990s. Since its invention, Graphics Card is predominantly manufactured by two brands; Nvidia and AMD.

Graphics Card is an exemplary processor that could even outstand the performance of a computer’s GPU and CPU when it comes to video, images, and graphics production applications. Its fundamental role is to display good graphical content on the screen of the devices efficiently and quickly. Over and above, coming to its additional functionality in gaming PCs, it renders advanced 3D graphics in real-time. 

What is Video Card?

On the other hand, the Video Card is the component of the computer responsible for transmitting image data to the screen according to instructions from a microprocessor embedded in the card. Unlike any other hardware card, Video Card is a PC component embedded in the device’s motherboard. It is primarily used to control and enhance the images and video content on the screen.

Furthermore, it is termed a co-processor, as it adds extra processing power while displaying images on the screen. It is also considered a Graphics card, however, due to the absence of RAM in it, it is referred to as a Video Card. As it is mentioned, a video card is embedded in the motherboard of the devices and contains components, including, GPU, DVI (Digital Video Interface), Video BIOS, and Video memory.

Aligning the functions of all these components, a video card optimizes the data from the processor and matches the images’ appearances on the screen. In the year 1981, IBM was again recognized for inventing the first two video cards, namely, MDA (Monochrome Display Adapter) and CGA (Color Graphics Adapter). On the whole, Video Cards are largely used for multipurpose such as editing, controlling speed, high-quality resolution content, colors, or display settings of the screens of PCs, monitors, computers, TVs, or projectors. 

Main Differences Between Graphics Card and Video Card

  1. For image, video, and gaming experience, graphic cards enable high-definition quality. Meanwhile, Video Card is an in-built compound that connects motherboards to the computer system.
  2. Gaming cards are mainly used for gaming purposes like 3D experiences. On the other hand, video cards are used for multi-purpose things such as controlling speed, display setting, and editing visuals, etc of PCs.
  3. Gaming cards are optional for a computer system where you can buy them separately, nevertheless, video cards are essential for operating a PC, which comes along with installation.
  4. When it comes to speed, graphic cards are slow compared to video cards. 
  5. Speaking of RAM, a graphic card owns its RAM as it processes superior gaming performance. On the contrary, a video card doesn’t own its RAM and uses system RAM.  


Among the features of the graphics card are the resolution of the screen, information of each pixel, look into display color depth, and study how many monitors it supports. A graphic card resembles a chip that performs various functions such as diagnostics for the user to make their gaming experience more enjoyable. 

Video cards are a mandatory component for a computer system, as it connects motherboards with the operating system of your PC/Computer. Besides, video cards support editing videos or images into high-definitive resolution, run faster than graphic cards in the computer system, and manage display settings of the PCs. 


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