Difference Between SVC and ASMX (With Table)

The field of the internet is constantly expanding. People are being more active on the internet in modern society. The Internet is a virtual Home for countless information provided by millions of people. Web services like SVC and ASMX are used to send these pieces of information from one point to another over the internet.


The main difference between SVC and ASMX is that the SVCs is a web service that uses multiple transport protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, MSMQ to exchange messages using SOAP as default while ASMX transmits messages over HTTP only using SOAP. Both SVC and ASMX are web services that create the pathway for data to travel between electronic mediums.

SVC is a Web Service and type of network connection. The expanded form of SVC is Switched Virtual Circuit. SVC network connection used in the session of transmission and disabled when the session is completed. Connection-oriented systems such as ATM networks and telephone networks are the devices in which the SVCs are implemented.

ASMX is also a web service like SVC. It provides the ability to send messages or other relevant data through Simple Object Access Protocol, shortly known as SOAP. ASMX does not require a person to know about the model of the object, programming language, or the platform being used to send or receive data.

Comparison Table Between SVC and ASMX

Parameters Of Comparison



Full form

The full form of SVC is Switched Virtual Circuit.

The full form of ASMX is the Active Server Method File.


SVC as an extension is exploited by Microsoft in the Windows Communication Foundation.

ASMX is a file or service that is completely based on Windows Web Server.


SVC is a WCF Service.

ASMX is an ASP.NET service.


The SVCs require Data Contract Serializer for their performance.

ASMX requires XML Serializer for its performance.


A person has multiple options of platforms to host SVCs such as Console, WAS, WinNT, etc.

A person would need access to IIS to host ASMX. It is the only way to host this service.

What is SVC?

The switched virtual circuit is installed in the device based on transmission and connection. It is used to transport specific data via a packet-switched network to the destination from the source. It converts the data in a certain way where it appears that there is a physical link between the sender and receiver. It is also known as a virtual connection. SVCs are there to provide telecommunication services to the users.

It makes a path for data to travel from one point to another using the packet-switched network. This transportation of data is denoted as session and each session requires a new path. Multiple sessions can not be established on a similar path. The bandwidth advantages are offered by SVC, but it delays a bit when establishing a connection. SVC uses any Telco resource it can find at the time of establishing the path to be connected. This process makes SVCs cheaper than PVCs.

WAN links with misbalanced and irregular traffic of network use SVCs. SVCs are considered to be temporary connections. It uses 4 ways in which SVC makes a connection that set-up of call, transfer of data, idle, and termination of the call. For better understanding, a person connects to a server to download some kind of data, and when the downloading is done, the path created by SVC gets terminated.

What is ASMX?

ASMX is known to be a file whose extension is .asmx. ASMX is an ASP.NET file that is also considered to be a Web Service file. This file is used to establish a communication path between two nodes using the Internet and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). ASMX is a service that is based on Windows Web Server.

It is deployed in the system to acquire the income request to connect and send the required response. There is another similar service like ASMX which is known as ASPX. But the major difference between the two is that users have to open a separate window to run ASPX while the Web Service ASMX runs in the background.

Its service includes retrieving the data, sending the data in the required format, connecting to the database, etc. The ASMX file can be opened in applications such as text editors or Microsoft Visual Studio because these files are written in plain-text form.

When a response comes in the form of SOAP XML by an ASMX file, it includes four elements that are Envelope, Header, Body, and Fault. Nowadays, .NET languages such as Visual Basics, Jscript, and C# are being used to write ASMX files.

Main Differences Between SVC and ASMX

  1. SVCs are considered to be a WCF Service. On the other hand, ASMX is considered to be an ASP.NET service.
  2. For hosting SVCs have multiple options while ASMX can be hosted on IIS (Internet Information Server) only.
  3. The SVCs tend to use a Data Contract Serializer to be performed. On the other hand, ASMX needs an XML Serializer.
  4. The SVC extension is used in Microsoft applications while ASMX is based on Windows Web Server for several objectives.
  5. SVC stands for switched virtual circuit. On the other hand, ASMX stands for Active Server Method File


Web services are mostly used by e-commerce websites to exchange data between users and servers. Web services like SVC and ASMX use standard XML languages. Programs related to these web services can be developed in various programming languages such as c#, c++, java, etc.

Web services are known to be information exchange systems based on XML. These services interact application to application using internet service. Web services consist of objects, messages, programs, etc. Web services can be openly available on the internet or private networks.

The significant feature of a web service is that it is not associated with a particular operating system or a programming language. WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP are the essential components of web services.


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4317642/
  2. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=