Difference Between Relations and Functions (With Table)

Relations and functions are inextricably linked. To just be capable of discriminating between relations as well as functions, one should have a thorough understanding of the concepts. Throughout this article, we will differentiate among relations & functions. A function could have the same range mapping just like a relation so that a collection of inputs corresponds to precisely one yield.

Relations vs Functions

The main difference between Relations and Functions is that a relationship is a system of interconnected sets of values. Alternatively, this is a subset of something like the Cartesian product, whereas any function is indeed a relationship whereby each input has only 1 output.

In Maths, a relation is defined as connectivity between components of two or more sets, and that shouldn’t be empty. The Cartesian union of subsets yields a relation R. Assume we possess 2 sets; if there is a relationship between both the items followed by a non-sets, therefore the only relation is constructed between both the components.

A function f: X→Y inside the structural method is a binary relation among X and Y that relates one component of Y to every component of X. That also is, f is determined as just a set G of ordered pairs (x, y) containing x X, y Y, and each component of X being the initial constituent of precisely 1 ordered pair within G.

Comparison Table Between Relations and Functions

Parameters of Comparison




A Relation can be described as a connection between the two sets of values. Alternatively, it is just a subset of both the Cartesian product.

A function can be expressed as a relation with the only a single outcome for each input.

Denoted By

The letter “R” is commonly used to signify a relation.

A function is commonly symbolized by the letters “F” or “f.”


Each relation, we could conclude, isn’t really a function.

In Mathematical terms, we can claim that each and every function is also a relation.


The different types of relations include Empty Relation, Universal Relation, Identity Relation, Inverse Relation, Reflexive Relation, Symmetric Relation, Transitive Relation, and Equivalence Relation.

The different types of functions include Identity Function, Constant Function, Polynomial Function, and Rational Function.

Linked to

Theoretical notions are formed through the usage of relations.

A function is associated with a single element.

What are Relations?

A relation is a conceptual model in mathematics which establishes some relationship between the components of 2 sets. It’s a much more generalized version of the much more frequently recognized concept of mathematical formalism but with fewer constraints.

A relation spanning sets X and Y is a collection of ordered pairs (x, y) made up of components x in X and y in Y. It embodies the standard methodology of relation: component x is connected to a component y if and only when the pair (x, y) conforms to the internal node set which specifies the binary relation.

Any binary relation is by far the most researched n = 2 special instance of an n-ary relation across sets X1,…, Xn, which would be a subset of something like the Cartesian products X1… Xn. The sets of all pairings about which constituents x=y is a simple analogy of a binary relation spanning set X among all real numbers R as well as set Y including all real numbers R.

What are Functions?

Any function from such a set X to another set Y is an allocation of a Y component to each component of X. This set X is referred to as the function’s domain, while the set Y is referred to as the function’s codomain.

Functions have been the idealization of how a variable element relies on some other value. The location of a star, for instance, seems to be a function of time. Traditionally, the framework was proposed well with infinitesimal calculus somewhere at the end of the 1600s, as well as the functions investigated were distinguishable till the late nineteenth century. 

The idea of a function became codified in concepts of set theory now at the end of the nineteenth century, which substantially expanded the method’s realms of applicability. The graphs of any function are the collection of all pairings (x, f (x)) that consistently express a function.

Whenever the domain, as well as codomain, represent real number sets, every combination can be conceived as one of the Cartesian coordinate systems of a point within planes.

Main Differences Between Relations and Functions

  1. A Relation can be described as a connection between the two sets of values. Alternatively, it is just a subset of both the Cartesian product. On the other hand, a function can be expressed as a relation with the only a single outcome for each input.
  2. The letter “R” is commonly used to signify a relation. Whereas a function is commonly symbolized by the letters “F” or “f.”
  3. Each relation, we could conclude, isn’t really a function. On the other hand, in Mathematical terms, we can claim that each and every function is also a relation.
  4. The different types of relations include Empty Relation, Universal Relation, Identity Relation, Inverse Relation, Reflexive Relation, Symmetric Relation, Transitive Relation, and Equivalence Relation. Whereas different types of functions include Identity Function, Constant Function, Polynomial Function, and Rational Function.
  5. Theoretical notions are formed through the usage of relations. Whereas a function is associated with a single element.


To distinguish here between a connection that would be a function and a relationship that is not even a function. Not even all relations constitute functions, just like not all functions constitute relations. The distinction between a connection as well as a function is that while a relationship could have different configurations for one single input, whereas a function only has one input and one output.

This would be the fundamental distinction among relation as well as function. Because of the use of relations, certain pattern conceptions are generated. Relations such as “greater than,” “is equivalent to,” and even “divides” provide a feeling of connectedness.


  1. https://aapt.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1119/1.15378?journalCode=ajp
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