Difference Between Pentium D and Pentium Dual-core (With Table)

Pentium microprocessors are the most affordable and user-friendly by Intel. They’re a great range of the invention. With each invention, they focus on an effective evolution. Pentium D and Pentium Dual-core are two such popular discoveries in the market.

Pentium D was not very compatible in the long run. Due to this, within two years, Intel came up with its step-up version and named it Pentium Dual-core. Let us dive into the article to know about their features.

Pentium D vs Pentium Dual-core

The main difference between Pentium D and Pentium Dual-core is the architecture on which they are based. Pentium D is based on P4 architecture whereas, Pentium Dual-core is based on the core architecture. It was released a couple of years later to the introduction of Pentium D.

Pentium D was the first dual-core processor from Intel. It was introduced in the year 2005. During that time, AMD was in high demand in the market with its dual-core feature. So basically Pentium D was introduced to compete with it. It is based on the P4 architecture.

On the other hand, Pentium Dual-core was the greatest step-up in the history of processors. It was introduced in the market two years later and was indeed a huge success. It overcame all the problems faced during the era of Pentium D. It has a very high speed and is compatible and user-friendly with the system.

Comparison Table Between Pentium D and Pentium Dual-core

Parameters of Comparison

Pentium D

Pentium Dual-core


It is based on P4 architecture.

It is based on core architecture.


It has a higher clock speed as compared to Pentium Dual-core.

It has a lower clock speed as compared to Pentium D.


It consumes high power.

It consumes comparatively less power.


It produces more heat.

It produces less heat.


It has a non-shared L2 cache.

It has a shared L2 cache.

What is Pentium D?

The construction is quite simple. It is designed by setting two P4 cores side by side. However, they work separately and are not linked to each other. They do not share any common features are assigned with their specific functions.

It has a TDP between 95W to 130W which is considered very high. However, each of them has the same cache size of 2MB. Pentium D can reach clock speed up to 3.7 GHz. However, it could not make a huge success in the market. The motherboard that supports Pentium D must be able to cope with the high-power requirement. For the safety of the system, it is suggested to install a cooling system. This ensures better, safe, and long-term work.

There were a lot of comebacks that needed to be overcome. Certain features were being discovered that were not compatible with the system. Hence it was not a success how the makers expected it to be. Due to this failure, it was not able to compete with AMD for a long period.

However, a huge amount of heat is produced even at a low clock speed. This is one of the disadvantages and is harmful to the system. It also consumes a huge amount of power. Pentium D processors are indeed power-hungry. It does not include hyper-threading.

What is Pentium Dual-Core?

Pentium D is based on core architechture. It is adapted to the best qualities and amazing features. All the flaws and challenges faced by the Pentium D were overcome by this invention swiftly. It outperformed Pentium D to a great extent and was a very successful introduction in the market.

As the name suggests, it has two cores. It executes in parallel and shares the same memory. It was introduced in early 2007 and is available in an affordable price range. It comes with a lot of exciting features. The enhanced power technology is probably the best adaption in Pentium Dual-core.

It comprises an external bus of 533/800 MHz. It has Intelligent Power Capability and comes with an SSE3 instruction set. It has a lot of advanced features to be safe for the system. They include Dynamic Power Coordination and Advanced Thermal Manager.

It produces the minimum amount of heat. It was a great achievement since it was one of the main problems in Pentium D. However it is not designed to run at a very high speed. It can reach a maximum speed of 3Ghz. Although this is a disadvantage, the other features make up for it pretty well. It has a TDP of 64W.

Main Differences Between Pentium D and Pentium Dual Core

  1. The main difference between Pentium D and Pentium Dual-core lies in its architecture. Pentium D is based on P4 whereas, Pentium Dual-core follows the dual architecture.
  2.  Next comes power consumption. Pentium D consumes a high amount of power. Pentium Dual-core consumes comparatively less power. It is surely one of the best features.
  3. Pentium D has a higher clock speed as compared to Pentium Dual-core. Pentium Dual-core has a lower clock speed as compared to Pentium D.
  4. Coming to cache, Pentium D has a non-shared L2 cache whereas, Pentium Dual-core has a shared L2 cache.
  5. Pentium D produces a great amount of heat which is harmful to the system. Pentium Dual-core is specially  designed to produce less amount of heat.


Pentium is a family of microprocessors developed by intel. Initially, it was a single-chip processor with 3.3 million transistors. The processor speed ranged from 60 to 200 MHz. Its main features included a 32-bit address bus, 64-bit data bus, memory management units, and floating points. Hence it was widely considered a great choice for personal computers.

Over the years, there were a continuous improvement and the introduction of new elements in the family. After the market reviews, the makers focused on the outcomes and improved them in their next invention. Hence they are user-friendly and safe for the system.


  1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1645663/
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1383762108000313