Difference Between Baud Rate and Bit Rate (With Table)

Bit rate and Baud rate the two are a part of the data communication. Despite the fact that we use data every day in today’s scenario, we are not well acquainted with the terms related to this field. And even when we know the terms, we do not know much about their definition. Bit rate and Baud rate are two aspects of data information, and they are not the same thing at all.

Baud Rate vs Bit Rate

The main difference between baud rate and bit rate is that bit rate tells us about the quantity of bit that travels per time unit and baud rate tells us about the quantity of signal that passes through the time unit. Bit tare is competent to inform the computational efficiency, unlike baud rate. Baud rate, on the one hand, is eligible to determine the bandwidth, but bit rate can not do the same.

The count of signal through bit rate is measured with the element of baud rate. In the region of data information, the baud rate helps to transfer bits or binary data. Baud can only transfer bit rate. It can not determine it. However, it is able to regulate the bandwidth of the channel.

Bit rate counts the amount of bit per the time unit. A bit is the amount of binary data that gets communicated in a fixed amount of time. Bit rate is not competent enough to determine the bandwidth. However, it is useful for computational efficiency.

Comparison Table Between Baud Rate and Bit Rate

Parameters of Comparison

Baud Rate

Bit Rate


The count of signal units per second is called the baud rate.

The count of bits per second is called bitrate.


The number of baud rates signifies the number of times the state of a signal is changing.

The number of bit rates signifies the number of bits that travelled per second.

Related to

Baud rate is used when data transmission is focused over the channel.

Bit rate is based on computational efficiency.


To know the number of transmitted signal units baud rate gets used.

In order to identify the number of bits transmitted per unit bitrate gets used.


Baud rate is capable of determining the required signal with bandwidth.

Bit rate is not capable of determining the bandwidth.

What is Baud Rate?

Baud is nothing but a unit to measure the rate of speed. It is a unit that gets used in the field of data communication. The signal that gets expressed in the quantity form is the baud rate. Baus rate of the signal gets equal to the bit rate per second. The transferred data speed is counted with the baud rate.

The bit is the binary transferred numbers, that is, 0 and 1. And bit rate often gets mixed up with baud rate. But the baud rate is different. Baud rate has the ability to specify channel bandwidth. The necessary portion of the signal to transfer through the use of the bit rate is decided by nothing else but baud. And the amount of it is counted with baud rate.

What is Bit Rate?

In the field of telecommunications, the bit rate is known as the number of bits that get indicated per unit of time. In the area of digital multimedia, bit rate depicts the quantity of any information. It also indicates the details that get stored per unit of time. The amount of bits used per second is also able to depict content, for instance, audio or video, after its data is compressed or coded. The encoding bit rate of any multimedia content or file is counted in bytes.

To count the Bit Rate, one needs to multiply the baud rate by the number of bit per baud. Bit rate is not capable of determining the requirement of bandwidth for the purpose of transmission of the signal. If you are interested to know about the needed time to travel of every piece of information, then the bit rate is significant for you. This is because it communicates the efficiency of the computer.

Main Differences Between Baud Rate and Bit Rate

  1. The count of signal units per second is called the baud rate, and the count of bits per second is called bitrate.
  2. In order to obtain the knowledge of the number of communicated signal units, the baud rate gets used. But to specify the number of bits conveyed per unit, bit rate gets used.
  3. Baud rate is used when data transmission is focused over the channel. While on the other hand, the bit rate is based on computational efficiency.
  4. Baud rate is capable of specifying the required signal with bandwidth. Whereas the bit rate is not competent enough to determine the bandwidth.
  5. Each number of baud rates denotes the number of times the state of a signal is altering. But each number of bit rates, on the other hand, implies the number of bits that get communicated per second.


We often come across the terms Bit rate and Baud rate while dealing with data information and data communication. A bit is the amount of binary data that gets communicated in a fixed amount of time. On the contrary, baud rate the number of signal units that gets communicated through a fixed unit of time. Baud rate is indeed required to denote bits.

We can think of the baud to be a means of transport, and the bit can be described in relation to passengers. All the means of transport or baud carries and transfers the bits or passengers from one point to another. Both bit rate and baud rate are used to assess the speed of data. Bit rate tells the quantity of bit, and baud rate tells the quantity of signal.


  1. https://www.rpi.edu/dept/ecse/mps/Bit_&_Baud_Rate.pdf
  2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/1199291/