Difference Between HTML and CSS (With Table)

Computer languages can be tricky and hard to comprehend. As a result, we may often mistake computer languages to mean the same. HTML and CSS are two such computer languages. Although booth HTML and CSS have a practical application to create web pages, they vary considerably. There are differences in the functions, drawbacks, and properties of both HTML and CSS.


The main difference between HTML and CSS is that HTML has a practical application in creating the basic structure and content of a web page. In contrast, CSS is a programming language that serves to enhance the look of a web page. HTML is a markup language. On the other hand, CSS is a stylesheet language. 

HTML refers to HyperText Markup Language. It is the markup language used to design the structure and content of the web page.  HTML is limited to the development of the basic contents of a web page. Web browsers generally don’t display the HTML tag. Moreover, HTML is multi-lingual and enjoys significant community support.  However, HTML has limited security features and has slow technical progress. 

CSS refers to Cascading Styles Sheets. The type of format used by CSS is Style Sheet Language. Additionally, CSS allows for the separation of content and presentation. The separation ensures easy accessibility to the content for the users. It has an offline browsing feature and provides more attributes to the individual. However, security considerations are absent in CSS.

Comparison Table Between HTML and CSS

Parameters of Comparison




HTML is the standard mark-up language for documents designed to be displayed in a web page.

CSS is a programming language used for describing the overall presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. 


The developer of HTML is WHATWG.

The developer of CSS is World Wide Web Consortium.


HTML serves to design the basic structure of a web page. 

CSS serves to enhance the presentation and design of a web page. 

Page Loading

HTML has a slower page loading feature as compared to CSS. 

CSS has a faster page loading feature as compared to HTML. 

Language Type

HTML is a markup language. 

CSS is a sheet style language. 

What is HTML?

HTML is the standard mark-up language for documents designed to be displayed on a web page. The developer of HTML is WHATWG. Initially, HTML was launched in 1993. The full form of HTML is HyperText Markup Language. Scripting languages such as JavaScript and technologies like Cascading Style Sheets assist HTML in its operations. 

The building blocks of HTML pages are HTML elements. HTML allows the user to form structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as paragraphs, headings, quotes, and other items. HTML doesn’t have any types or categories. In addition, it consists of different characteristics owing to its varying elements and attributes. 

In HTML, each element has a specific opening and closing tag. HTML also allows the users to add images. It is a computer code that is easy to learn and apply. HTML is limited to the development of the basic contents of a web page. Web browsers generally don’t display the HTML tag. Instead, they use the tag for the interpretation of the content of the page. 

All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration. HTML instructs the web browser on how to display the content. HTML is language friendly and enjoys a significant community support. It is free of cost and platform-independent. However, HTML has limited security features and has slow technical progress. 

What is CSS?

CSS is a programming language used for describing the overall presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. The developer of CSS is World Wide Web Consortium. It was initially released on 17 December 1996. The full form of CSS is Cascading Styles Sheet. The type of format used by CSS is Style Sheet Language. 

CSS allows for the separation of content and presentation. The separation ensures easy accessibility to the content for the users. Additionally, it provides more flexibility in controlling the specifications of presentation characteristics. Apart from HTML, other markup languages support XHTML, SVG, and XUL. 

CSS has a practical application in designing web pages, layouts, and page style formats. It helps the users to change the old look of HTML. CSS permits individuals to design multiple web pages with the same specifications. Moreover, it can be used to style the texts and change the fonts to make the document look more appealing. 

CSS is easy to maintain and enjoys large community support. It has an offline browsing feature and provides more attributes to the individual. It is also faster in page loading. However, security considerations are absent in CSS. Moreover, it has cross-browser issues and can be messy to use. Thus, CSS has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Main Differences Between HTML and CSS

  1. HTML is the standard mark-up language for documents designed to be displayed on a web page. In contrast, CSS is a programming language used for describing the overall presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. 
  2. HTML serves to design the basic structure of a web page. On the other hand, CSS serves to enhance the presentation and design of a web page.
  3. The developer of HTML is WHATWG. In contrast, the developer of CSS is the World Wide Web Consortium.
  4. HTML has a slower page loading feature as compared to CSS. 
  5.  HTML is a markup language. On the other hand, CSS is a stylesheet language. 


In conclusion, HTML and CSS vary in basic function, full form, year of release, and properties. Initially, HTML was launched in 1993. On the other hand, CSS was initially released on 17 December 1996. It helps the users to change the old look of HTML. 

 HTML is language friendly and enjoys large community support. In contrast, CSS is faster in page loading. However, security considerations are absent in CSS. Moreover, it has cross-browser issues and can be messy to use. Thus, both HTML and CSS come with their pros and cons. 


  1. https://ghnet.guelphhumber.ca/files/course_outlines/AHSS_3080_Thomas_Borzecki(05).pdf 
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=A-tltyafYmEC&oi=fnd&pg=PR11&dq=html+css&ots=J6GJdS-zGR&sig=M23PbI_BwWVx01tqYD9hJt_Ci0c