Difference Between Flutter and React Native (With Table)

This era is full of technologies, therefore the more the platform is convenient the more it is preferred. People usually search for the easiest path they can get, so for giving them what they want programmers build easy platforms with the help of which normal people who don’t have any deep knowledge about a programming language can build websites and apps easily. Sometimes these platforms are free to use but mostly they are paid one example is a platform named Flutter. As demand of mobile apps are increasing so is, so developers are searching for platforms with the help of which they can create framework easily. One of those platform available is React native.

Flutter vs React Native

The main difference between Flutter and React native is that Flutter is a User Interface (UI) toolkit which is developed by google to create attractive and user friendly mobile applications, whereas React native is an open source javascript framework developed by facebook. As React native uses javascript user don’t need to compile code for every platform as same code can be run in Android as well as in iOS.

In Flutter the code is automatically compiled as per user requirement. Which makes it more preferred as it also doesn’t slows down during this process.

React native and Flutter are free and open source platforms this means that user can do any changes required as per their convience for free. Flutter is more organized as compare to React native. Sometimes running hybrid applications might slow down React native but in case of Flutter it doesn’t affect the runtime and this gives the applications a better native performance.

In Flutter testing is done by Flutter itself but you need to use third-party tools for testing in React native. Different types of testing can be done in Flutter like unit testing, widgets testing and integration testing.

Comparison Table Between Flutter and React Native

Parameters of comparison


React Native


It is an open source and free platform for creating attractive applications for desktop and mobile.

It is an open source platform used for creating Frameworks for applications.

Created by

It is created by Google. On December 4, 2018.

It is created by Facebook. On March 26, 2015.

Programming language

It uses Dart for creating applications.

It uses Javascript for creating applications.

Written in

C,C++ and Dart.

Javascript,Java, Python,C++ and Objective-C.


Inbuilt tools does the testing.

Uses third- party tools for testing.


It has organized structure with lots of widgets.

It is unorganised and uses third-party tools for making applications attractive.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open source software kit developed by Google on December 4, 2018. This platform is used for creating attractive and beautiful mobile applications for both Android and iOS.

Flutter is very organized and has lots of widgets for convenience in designing. It has an inbuilt testing tool kit which does different types of testing like integration testing. unit testing and widgets testing.

Flutter is smooth when it comes to run codes in different platforms as it compiles the applications using C/C++ library. User can make changes which can be visible during development or runtime.

It Is an open source and free platform that means users can do the changes as per their requirements. Flutter is written in C,C++ and Dart.

What is React Native?

React native is an open source mobile application framework created by Facebook on March 26, 2015. It is used to create or develop applications for Android and iOS etc. It uses Javascript for creating user friendly mobile applications.

As it uses Javascript so therefore user does not need to compile code for different platforms as same code can be run on any platform this saves time.

It is written in JavaScript, Java, C++, Python and Objective-C. User can make changes which can be visible during development or runtime. Third-party access is fully supported in React native as it uses third-party tools for testing.

It also allows to resuse the codes which was already written this saves time and user can create their applications fast.

Main Differences Between Flutter and React Native

  1. Flutter has an inbuilt tool for testing and does different types of testing like integration testing and widgets testing ect. Whereas in React native the testing is done by third-party tools.
  2. React native uses Javascript so users does not need to write different codes for different platforms but sometimes it slows down when working with hybrid applications. But as Flutter uses C/C++ library so it does not slows down easily.
  3. React native has strong community support as compare to Flutter.
  4. Flutter is very organized and has lots of widgets to design. But on the other hand React native is not very organized and needs third-party tools for making applications attractive.
  5. Flutter does better compilation and does not slows down as compare to React native. As React native slows down when it comes to hybrid applications.


As technology is at it’s peak people search for easiest ways to get the process fast. Flutter and React native does that only they process and gives user defined programs by which people can make attractive applications for desktop and mobile.

Flutter is more organized and has so many inbuilt tools but React native uses third-party tools this doesn’t make React native less preferred as it is giving other applications a chance of proving themselves.

Flutter and React native both are free and open source which makes them more preferred because users can change and can define their own requirements for free.These are getting more and more advanced after every new version is getting released. Both the platforms were developed by tech gaints so there is no worry for security and privacy.

React native uses third-party testing tools but Flutter uses it’s own testing tool which makes it all in one toolkit. But when it comes to compiling both are good.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889974601904359
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=274fCwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR2&dq=React+native&ots=tGqn8Kg7q_&sig=PYmAMv2uRB_Kbz5cgXDJjNu5lzY