Difference Between Forward and Redirect (With Table)

Java or HTML based web applications are made by compiling multiple screens and servlets. The control of the execution process is transferred from one JSP or server to another JSP or server using two methods, namely, forward method and redirect method.

Forward vs Redirect

The main difference between forward and redirect is that the forward command in web-based systems and applications is used to process the request of the client from one JSP or servlet to another JSP or servlet, the process under the forward command remains within the same server, on the other hand, the redirect command in web-based systems and applications is to redirect the request of the client to another window of a different server, the process under the redirect command is transferred to another server.

The forward method in a web application takes forward the request of the client from one resource of a servlet to another resource of the same server.

The redirect method is a web application that redirects the request of the client from one window of a server to the window of another server. In the forward method, the client is completely unaware of the underlying process and in the redirect method, the client is aware of the process.

Comparison Table Between Forward and Redirect 

Parameter of Comparison



What does it mean

In applications and web based systems, the forward command or method is used when there is a need to forward the request from one JSP or servlet to another JSP or servlet.

In web based systems, the redirect or send redirect command or method is used when there is a need to redirect the request of the client to a different URL that is located on a different server.

Involvement of the client

When the forward command is applied, the web container processes the request internally and thus the client does not have direct involvement in the process.

When the redirect command is applied, the current window is redirected to a different window and the client gets the proper information about what is going on, thus they have direct involvement in the process.

Control of execution command

The control of the execution command in the forward method remains within the currently ongoing web application.

The control of the execution command in the redirect method is transferred to the new or another window when it shows up.

Speed of execution

The forward command works within a single server, therefore, it operates at a faster speed.

The redirect command works slower as compared to the forward command since it operates within multiple servers.

Works best when

The forward command is most efficient when the component performs a business logic and the result is shared with another component.

The redirect command works most efficiently when the client is to be redirected from one page to another.

What is Forward?

Forward is an important command in all web based systems and applications. The forward method is required when there is a requirement of forwarding the request of the client from one JSP or servlet to another JSP or servlet. 

When the forward method is being carried out, the web container tends to complete the process internally and thus the client is not directly involved in the process. Thus, it can be said that the client is completely unaware of the process going on in the background.

The forward command operates on a single server, therefore, it is usually faster. The forward command works best when the component performs a business logic and the result is shared with another component.

What is Redirect?

Redirect command is one of the most important commands when it comes to operating within multiple servers. The redirect command is required when there is a requirement of establishing a connection between different servers. In The redirect command, the control is transferred from one server to the other server.

When the redirect method is applied, the process being carried out is displayed on the screen, therefore, the client is aware of what is happening. 

The redirect command operates between two or more servers, thus, it operates at a slower speed as compared to the forward command. The redirect command works best when there is a need to be redirected from one page to another.

Main Differences Between Forward and Redirect

  1. In web-based systems and applications, the forward command is used for forward whereas the redirect command is used for redirecting the process.
  2. The forward command is used to forward the request of the client from one JSP or servlet to another JSP or servlet, on the other hand, the redirect command is used to redirect the request of the client from one server to another server.
  3. In the forward command, the complete process takes place in the background, on the other hand, in the redirect command the process is visible on the screen.
  4. In the forward command, the client is completely unaware of what is happening in the background, on the other hand, in the redirect command, the client is aware of the process going on.
  5. In the forward method, the execution process remains within the same server, on the other hand, in the redirect method, the execution process takes place between multiple servers.
  6. The forward command processes at a faster speed since it takes place within a single server, on the other hand, the redirect command processes at a slower speed as compared to the forward command since it works within multiple servers.
  7. The forward command works most efficiently when the component performs business logic and the result is shared with another component, on the other hand, the redirect command works most efficiently when a page is to be redirected to the other page.


For the Java and HTML developers, it is of utmost importance to get proper knowledge about the forward command and the redirect command. Both commands have a different use. However, the forward command is more used as compared to the redirect command since it operates at a faster speed.


  1. https://www.jbc.org/content/287/32/26944.short
  2. https://www.jbc.org/content/287/32/26944.short