Difference Between FTP and TELNET (With Table)

While TELNET or the Telecommunication Network is responsible for providing a client user access to remote servers. It helps clients manage their resources stored on remote servers. Although, both FTP and TELNET are renowned IP protocols, the seminal difference between them lies in the functionality provided by each.


The main difference between FTP and TELNET is that while FTP is used to transfer files from one computer to another, TELNET is used to access a device through its remote log-in features.

File Transfer Protocol or FTP is an application layer protocol that is used to ease the process of transmitting files from one operating system to another. It also provides limited features for handling existing data directories.

Comparison Table Between FTP and TELNET

Parameters of Comparison




FTP is used as a connectivity protocol to transfer files from one system to another.

TELNET is a connectivity protocol used by a client to access the data stored on a remote server.

Full Forms

The full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol.

The full form of TELNET is Telecommunication Network.

Port Number

The commonly used port numbers for FTP are 20 and 21.

The commonly used port numbers for TELNET is 23.

Number of Connections Established

FTP operates by establishing two simultaneous connections. One connection is for the command controls and the other is to facilitate the file transfer.

TELNET operates by establishing only a single connection.

Security of Connection

The connection established by FTP is safer than the one established by TELNET.

The connection established by TELNET is unsecured.

Remote Login

Remote logins are not mandatory to avail of FTP facilities.

Remote logins are absolutely mandatory for the operation of TELNET.


FTP is a popular tool used for uploading and downloading web files.

TELNET has become more or less outdated, and its usage is now limited as a web diagnostic tool.

What is FTP?

FTP is the commonly used abbreviation for File Transfer Protocols that are used to transfer files from one computer to another. It can be used to upload and download files to and from the connected systems. FTP is used through a TCP connection.

The efficiency of FTP is enhanced by its ability to establish dual simultaneous connections. One connection is dedicated to the effective control of commands- that remains open throughout the process of transfer- while the other is used to transfer the file. FTP also has the added benefit of allowing multiple client users to access its servers simultaneously.

Some hiccups may be encountered while transferring files from the client to the server systems. These may be caused due to the differences in directory structures of the two systems, the file name conventions, etc. Moreover, the text and data structure in both systems may also be different, causing further issues.

What is TELNET?

TELNET or Telecommunication Network is a connectivity protocol that is used to provide virtual terminal services for clients. TELNET is used to connect a client’s computer with a remote server in order to use the data stored on such servers.

TELNET operates by establishing a single connection between the client and the remote server. It links the keyboard of the client user’s operating system with that of the remote computer. This creates the illusion of being actually connected to the remote system. The keystrokes of the client’s system automatically get transferred to the remote system.

The NVT or Network Virtual Terminal is a universal interface created by TELNET to ease this process of establishing connectivity. All characters inputted by the client software are converted into NVT approved forms and transmitted to the remote server. The same process is followed to relay the response from the server to the client.

Main Differences Between FTP and TELNET

  1. The main difference between FTP and TELNET is in terms of the functionality offered by each. While FTP is renowned for its ability to facilitate the transference of a file from one operating system to the other, TELNET is known and used for its ability to create channels of admission for users to access remote servers.
  2. The full form of each of the terms is also different. While FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, TELNET stands for Telecommunication Network. Each of these abbreviations highlights the core functions of these protocols.
  3. FTP is considered to be a safer protocol of transmission than TELNET. There may arise some security concerns while using TELNET.
  4. FTP operates on two connections. It establishes one of these connections to effectively control commands and the second connection is established to transfer the given file. Conversely, TELNET operates on only one established connection because it has a single operation port.
  5. The port number for FTP and TELNET also vary. For the former, the port number is 20 and 21, while for the latter it is 23.
  6. Remote login may not be a prerequisite for accessing FTP functionalities, whereas remote login is essential to use the TELNET connectivity protocols. Unless such remote logins are secured, TELNET commands cannot be issued.
  7. TELNET’s applicability has been minimized significantly in the current times. Its usage is mainly limited to diagnostic purposes today. On the other hand, FTP is used widely as a protocol to upload files to and download files from the web.  


Both FTP and TELNET are connectivity protocols. They were designed to enable effective communication between remote operating systems. Also known as application-layer protocols, FTP and TELNET have much more pronounced differences than this one common similarity.

FTP and TELNET offer differentiated functionalities to users. The former is responsible for enabling a more or less secured transfer of files from one system to another. It also facilitates the easy uploading and downloading of digital files from web pages.

However, TELNET’s operative genius is quite different. It enables users to access remote servers through its command protocols. For this purpose, TELNET requires a mandatory remote login connection. Operating with a single established connection, it aids clients to access data stored on distant servers.

The security level of each is also quite contrary to the other. While FTPs offer adequate security during file transfer, there may be serious security concerns with the operation of TELNET. These seminal differences between the two make them quite antagonistic to one another, although both were developed with similar intentions in mind.


  1. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
  2. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-1-4020-7870-5_83.pdf