Difference Between Login and Sign Up (with Table)

With technology evolving by each day people are getting more dependent on electronic devices more than themselves. People are more dependent on the services and functions provided by electronic devices.  Social media, online entertainment platforms, e-commerce, and business site all have been widely popularized. To protect the users’ information who are subscribing and enjoying a service, the protocol of sign up and log in has been made.

Eventually, newer methods of logging have also arisen such as for logging in into one’s phone one can use methods such as self-image, fingerprint scanning, retinal scanning, oral password input, and many more. Often time’s users can also save their credentials of different websites or applications in their device, and then while logging in the device recognizes the system and automatically fills in the users’ credentials.

What is Sign Up?

Sign up is a procedure to subscribe and register oneself to a service. It is a process of creating a new account. Users who are first time subscribing themselves to a website or an application undergoes this procedure. Often times signing up to a website to unlock their exclusive features and facilities provided a certain amount has to be paid via online transaction.

Signing up to a particular website or application gives one exclusive access to the facilities provided by them. Even though signing up to a particular site require a lot of personal details for security purpose such as name, address, phone number, email id and other such details it is very secure to share these most of the times as they are not disclosed and kept in a safe file by the company. Signing up is a one-time procedure. Once a user is signed up or officially registered to a website or application one does not need to bother any further because they have become a committed member of the company.

Main Differences Between Login and Sign Up

  1. Login is a process through which users identify themselves as authentic users or consumers whereas sign up is a process where a new user subscribes to the website or application to avail their features available.
  2. The only require credentials for login are user id and password. It can also be a two-step process if the user caves the details of the website in the device. Sign up on the other hand requests for a lot of personal data from the user as they are registering for the first time. All the data also required to be verified as legit.
  3. Login is a quick procedure and it can be made even quicker if the user saves the credentials. Sign up is a lengthy procedure as a lot of information has to be provided and verified.
  4. Login is a multi-time task as the user needs to log in each time they have been logged out whereas, signup on the other hand is a one-time procedure.
  5. New users can not login. Users have to be registered to the company to log in whereas sign in is primarily for new users.


With people updating themselves with the technology each day people have stepped into the online world, the need for improving their experience and security has arrived. Sign up and login is two aspects that are very commonly heard these days as they play a very important part in social media, online entertainment platforms, e-commerce, and business site.

Login is a process of identifying oneself as an authentic member of the company. All the users who login have to be already subscribed to the company to avail of their deals provided. It is a very quick procedure. Sign up is a process of registering a new member into a community. It is a one-time procedure where a lot of personal details of the user have to be presented.


  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/361082.361089
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0743106686900130
  3. https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/6691
  4. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/bse.650