Difference Between Memory Foam and Latex Foam (With Table)

Memory foam and Latex foam are two different kinds of foams. Both foam types have a wide range of applications. They are manufactured in different methods and used for distinct purposes. They have different methods of manufacturing. But both the foams are produced worldwide.

Memory Foam vs Latex Foam

The main difference between memory foam and latex foam is that the memory foam is less responsive and also expensive. On the other hand, the latex foam is more responsive. The latex foam is less expensive. Both the foam have different production materials and methods. Memory foam better works for back pains and aches, whereas latex foam, can make cool sleeping.

Memory foam is a material made of polyurethane. Other than polyurethane it also consists of many chemicals. The primary purpose of the chemicals is to increase the viscosity and density of the foam. The memory foam is also considered viscoelastic for its elastic property. Low resistance polyurethane is the other name of memory foam. The foam has bubbles or cells which are effectively move with the air. The foam reacts to the body when it is high in density. The foams can easily be recovered to their original shape when it is new.

Latex foam is also called foam latex. It is a lightweight foam. The latex foam contains bubbles or cells which are created from the liquid latex. Dunlop or Talalay processes are used in the manufacturing of latex foam. In this process, the liquid latex is molded and then the mattress is created. Using different kinds of polymers, the foam undergoes structural enhancements. The polymers act as fillers in the foams. Latex foams are known for their durability.

Comparison Table Between Memory Foam and Latex Foam

Parameters of comparison

Memory Foam

Latex Foam


Less noisy



Memory foam gives a cradling feel

Latex foam give on top feel

Temperature regulation

Memory foam is weak in temperature regulation

Latex foam has good temperature regulation methods.


Slow response

Sudden response




What is Memory Foam?

In memory foam, the network effect is responsible for the viscoelastic properties. The three effects are called pneumatic effect, adhesive effect, and relaxation effect. The primary purpose of the network effect is to restore the original structure of the foam. Depending on the temperature, the nature of the foam gets changed. Mechanical properties of the foam may also play a vital role in the production of the mattress.

Every effect has separate purposes. The pneumatic effect structure the foam. The adhesive effect work against decompression. the relaxation effect work against expansion. Glass transition temperature is responsible for the relaxation effect. The memory foam is temperature dependent and the glass transition temperature will be forcing the changes gradually. If the temperature is too cold, then the foam becomes hard. If the memory foam is too hot, then it behaves like conventional foams.
Polymeric creep explains the physics behind the memory foam.

The comfort of the mattresses produced from the memory foam will be affected by the mechanical properties of the foam. The comfort and durability will be split between trade-offs. Several memory foams have rigid cells which cause lower weight and easy recovery of the original position. The penetration of water can be prevented by a more dense or solid cell structure. These solid structures provide better durability and a great appearance.

What is Latex Foam?

Natural rubber latex is used in the production of latex foam in the early days. Nowadays for commercial purposes, an alternative of natural rubber latex called styrene-butadiene latex is used in manufacturing. Mineral fillers are the major material used to enhance the stability properties. The mineral fillers also increase the load-bearing capacity and flame resistance. Sometimes these fillers may break and cause weakness in tensile strength. The latex foam has various properties. Some of them are energy absorption, thermal conductivity, and compression.

Latex foam is known as a commercially suitable application for its various properties. The latex foam has some unique properties like soundproofing, transportation of goods, and upholstery. Latex foam is widely used for the construction process. It is also used in the production of masks and facial prosthetics. Foams contain plastic which causes damage to the environment. So, more research is happening to make eco-friendly latex foams.

Latex foams are nothing but lightweight and expanded foams. The cellular air present inside the foams can create different shapes and sizes. The amount of air present in the cells is responsible for the extension of the foam. Denser cells are called polyhedral, and less dense are spherical. Density is an important property of foam.

Main Differences Between Memory Foam and Latex Foam

  1. When compared to memory foam, Latex is more responsive.
  2. Memory foam is made of synthetic, whereas latex foam is made of natural rubber latex.
  3. Memory foam has a motion location technique, whereas latex foam does not have that technique.
  4. When compared to memory foam, latex foam does not work well in sound absorption.
  5. When compared to memory foam, latex foam are heavy and complex to move.


Memory foam and latex foam are two kinds of foams. Both the foams have different properties and structure elements. The memory foam is expensive and has many features. The latex foam is produced from nature rubber latex. But both the foam have used many chemicals in the commercial productions. Bot the foams have many properties. They can change the structures and size depending on the cells or bubbles present inside the foams. There are many elements mixed to create the foams. Foams are nothing but a product used in the production of mattresses. Depending on the temperate, there are various changes in the natures of the cells.


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roslim-Ramli/publication/323143870_Novel_natural_rubber_latex_memory_foam/links/5a82aa5eaca272d6501a0820/Novel-natural-rubber-latex-memory-foam.pdf
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10237-011-0345-8