Difference Between Toadstools and Mushrooms (With Table)

The world of Fungi holds mysteries and amusement. They are Eukaryotes. The kingdom Fungi consists of unicellular fungi like yeast and multicellular like Mushrooms. They produce spores for propagation and reproduction. These heterotrophs cannot synthesize their food. Spores travel in the air and settle at a place, germinate and grow. Edible mushrooms are added to dishes.

Toadstools VS Mushrooms

The main difference between toadstools and mushrooms is that Toadstools are not edible On the other hand, most of the mushrooms are edible. Toadstools are poisonous and not added to food. Mushrooms are cultured for commercial purposes. Mushrooms do not produce toxins, but the brightly colored toadstools make poison. It is an adaptation to survive the attack of predators.

Toadstool is an inedible and brightly colored fungus. They grow in the woods. Fall is the suitable season for the growth of toadstools. The fallen leaves form a littered surface. The moist weather of falls provides an ideal climate for Toadstools to grow. Finding a toadstool is considered a sign of good luck. Psychedelics obtained from toadstool helps in the treatment of few diseases.

Mushrooms include cultivable and edible fungi. The fleshy, soft portion of mushroom lies above the ground. They have a stem, cap, and gills under the cap. Spores released through the gills reach the land. The highly cultivated mushroom is the Agaricus bisporous. Asian cuisine makes use of mushrooms in various ways. Mushrooms can be cultivated in homes with proper training.

Comparison Table Between Toadstools and Mushrooms

Parameters of Comparison







Brightly colored

Not all mushrooms are brightly colored


Deriving psychedelics

In food


Grows in the woods

Cultivated or grown in wild


Amanita muscaria

White button mushroom, Oyster mushroom

What are Toadstools?

Toadstools grow in the Cavernous woods. They are often brightly colored to ward off predators. Animals consuming toadstools develop adverse symptoms. They produce a poison that can cause health issues. Diarrhea, nausea, seizures, etc. Some toadstools are lethally poisonous. One toadstool is enough to kill an entire animal. Animals stay away from such types.

Though most of the toadstools are poisonous, there are also non-poisonous varieties. Distinguishing the poisonous one from non-poisonous is cumbersome. Some non-poisonous toadstools may become poisonous when mixed with alcohol. People may also be allergic to non-poisonous toadstools and develop hypersensitivity reactions. There is no antidote for toadstool poisoning.

Toadstools poisoning causes symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, organ damage, drowsiness, confusion, and vomiting. Symptoms appear within 30 mins or 24 hours of consumption. Mild poisoning lasts for a few days and clears on its own. Severe poisoning is lethal. Children and pets are easily susceptible to poisoning. The toadstool consumed must be taken to the hospital. It helps to identify the fungi and thus treat the patient.

Toadstools develop on the ground after the rain. Toadstools are linked with fairytales and witchcraft. Herbalists find some toadstools psychedelic. They infuse them in tea. This tea gives a drug-like effect. The bright red cap and gills of toadstools are considered the home of pixies, fairies, and gnomes in fairytales. The hallucinogenic toadstools are a symbol of good luck and the presence of fairy folks nearby.

What are Mushrooms?

The thallus or mycelium lies beneath the soil. The fruit body containing the cap and stem appears above the ground. The word mushroom originated from the French word mousse referring to moss. Mushrooms may or may not be palatable. A mycologist identifies the types of mushrooms. The spore print or color serves as a character for identification.

The primordium of mushrooms is 2 millimeters in size. These spores form inside the root or mycelium of the mushrooms. As the primordium enlarges, it resembles a button. Rolls of mycelium surround the button. The stalk of the mushrooms supports the cap. Stalkless mushrooms like polypores lack a stalk. They form brackets or puff-like structures as in puffballs.

Jellies, Truffles, Earthstars, and bird’s-eye nests are also stalk-less varieties. Hymenium or spore-bearing cells cover the surface of the gills. Mushrooms do not grow overnight. They develop inside the soil for several days before emerging out. They expand rapidly by absorbing water and nutrients through their mycelium. Some mushrooms grow overnight and regenerate in the afternoon.

The primordial buttons require a moist condition to grow. It is the reason why mushrooms pop up after rain. Few mushrooms develop overnight, show up in the morning, bulge, release spore and die off. The fruit body may be short-lived. Mycelium stays in the soil for a long time.

Main Differences Between Toadstools and Mushrooms

  1. The term toadstools originated in the 14 th century. Mushroom originated during the 15th century. Toadstool means a stool for toads.
  2. Toadstools are mostly poisonous and hence not consumed. Mushroom is non-poisonous and added to food dishes
  3. Toadstools grow in the wilderness and are not commonly cultivated. Mushrooms like white button mushrooms are cultivated and marketed
  4. Toadstools have been depicted in folklore and fairytales. According to fairytales, Fairies and gnomes live in toadstools. Mushrooms growing in a ring is called fairy ring. Fairy rings indicate the presence of fairies
  5. Few toadstool varieties are non-poisonous. These varieties are used for making psychedelic tea. Mushrooms dishes like mushroom soups, noodles, gravy holds an integral part in some cuisines


Toadstools and Mushrooms are autumnally appearing mostly in the fall season. The season itself is magically related to Halloween. Toadstools are considered magical things and some people collect them. Fall is the end of summer and the arrival of winter. This season comprises dewy weather and occasional rainfall. Which forms the ideal environment for fungi to sprout.

Mushrooms like Arachnus Phylarkus have amazing healing properties. Though poisonous when consumed, steeping them into a tea helps the drinker resist poison and diseases. It is hard to collect these mushrooms because of the poisonous spider living in association with them. Psychedelic compounds like Psilocybin derived from mushrooms help in medical purposes. Toadstools are used in cartoons and movies of the fairytale or Fantasy genre.


  1. https://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=US201300024606
  2. https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2005/906016/