Difference Between United Kingdom and Great Britain (With Table)

Each nation has been passionate about expanding its land and power using every possible method. This passion can be seen in the history of Britain, an island near northwest Europe. Whether it’s the United Kingdom or Great Britain, Both of them are combined nations of three to four nearby islands. Britain ruled over not only these islands but also an enormous part of the world.

United Kingdom vs Great Britain

The main difference between United Kingdom and Great Britain is that the United Kingdom is a political term that comprises all of Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland), and a separate reign Northern Ireland. Great Britain, on the other hand, is a geographical term that is also known as Britain. It encompasses other islands that are Scotland, England, and Wales.

The United Kingdom is a country in Europe that is made up of England, Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. The United Kingdom is situated in north-western Europe, and it is known as an island nation. The capital city of the United Kingdom is London, and it is the birthplace of a widely loved playwright, William Shakespeare.

A group island, Great Britain, is in the United Kingdom that comprises Wales, England, and Scotland. This island is detached from the mainland of Europe. The North Sea and the English Channel are two separators of the European mainland and Great Britain. Great Britain is an island filled with prehistoric sites such as castles and Neolithic Stonehenge. Great Britain has many beautiful low hills and mountains.

Comparison Table Between United Kingdom and Great Britain

Parameters Of Comparison

United Kingdom

Great Britain


The United Kingdom is a country that consists of four islands, including Great Britain, located in north-western Europe.

Great Britain is not a country but a group of three islands that are England, Wales, and Scotland.

Type of government

The type of government found in the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, unitary, and parliamentary.

Great Britain is a commonwealth realm, but it also has a constitutional monarchy and parliament.

Official name

The official term for the United Kingdom is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The official term for Great Britain is The United Kingdom of Great Britain.


The area on which the United Kingdom expands is approximately 242,495 square km.

The area of Great Britain is approximately 209,331 square km.


The currency used by people in the United Kingdom is known as the Pound sterling.

The currency used by people in Great Britain is the British pound, also known as GBP.

What is United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom is an island that is an alliance of Northern Ireland and Britain. The United Kingdom is shortened and widely known as the UK. The United Kingdom is a sovereign country situated on the north-western side of the European mainland. The ‘God Save the Queen’, written by Henry Carey, is the anthem of the United Kingdom.

London is both the most significant and capital city of the United Kingdom, and the official language spoken and used in documentation in the UK is English. The largest religion found in the United Kingdom is Christianity, with almost sixty percent. There is about five percent Hinduism and one and a half percent of Muslims. The demonym used to indicate something from the United Kingdom is British and sometimes Brit.

There are three types of ruling bodies. One of them is a constitutional monarchy, and the other two are Unitary and parliamentary. The legislature of the United Kingdom is made of two houses; the upper house and the lower house. The upper house of parliament is known as the House of Lords. On the other hand, the lower house of similar parliament is known as the House of Commons.

Great Britain comprises four countries, and except for England, the other three countries have their separate governments. The United Kingdom was formerly known as the Kingdom of Great Britain. A ‘Treaty of Union’ was signed by both Scotland and England in 1707, and they together became ‘Great Britain.’

In 1801, the Kingdom of Ireland also joined this ‘Treaty of Union’ and became part of the Kingdom of Great Britain. But later, Ireland fought for its freedom and became independent in 1922. Now only Northern Ireland was left in the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.

What is Great Britain?

Great Britain is not a country, but simply a name that was given to the group of three islands England, Wales, and Scotland. Great Britain is one of the largest islands in the world. The total area of the land on which Great Britain is expanded is 2209,331 square km, which sums up to 88,745 square miles.

The main features of Great Britain are its natural and beautiful environment, its history, and historic architecture. ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’ is The official term used for Great Britain. The currency used in Great Britain by people is the British pound, shortly known as GBP. Human beings have been living on Great Britain island for millions of years.

Great Britain also has a long and fantastic history. In 55 BCE, Great Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire, and it had to be merged into that Empire. Several local tribes around 1066 ruled over Great Britain. After that, the Norman Conquest was the first ruling body that was concerned with the cultural and political development of Great Britain.

Great Britain has a dynamic history where it was ruled by countless kings and queens throughout history. Many circumstances led the United Kingdom to become part of treatises. The term ‘Great Britain’ was used for Britain since the year 1474. It was also the year when the marriage of James IV and Cecily was fixed.

Main Differences Between United Kingdom and Great Britain

  1. The formation of Great Britain was established in the year 1707. The United Kingdom, on the other hand, was officially formed in 1801, almost a century after Great Britain.
  2. Great Britain is a collision of three nations or islands are England, Wales, and Scotland, whereas the United Kingdom is known worldwide as a collision of Northern Ireland and Great Britain.
  3. Great Britain developed a currency for its citizens called the British pound. On the other hand, Pound sterling is known as the currency of the United Kingdom.
  4. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official term used in place of the United Kingdom. On the other hand, the official word to denote Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  5. In the United Kingdom, three types of government rules, unitary, parliamentary and constitutional monarchy. On the other hand, Great Britain is considered to be a commonwealth nation.


The nations in the alliance can develop together and reach the maximum level of prosperity. Collaboration can be established between governments, states, organizations, etc. The United Kingdom is not only one example of the coalition.

Yet it is has been proved to be one of the most powerful alliances. At a point, Great Britain ruled over 50 countries across the world. The other countries fought very hard to be freed, and that’s how Great Britain became a part of the history of those countries.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=TK8cBQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=United+Kingdom&ots=a6lWk1RInT&sig=IktJjdzvJ69w3teT5yx4TQHh1vc
  2. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781315632698/popular-contention-great-britain-1758-1834-charles-tilly