Difference Between Paprika and Sweet Paprika (with Table)

To garnish food or to add flavor and color to food, we use substitutes over food such as paprika, flavored content, pepper, or powdered ingredients. Though regular paprika and sweet paprika sound like they are the same, they have some little differences that make sense to study.

Paprika vs Sweet Paprika

The main difference between paprika and sweet paprika is that paprika is a garnishing substitute that acts as a spice and has a tint of pepperiness to add to food or dishes. On the other hand, sweet paprika acts as a substitute that is sweet in flavor and has less pepperiness.

Paprika is a term used for a spice that is often used as regular paprika. It is a spice that is orange-colored and has a gentle and fine texture and adds a flavor of pepperiness and imparts color to food. Regular paprika spice is used as a food additive.

Sweet paprika is another form of regular paprika and has sweetness in taste besides being peppery and additive to food. Sweet paprika has a little bitterness and pepperiness and has a fruity flavored tone. It also has a powdered texture and tone. Sweet paprika also acts as a food additive.

Comparison Table Between Paprika and Sweet Paprika

Parameters of Comparison


Sweet Paprika


Paprika or plain paprika is a regular spice with pepperiness and little bitter flavor in food.

Sweet paprika has a sweet tone along with a fruity and little peppery flavor in food.

What Texture

Paprika has a plain and fine texture with very minimal particle size.

Sweet paprika does not have a fine texture and has coarse aggregate particles.


Paprika is extracted from bell peppers and other spicy peppers with chilies.

Sweet paprika is made from red sweet peppers and cherry peppers.


Paprika is used as a garnishing component besides adding peppery and heated spicy taste to food.

Sweet paprika is used to give a sweeter tone to food along with little bitterness.


Paprika is used as a heating component with roasts and fries for spicy food

Sweet paprika cannot be used as a healing spice.

What is Paprika?

Paprika is a powdered ingredient that is used as a spice in taste and flavor. It imparts color to the food also. Paprika has a peppery flavor and has bitterness like a spice. It is heated in several ways and has a chilly-like taste also. Paprika is often considered as regular spicy paprika or just plain paprika in everyday language.

To flavor and garnish dishes in some ways, we use paprika as a spicy agent. Paprika is sprinkled all over the food and is used to garnish the food so that the dish looks good and beautiful. Paprika has a fine texture that is often spread like a powder obtained by chopping and grinding big lumps. The regular paprika has a spicy texture and it is extracted in red and orange color. It is used as a spicing agent and imparts food taste with some peppering and bitter tone.

Paprika spice is obtained by crushing and grinding peppers like black and bell peppers along with chilies. The pepper components give a taste of pepperiness and a spicy tint is obtained by the use of chilies. The chilies are often spicy. Paprika is also used with roasting and frying spicy food.

What is Sweet Paprika?

Sweet paprika is a non-heated and a form of paprika spice. It is different in taste and flavor. Sweet paprika has a little sweetness in its taste and has a tint of pepper taste also. Besides sweet and peppery taste, the sweet paprika powder does not have a heating property. We cannot use sweet paprika to heat and add spices in a portion of food like we use plain paprika for frying spicy food with chilies, onions, and veggies.

Moreover, sweet paprika is also obtained in powdered form and has a coarse texture. It does not have a fine sprinkled component and often has lumps, unlike regular paprika spice. Sweet paprika is also used for garnishing and adding a sweeter tint of taste to dishes. Sweet paprika does not make use of chilies and other spicy ingredients to be made.

While extracting sweet paprika in powdered form, we use cherry peppers along with American sweet red peppers with no use of chilies. However, other ingredients like cloves, cinnamon, and lemons are widely used while making both regular and sweet paprika spices. Sweet paprika is also known for its fruity appearance and taste. This fruity tone and sweetness make it a popular peppery spice.

Main Differences Between Paprika and Sweet Paprika

  1. Paprika does not have a sweet or a fruity tint in it. On the other hand, sweet paprika has a fruity tone and freshness.
  2. Paprika is used as a spicing agent in food. On the other hand, sweet paprika is not a spicing ingredient but is used to add sweet or fruity flavor.
  3. Paprika is used as a garnishing agent or a taste enhancer. On the other hand, sweet paprika is used to reduce pungency of food.
  4.  Regular paprika has very high smokiness. On the other hand, sweet paprika is not smoky.
  5. Paprika is widely available with all types of food and cuisines. On the other hand, sweet paprika is used only with exotic and royal American and Italian cuisines.


Paprika and sweet paprikas are both very popular taste ingredients and food additives in different parts of the world. Whenever we have to get a taste of spice and chilies in food, we make use of plain or regular paprika spice. Sweet paprika is used whenever a tint of sweetness or fruity odor is to be extracted in a dish.

Sweet paprika and plain paprika have worthwhile differences like sweet paprika is more costly than regular ones and it has a fruity and sweety tone in powder. There are also differences in the texture and powder of both spices. Each spice is used as per the taste and need.


  1. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11130-016-0550-9
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0039914014003038