Difference Between Butter and Ghee (With Table)

Dairy products are part of most households across the globe. Butter is used in many recipes, especially in the west. Speaking of ghee, they are used in many Indian recipes. They are mainly used to prepare desserts and as such. The clarified form of butter is known as ghee. They are also mainly used in middle eastern cuisine. 

Butter vs Ghee

The main difference between butter and ghee is that ghee is known as a clarified form of butter. On the other hand, butter is obtained from the churned cream. Speaking of health benefits, compared to butter, ghee is considered to be healthy. In Indian cuisine, ghee is said to add richness to the sweet or dessert. They are used mainly in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Butter is mostly used in western cuisines.

Butter comes under diary product as they are obtained from the churned cream (Made from the fat/protein contents). There are many brands of butter. Some of them include Amul Butter, Aavin Butter, Britannia, Patanjali, etc. (These are Indian brands). Butter can be prepared from any mammal’s milk, including cow, goat, yak, etc.

Ghee is very popular among Indian households. Many sweets and other desserts use ghee during the preparation. Unlike butter, the smoking point of ghee is tended to be higher. Interestingly, irrespective of the fat contents that are present in ghee, they are also considered to be healthy if consumed in a balanced manner.

Comparison Table Between Butter and Ghee

Parameters of Comparison




It comes under diary products and is formed from churned cream (mammal’s milk).

Ghee is nothing but a clarified form of butter.

Smoking point

It has a low smoke point.

Ghee contains a high smoke point.


They are used in almost all cuisines.

They are mainly used in Indian and middle eastern cuisines.

Health benefits

Contains calcium and fat contents. 

It boosts the immune system if consumed in a balanced manner.

Alkalizing or Acidic

Butter is slightly acidic.

Ghee is slightly alkalizing in nature.

What is Butter?

Butter is used in many dishes across the globe. They are found in every western as well as Indian household. Almost all recipes contain adding of butter to either sauté the veggies or use butter as a spread in slices of bread. They are made from the protein and fat contents that are presented in the churned cream (cow or any other mammal’s milk).

Unlike ghee, butter contains a low smoke point. As they are prepared from milk, they also contain calcium, which is said to contribute to bone development. It is to be noted that butter contains high fat, and it is always recommended to consume butter in a balanced manner. Butter created from cow’s milk is very popular among people. They can also be prepared from other mammals like yak, buffalo, and sheep. Nowadays, plant-based butter is also available for vegans.

They are usually made from soy milk. Interestingly, plant-based butter is free of cholesterol, but again, they are said to contain a high amount of coconut oil which again is not healthy. All in all, one has to consume anything on a moderate level, keeping in mind the pros and cons, one must make sure to have a balanced diet to stay fit and healthy.

What is Ghee?

Every Indian household is familiar with the term “ghee.” They are nothing but a clarified form of butter. They enhance the taste of the dish and give a pleasant aroma. Ghee is often used in both Indian and middle eastern cuisines. They contain a good number of antioxidants and good fat, and a couple of vitamins, making them a healthier option over butter. They are prepared from the leftover cream/butter at home.

Again, one must remember that ghee should only be consumed in moderation as too much ghee can be unhealthy for an individual. Apart from cooking, ghee is also used while lighting lamps in India. It is believed that ghee has healing elements present in it. Also, ghee is used in many Ayurveda medicines, making ghee the go-to option for many Indians.

The churned cream is made into butter which in turn is simmered to get the ghee consistency. Just like butter, ghee is also used in almost every dish across India. For instance, they are used to make “Dosa,” they are used as a topping in sweet dishes, they are used in rice too. They are even used for sautéing veggies while preparing curries. During festive seasons, people used to fry snacks and prepare sweets using large amounts of ghee as they enhance the dish.

Main Differences Between Butter and Ghee

  1. The clarified form of butter is known as ghee. On the other hand, butter is a part of dairy products. It is prepared from the proteins of churned cream.
  2. Butter is said to have comparatively lower smoke points. On the other hand, ghee is said to have a high smoke point.
  3. Ghee is considered to have health benefits if consumed in a balanced manner. On the other hand, butter contains calcium and fat contents.
  4. In terms of alkaline or acid nature, Ghee is alkaline in nature. On the other hand, butter is acidic in nature.
  5. Ghee is mostly used in Indian cuisines as well as middle eastern cuisines, whereas butter is used in western cuisines.


Butter, as well as ghee, are almost the same. The former is the solid form, whereas the latter is the clarified form of butter. Ghee contains a lot of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, and as such. They add richness to the desserts and give out a pleasant aroma.

Butter, on the other hand, is a dairy product that is made from milk. Most people prefer butter which is derived from cow’s milk. Over the years, vegan-friendly butter has gained momentum. They are a great option for vegans. One must understand the differences between butter and ghee so that one can consume accordingly. It is always recommended to consume butter as well ghee in a moderate manner to stay healthy.


  1. https://ift.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2001.tb16082.x
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/047167849X.bio037.pub2