Difference Between Breakfast and Brunch (With Table)

Everyday meals have become rather diversified over the years. While breakfast, lunch, and dinner are the traditional meals of the day, brunch has become a relatively popular meal in the last few decades. Breakfast and brunch are two confusing meal terminologies. While they may seem identical, there are several points of difference between them.

Breakfast vs Brunch

The main difference between breakfast and brunch is that breakfast is the earliest meal of the day. On the other hand, brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch. While there is no alcohol involved in a breakfast meal, a brunch meal is usually supplemented by alcohol. 

Breakfast is the conventional meal to begin the day for many individuals. Studies suggest that breakfast has several health benefits. The breakfast meals served in different parts of the country vary immensely. While the primary breakfast meal of the British is croissants, the primary breakfast meal of Indians is flatbread, dosas, or idlis. Health professionals strongly believe that individuals can rather skip breakfast than eat an unhealthy one. 

Brunch is a recently popularized type of meal usually eaten at noon. In most circumstances, brunch serves as an occasion of social gathering. Individuals have a wide variety of food choices. Common brunch meals include teacake, waffle, touton, terrine, and soups. Brunch is a preferred choice for weekends primarily because individuals tend to wake up late. 

Comparison Table Between Breakfast and Brunch

Parameters of Comparison




The first meal of the day is breakfast. 

Brunch is a portmanteau of two important meals: breakfast and lunch. 


The term breakfast came into being from the 15th century onwards. 

The term brunch came into existence in the late 19th century. 


A breakfast meal does not contain alcohol. 

A brunch meal generally contains alcohol. 


The usual time for breakfast is 7-9 am. 

The usual time of brunch is from 10 am-2 pm. 


Some breakfast meals include idlis and croissants. 

Some brunch meals include dim sum and brunch quiche. 

What is Breakfast?

Breakfast generally refers to meal consumed at the onset of the day. In English, the word breakfast primarily means breaking the fast of the previous night. Generally, every region has its respective breakfast routines. In addition, the composition of breakfast has also undergone considerable changes over the years. Generally, breakfast is deemed the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast helps individuals to start their day full of energy and enthusiasm. It provides them with the stamina to carry out the day’s chores. Generally, breakfast is high in several nutrients, including fibre, calcium, iron, B vitamins, and folate. Furthermore, research suggests that individuals who regularly eat breakfast are more likely to receive their daily intake of minerals than those who don’t. 

There are multi-facet advantages to an early morning meal. Firstly, it helps individuals to control their body weight. This is primarily because eating breakfast avoids any large scale fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Secondly, breakfast boosts brainpower. Children and adults who regularly have an early morning meal can stay attentive and work productively. 

Some people often choose to skip breakfast. Primary reasons for skipping breakfast are a lack of time in the morning, lack of appetite in the morning, or the desire to lose weight. Some common breakfast meals across the world are bacon and eggs on toast, pancakes topped with butter and honey, a croissant, scrambled eggs, and salad breakfast.  

What is Brunch?

Brunch is a two in one meal for breakfast and lunch. The distinguishing feature of a brunch is that it is usually accompanied by an alcoholic drink such as champagne or a cocktail. The origin of brunch traces back to England in the late 19th century. It was only in the 1930s that brunch became a popular meal in the United States of America.

A brunch generally combines the meals served in both breakfast and dinner. In general households, brunch is most commonly associated with Sundays, primarily because people wake up late in the morning. The origin of brunch traces back to the British upper classes. The timings for a brunch vary from country to country. However, the most common time slot is 10 am-2 pm. 

Some examples of brunch foods are avocado toast, biscuits and gravy, bagel and cream cheese, bizcocho, breakfast sausage, bacon, bagel, cereal, cheese, dim sum, Dutch baby pancake, coffee cake, croissant, omelette, scrambled eggs, poached eggs, French toast, fruit, ham, hash, muesli, potato, potato pancake, roasted meats, salads, and quick bread. 

There are several advantages to eating brunch. Firstly, brunch allows individuals to choose whatever they wish to eat from a wide variety of options primarily because it is a combined version of breakfast and lunch. Secondly, brunch is an ideal option to conduct a social event. Thirdly, brunch functions as an ideal option for vegans and vegetarians because it offers several choices. 

Main Differences Between Breakfast and Brunch 

  1. Breakfast is the earliest meal of the day. On the other hand, brunch is generally a hybrid meal for breakfast and lunch.
  2. Breakfast offers fewer food choices as compared to brunch.
  3. Breakfast is a functional meal. On the other hand, brunch is generally preferred for social gatherings. 
  4. The term breakfast was introduced in the 15th century whereas brunch became popular from the 19th century onwards. 
  5. Some breakfast foods include poached eggs, idlis, dosas, and pancakes. On the other hand, some brunch foods include Dutch baby pancakes, French toast, fruit, and ham. 


Therefore, breakfast and brunch vary on several grounds. While breakfast is served in the early hours of the day, brunch is generally served in the later hours of the day to perform the function of both breakfast and lunch. In addition, breakfast generally offers limited food choices as compared to brunch that combines the food choices of both breakfast and lunch. 

An advantage of breakfast is that it allows individuals to energize themselves for the activities and chores of the day. In contrast, an advantage of brunch is that it allows individuals to stay in bed for a longer duration and works as a two for one option. To conclude, breakfast and brunch vary on several grounds. 


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breakfast 
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brunch