Difference Between Sweet Corn and White Corn (With Table) 

Corn, or maize, as an agricultural product may be traced back to the Aztecs and Mayans, and it spread during the Age of Discovery through numerous missions. It grew in popularity because of its adaptability as a crop, allowing it to thrive in a variety of climates. Corn has continually improved in both production and nutritional value over time, thanks to scientific developments. The fact that maize comes in a variety of subspecies is something that most people are unaware of. White and yellow corn are the two most common types of maize.   

Sweet Corn vs White Corn  

The main difference between sweet corn and white corn is that sweet corn has 86 calories, 1.18 grams of fat, 19.02 grams of carbs, 3.22 grams of protein, and 360 Kj of energy per 100 grams. On the other hand, white corn has 365 calories, 4.74 grams of fat, 74.26 grams of carbs, 9.42 grams of protein, and 1527 Kj of energy per 100 grams.  

Sweet corn is a sweeter variety of corn that comes in a variety of colors. It is collected during the milking period, and to avoid high quantities of starch, it is canned or frozen. Due to the softness of the kernels, this can be eaten raw and seasoned with lemon or salt. The recessive mutation approach was used to produce sweet corn.  

White corn is a sweet corn cultivar. In many regions of the world, it is favored. The presence of two recessive Y alleles gives it its color. The endosperm is white because these recessive alleles do not generate carotenoids. White sweet corn is a mutant of conventional field corn that contains a greater sugar to starch ratio.  

Comparison Table Between Sweet Corn and White Corn  

Parameters of Comparison 

Sweet Corn  

White Corn 





1.18 grams 

4.74 grams 


19.02 grams 

74.26 grams 


360 Kj 

1527 Kj 


3.22 grams 

9.42 grams 


Usually yellow or white 


Water content 



What is Sweet Corn?  

Sweet corn is a well-known corn variety throughout the world. It has been popular among us since the twentieth century and goes by several different names. As it is of varied colors, it is a mutant crop of field corn and white corn.   

Sweet corn was developed by various Native American tribes as a result of a spontaneous mutation in field corn. In 1779, the Iroquois gave European settlers the first sweet corn (known as ‘Papoon’). It quickly gained popularity in the United States’ southern and central regions.  

Sweetcorn is a maize variety bred for high sugar content and low starch content. The sugar in the kernels is slowly converted to starch once the cob is picked, which is why home-grown sweet corn tastes so much sweeter than store-bought sweet corn.  

There’s no way to make corn flour out of it. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or tinned. After harvesting, the vegetable is treated to prevent it from ripening and becoming hard. It’s possible to freeze it and then boil it later.  

It also helps to prevent heart disease and promotes digestion. It also has cancer-fighting effects. This mutant vegetable is high in nutrients and, therefore, helpful to humans.  

Sweet corn is also known by the names sugar corn and pole corn. They are caused by a mutation in the recessive gene of field corn that is responsible for the sweetness of sweet corn due to the conversion of sugar to starch. Due to their sweet flavor, humans consume them by boiling, roasting, and baking them.  

What is White Corn?  

White corn becomes coated in layers from green husks to white husks as it goes up the stalk. In comparison to field corn, it also has high water content. It is white, both in terms of the kernels and the milk that makes it up.   

In addition, the sugar converts to starch, making the kernels tougher and firmer. White maize is accessible year-round due to its ability to thrive in a variety of regions and weather conditions.  

The majority of white corn is classified as a sweet corn variety. Sweet corn is picked during the immature stage and treated as a vegetable, whereas most corn is of the field corn kind (i.e., handled as a grain).   

White corn has a robust, cylindrical, and elongated shape. The White Corn plant’s average height is estimated to be between 10 and 25 cm in length. Corn kernels are enclosed by a gold-colored husk, and one ear of corn can store between 200 and 400 kernels.  

The white kernels have a sweet flavor and a crunchy, tender firmness. The kernels became firmer and doughier as they ripened. The white kernels are delicious and have a high starch content. However, they lack flavor. The White Corn is available all year long.  

White corn’s nutritional benefit comes from the fact that it is a high-fiber food that aids with digestion. They also contain Vitamin E, which aids in the stimulation of free radicals in the body, as well as Vitamin C, which helps to improve the immune system. The presence of potassium aids in the improvement of body fluids.  

Main Differences Between Sweet Corn and White Corn  

  1. Sweet corn has 86 calories, while white corn has 365 calories per 100 grams.  
  2. Sweet corn has 1.18 grams of fat per 100 grams, whereas white corn has 4.74 grams of fat.  
  3. Sweet corn has 19.02 grams of carbs, and white corn has 74.26 grams.  
  4. Sweet corn has 360 Kj of energy, and white corn has 1527 Kj of energy per 100 grams.  
  5. Sweet corn has 3.22 grams of protein per 100 grams, and white corn has 9.42 grams of protein.  
  6. Sweet corn can be yellow or white in color, and white color is white only.  
  7. The water content of sweet corn is lower than white corn.  


Corns are good for you because they’re abundant in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage. They also lower the risk of heart and cancer-related illnesses. They are also good for the eyes since they protect the lens and lower the chance of cataracts.   

In many places of the world, both sweet and white corn has been known as a staple food. White corn is classified as sweet corn because it includes more sugar and water and is a mutation of conventional field corn with a greater sugar to starch content ratio.  


  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-journal-of-alternative-agriculture/article/managing-interference-in-a-sweet-cornwhite-clover-living-mulch-system/F616C18AC3B5D77CDFD67CFEAF8DC6B9  
  2. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-journal-of-alternative-agriculture/article/managing-white-clover-living-mulch-for-sweet-corn-production-with-partial-rototilling/CAC33D9411BCED5B00797072D27DDC8B