Difference Between Nationalism and Patriotism (With Table)

Every human being is very much attached to his or her motherland. Both the terms nationalism and patriotism inclines towards the love of the country but in a different aspect. So a confusion may arise between the two terms. But with proper observations, a lot of differences will arise between the two terms.

Nationalism vs Patriotism

The main difference between nationalism and patriotism is that nationalism believes in the superiority of their own country, which may downgrade the views on other countries, whereas, in patriotism, a patriot respects his or her country simultaneously will respect all other countries too. Nationalism may sometimes turn violence as a result of optimistic nationalism.

Nationalism believes that people of the country are equal, and the idealogy believes in unity. It also believes in the superiority of its country, compared to all other countries. The word nationalism has arrived from the word “Nation” meaning country. It can also be said that nationalism is how much an individual is proud of his/her country.

The word Patriotism originated in the 18th century, it came from the word patriot. The word patriot has its origin from the Greek word “patēr” which means fatherland. Patriotism is a term used for expressing the love for one’s nation and protecting its country from any kind of negative influence and people who want to harm the country.

Comparison Table Between Nationalism And Patriotism

Parameters Of Comparison




Nationalism believes in the superiority of their own country.

Patriotism is a term used for expressing the love for one’s nation.


Nationalism can come in many various types like Ethnic nationalism, marginal nationalism, cultural nationalism, Civic Nationalism, and so on.

Patriotism doesn’t have any classification.


The term Nationalism comes from the term “Nation”.

The word Patriotism originated from the Greek word “patēr”.


Nationalism can sometimes become violent.

Patriotism is a peaceful idealogy with no violence.


Nationalists believes that their nation is the best.

Patriotism respects all nations equally.

What is Nationalism?

Nationalism is an ideology that makes a person believe in the superiority of their country or state. Nationalism can turn a bit violent as nationalists can often turn a blind eye to any negative aspects of the country. Nationalism is intertwined with a country’s roots and cultures and values.

Nationalism believes that people of the country are equal, and the idealogy believes in unity. It also believes in the superiority of its country, compared to all other countries. The word nationalism has arrived from the word “Nation” meaning country. It can also be said that nationalism is how much an individual is proud of his/her country.

Nationalism can come in many various types like Ethnic nationalism, marginal nationalism, cultural nationalism, Civic Nationalism, and so on. Out of all the various aspects of nationalism, the most significant are ethnic nationalism, Cultural nationalism, and political nationalism. Ethnic nationalism demonstrates that the ethnics of any country has been passed down through generations, and has become the roots of the country’s identity. Cultural nationalism is nationalism when the country has the idealogy of a nationalist, based on the cultures and virtues of the country. And lastly, Political nationalism is where one believes in a political idealogy that he or she thinks is the best suited and protects the country’s cultures and values.

What is Patriotism?

Patriotism is a term used for expressing the love for one’s nation and protecting its country from any kind of negative influence and people who want to harm the country.

The phrase quickly conjures up the people who play an active role in defending the country from outside enemies. For example, people in the military, are considered the most patriotic for their heroic and life-threatening service of serving the country.

However, being in the military is not the only source of expressing patriotism. Patriotism comes in various forms and many other professions can be patriotic, like all doctors, teacher, firefighters and other professionals providing their services for the country also count indirectly as patriotism, as their service uplifts the country, and keeps the countrymen in a better condition. Patriotism doesn’t only remain in the country’s protection from the outside but also remains in the internal peace maintained in the country. Patriotism lies in every the smallest action like paying taxes, respecting the constitution, believing in equality, respecting all
Respecting the country and it’ cultures, and most importantly being a responsible citizen.

The word originated in the 18th century, it came from the word patriot. The word patriot has its origin from the Greek word “patēr” which means fatherland.

Main Differences Between Nationalism and Patriotism

  1. Nationalism is how much an individual is proud of his/her country Whereas Patriotism is a term used for expressing the love for one’s nation and protecting its country.
  2. The term Nationalism comes from the term “Nation” The word Patriotism originated from the Greek word “patēr”.
  3. Nationalism has classification whereas Patriotism has no classification.
  4. Nationalists may not take criticism of their nation, whereas Patriots accept criticism and believe in the overall improvement of the country.
  5. There are no professions that are considered Nationalist professions, but there are Professions that are considered to be patriotic.


The love for one’s country should be there. But the one most prominent thing that should be kept in mind is that every country should be respected and these characteristics can lack as a negative impact of nationalism. Patriots believe in accepting the flaws of the country so that, they can work on the improvement of the country and make progress in the country. Patriotism is an effect of liberal-minded opinions, whereas nationalism may not be that liberal in all terms.No conclusion should be drawn for which idealogy is the superior one, as both the ideologies are very sentimentally attached to people.


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  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1368430211430518