Difference Between Astrology and Astronomy (With Table)

Astrology is a collection of scientifically calculated facts about space, its link with daily human life, and its impact on the future. However, Astronomy is the study of the origins, motions, and future movements of planets and other celestial bodies in space.

Astrology vs Astronomy

The main difference between Astrology and Astronomy lies in the difference of their consideration, laymen understanding and many more factors. Some people think of astrology as superstitious predictions, whereas others believed in it. However, on the contrary, Astronomy is a pure study just like other branches of science such as geography, environment, etc.

The field of Astrology encompasses the examination and study of celestial bodies in space, their movement, and their influence on people’s lives. Astrology is regarded as pseudoscience by the majority of people. Astrologers are individuals who work in the subject of astrology. These people use the study of astrology to predict future occurrences in people’s lives.

Astronomy is the study of celestial objects in space and the entire cosmos in depth. Astronomy is a discipline of pure science that is studied. Those involved in the area of astronomy are commonly referred to as scientists. These people are interested in everything that has to do with space and celestial bodies. Astronomy is pure science in layman’s terms.

Comparison Table Between Astrology and Astronomy

Parameters of Comparison




The evaluation and study of the celestial bodies in space, their movement, their influence on the lives of individuals.

When the celestial objects in space and the whole universe are studied in detail.



Pure science.

People Associated



Based on

Scientific data and superstition.

Origin, future movements of the planets, the other existing or newly appeared celestial bodies in space.

Laymen Understanding

Superstition and predictions.

Pure science, Factual.

Individual Choice

It depends from person to person whether to trust this study or not.

Everyone follows this, as this is factual information.

Study includes

Complex charts, mathematics, scientific terminologies.

Hypotheses, scientific proofs, changing discoveries.

What is Astrology?

The field of Astrology encompasses the assessment and study of celestial bodies in space, their movement, and their impact on people’s lives. Astrology is considered a pseudoscience by the majority of people. Astrologers are those who work in the astrology field. Based on astrology, these folks forecast people’s future events.

Astrology is a collection of scientifically calculated facts about space, its interrelationships with humans’ daily lives, and its impact on the future. As a result, both scientific evidence and superstition have been used in this research. Astrology is considered superstition by laypeople. Whether to believe in Astrology or not is a personal decision.

This is something that many people believe, yet others do not. No one, however, is obligated to believe astrology’s forecasts. Certain sophisticated charts, mathematics, and scientific terminologies are all included in the field of astrology. Since the 17th century, this field has been in use.

What is Astronomy?

Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects in space and the entire cosmos. Astronomy is a branch and aspect of pure science that is studied. Science is the term used to describe people who work in the field of astronomy.

These people are interested in anything that has to do with space or celestial bodies. Astronomy is the study of the origins, future movements, and other celestial bodies in space, both existent and newly discovered. Astronomy is pure science in the layman’s mind. Astronomy is not a pure prediction only. It is a branch of science.

Because it is purely true information, everyone on the planet has no choice but to believe or study astronomy as a science. Hypotheses, scientific evidence, evolving discoveries, discoveries, and so on are all part of the science of astronomy.

Main Differences Between Astrology and Astronomy

  1. The evaluation and study of the celestial bodies in space, their movement, their influence on the lives of individuals are constituted under the field of Astrology. On the other hand, when the celestial objects in space and the whole universe are studied in detail, then it is referred to as Astronomy.
  2. Astrology is generally taken into consideration as a pseudoscience. On the other hand, Astronomy is studied as a part and branch of pure science.
  3. The people who are associated with the field of Astrology are called Astrologers. These people predict the future events of individuals based on the study of astrology. On the other hand, the People who are associated with the field of astronomy are usually referred to as scientists. These people study anything and everything related to space and celestial bodies.
  4. Astrology is the amalgamation of Calculated scientific data related to space and its interrelationship with the everyday life of humans and influence on the future. Thus, this study is based on scientific data and superstition. On the other hand, Astronomy covers the origin, future movements of the planets and the other existing or newly appeared celestial bodies in space.
  5. In laymen understanding, astrology is superstition. On the other hand, in laymen understanding, astronomy is pure science.
  6. It’s an individual choice, whether to trust Astrology or not. Many people believe this, whereas many do not. However, no one is bound to trust the predictions led down by the study of astrology. On the other hand, Astronomy, being a part of science, is not a prediction. It’s pure factual data. Thus everyone worldwide has no other option than to believe in or studying Astronomy as a science.
  7. The field of Astrology includes certain complex charts, mathematics and scientific terminologies. This field had been in existence since the 17th century. On the other hand, the field of Astronomy includes hypotheses, scientific proofs, changing discoveries, etc.


Astronomy, as a branch of science, is not a forecast. Because it is purely true information, everyone on the planet has no choice but to believe or study Astronomy as a science. Hypotheses, scientific evidence, shifting discoveries, discoveries, and so on are all part of the science of astronomy.

However, Astrology, as a subject of research based on both scientific evidence and mysticism. Astrology is a superstition in layman’s terms. Whether or not to believe in Astrology is a personal decision. Many individuals believe it, but others do not.

Moreover, no one is obligated to believe the forecasts made by astrology. Certain sophisticated charts, mathematics, and scientific terminologies are all part of the field of astrology. This field had been around since the seventeenth century.


  1. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=SKBxa-MNqA8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA376&dq=astrology+and+astronomy&ots=jm5O-PnR4y&sig=kYSLSPui8p-VDqL2V01MgM5DcDc
  2. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1993JRASC..87…34D