Difference Between a Right and a Privilege (With Table)

A man is called a social animal, not just by looking at his lifestyle but by looking at his surroundings too. The society in which humans live creates a complete aura for us and provides us with each and every necessity that a person can possibly have. However, when society increases with time, there arises a need for the maintenance of this human society. 

The condition upon which a Right is granted happens to be subject to his citizenship of a state or membership of a particular community or group. And to grant a Privilege, the class and status of a person are taken into consideration. It is a special immunity or permission that is not available to the common public otherwise. 


  1. https://heinonline.org/hol-cgi-bin/get_pdf.cgi?handle=hein.journals/yjfem21&section=9
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1740774518803122