Difference Between Public and Private Sector (With Table)

Firms of all sizes, whether big or small, privately or publicly held, have an effect on a country’s economy throughout the globe. Every economy is further classified into different firms, each of which represents growth, functioning, infrastructure, and so on. It mainly involves both the public (government) sector and the private sector.

Public vs Private Sector

The main difference between the Public and Private sectors is that the public sector is defined as the portion of a country’s total economy that is managed by the government or by different government agencies and organizations. In the public sector, the government owns the vast majority of assets and is responsible for the provision of all services. Depending on the conditions, the federal or state governments may own all or a portion of the public sector.

The main aim of the public sector is to benefit the general population. In this case, the government contractors out the whole service to a privately held company, which in turn delivers the full service on its own behalf. Generally, this may be regarded as a combination of private sector operations and public sector ownership of assets; but, in certain cases, the private sector’s control and/or risk may be so significant that the service may no longer be deemed to be part of the public sector.

The private sector is characterized by the ownership of assets and the provision of services by private individuals or corporations. As it does not have authority over private businesses, the government is unable to interfere with its operations. The primary goal of the private sector is to make profits for its shareholders.

Comparison Table Between Public and Private Sector

Parameters of Comparison

Public Sector

Private Sector


A government-owned and controlled business is referred to as a public sector company.

A private-sector firm is one that is owned and managed by private individuals or corporations.

Supply of Funds

Taxes, bonds, and other levies, among other things

Shares, loans

Ease of doing business



Perks of Working



Areas usually covered

Banking, Army, IT sector, Hospital, Electricity, Education, Transport.

Medical Industries, Production, Mining Industries, Manufacture.

What is Public Sector?

The term “public sector” refers to corporations, enterprises, or businesses in which the government owns a majority part of the company. The public sector is more certain than the private sector to employ excess employees in non-productive positions. The public sector’s systemic approach involves government ownership or control rather than just function, and as a consequence, it encompasses actions such as exercising public authority or implementing public laws and procedures, among other things.

The wide definition of the public sector includes government ownership or control rather than simply function and therefore includes actions such as the exercise of public power or the implementation of public policy, among others. This enables the mapping of the extent of governmental operations within the context of the broader economy to be accomplished.

The majority of people who work for government organizations or departments are provided with extensive benefits packages. These benefits may include health insurance as well as retirement benefits, among other things. This advantage may make it easier for such workers to shift between various public sector positions while maintaining the same perks as they had before.

What is Private Sector?

A private sector company may be established by privatizing a public organization or by forming a new corporation by private individuals. Private-sector firms stabilize prices by establishing fair market conditions. Because of its contribution to national revenue, the private sector is an essential participant in the economy. It, in particular, provides essential products and services, contributes to tax revenues, and guarantees the efficient movement of capital.

The private sector offers excellent services to the community in order to gain people’s confidence and goodwill in order to thrive and compete in the long term. These businesses must also abide by government law and order. It is the most populous industry in terms of workers. The private sector is critical in terms of creating job possibilities in its community.

The private sector owns a large number of businesses, implying that these businesses employ more people than the government. It encourages the growth of human capital, allowing it to generate more products and services and thus meet market demand. The development of a brand image is essential to this business. It is reliant on the private sector company’s financial condition. The higher the strength of the financials, the larger the capacity to raise funds from the market.

Main Differences Between Public and Private Sector

  1. A public sector is one that is owned and controlled by the government, whereas a private sector is one that is owned and controlled by private companies.
  2. In the public sector, capital is raised by taxes, bonds, and other levies, among other things, whereas in the private sector shares, loans are used to raise the capital.
  3. Due to the extreme government’s proximity, public sector businesses find it simple to operate, whereas compared to public sector businesses, private sector companies find it harder to run and handle regulatory problems and compliance.
  4. In a public sector job with a high level of security, various retirement options, and so forth whereas there are no retirement benefits or allowances provided by the private sector.
  5. The public sector covers Banking, Army, the IT sector, hospitals, Electricity, Education, Transport, whereas the private sector covers Medical Industries, Production, Mining Industries, Manufacture.


The private sector is growing quickly because it emphasizes quality over quantity and fosters skill. The public sector is riddled with reservations, such as those for minorities, women, people with disabilities, and others; no one recognizes talent here; it is totally disregarded, and as a result, intelligent young people stay jobless. Businesses in both the public and private sectors are important to every country’s economy and coexist in the economy.


  1. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/009102609102000405
  2. https://www.mdpi.com/226532