Difference Between Feminism and Gender Equality (With Table)

The nuances between Feminism and Gender Equality have made everyone bewildered, especially men. There have had been several pursuits depending on each individual’s perspectives, they could be either feminist, sexist, meninist, misogynist, misanthropist, and you name it. Besides, all these are the inclusion of political and social movements. On the whole, it is about fifty-fifty opportunities. 

Feminism vs Gender Equality

The main difference between Feminism and Gender Equality is that feminism relates to the main interests of women. Meanwhile, gender equality correlates with the rights of both men, women, and other genders exhibit in society. Moreover, the belief and obligation define each term in-depth. Besides, both of them tend to refer to parity among distinct genders. 

Having that said, feminism is an ideology of bolstering fair sex’s position in the social, political, economic, and personal scene to a better place, which is exactly no lesser than men’s. It is more or less connected to the women’s point of view, primarily their struggles in the fields, where men are prioritized, despite women’s perspicacity. 

On the other hand, Gender equality will be the talk of all genders, irrespective of being unbiased. Unlike feminism, Gender Equality comes under the administration of the Government. In that case, they fully underscore the interests of people globally, regardless of their genders. Although, parity in status, power, and prestige between who is identified as human beings. 

Comparison Table Between Feminism and Gender Equality

Parameters of Comparison


Gender equality


Feminism is a social and political movement of women who feels that men suppress women or women’s opinions are considered disinterest in the name of weaker sexes. Feminism is an act of protests built for women’s power in the world of all genders.

Gender equality aims to equal opportunities for both the female, male and other genders. Gender equality plays a fair role in society, political and economic activities. 


The word “Feminism” is derived from the woman Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792 in a book “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” and later feminism was incipient in 1837 by Charles Fourier, who bolstered women’s rights in case of jobs opening to everyone based on skills, aptitude and knowledge. After that, feminism has been spoken all over the world.

In 1405 the book “The Book Of the City of Ladies” by Christine de Pizan stated Gender equality. 


There are four waves in feminism based on the period- Feminist theory, Liberal Feminism, Marxist feminism, Radical and Dual-system Feminism. 

There is the neutral type where gender equality where people are treated equally and fairly.


Criminalising Marital Rape, Women’s Political participation, Decriminalising Homosexuality and Revisiting Abortion Laws

Equality before the law, Non-discrimination on the Grounds of religions, Caste, or Place of birth, Equality of Opportunities for all and Equal rights to Adequate means of Livelihood.


Numerous movements have been conducted regarding domestic violence, Maternity leave, equal payment, sexual violence and women’s suffrage.

Gender equality movements are widely renowned such as women empowerment, Freedom, same-sex marriage, Child marriage, freedom to dress and Gender stereotypes. 

What is Feminism?

Originally, the term feminism was brought into the limelight due to a French philosopher named Charles Fourier in the mid 18th century. It initially garnered popularity among the western countries, with top emerging activists achieving actively till this very moment.  

In Later years, people have regarded feminism as an act for only women, where only fair sex should participate. While the real piece of advice is that it can be engaged by any sex, with a motive to support women in the era of male chauvinism. Accordingly, feminism includes the rights to vote, public position, equality in the workplace, proper education, and other kinds of stuff on women. 

Shortly, it also covered the issues faced by women for years and years, such as rape, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sulky marriage proposals, and so on. However, many feminist organizations faced backslashes for not focusing on underprivileged women’s lives. 

Alongside, feminism has been divided into four waves to pay more attention specifically to each issue; namely, the first one to promote women’s right to vote, secondly, equality in society, thirdly, looking keenly at each diversity for lending hands to individuals, and lastly, the introduction of “ME TOO movement”, which instigates women’s upshots due to sexual harassment, violence against women and rape culture. 

What is Gender Equality?

According to the ethnologists, Gender Equality is not specifically about men or women, but overall kinds of genders, including transgenders too. It is widely organized by the Country to come up with a voice for decision-making and economic participation. Originally, the real meaning of Gender Equality came out in the 14th century. 

It was profoundly centralized in America, which practised the separation between sexes and celibacy. During wartime, there was an issue of women voting for the nation. Eventually, various movements led them to witness women’s ultimate victory. Following the post-war convention, they were much more effective than the pre-war’s. Starting from convections against gender stereotypes, sexism, violence against weaker sex, and for justice, equality in the social, as well as political decision-making events. 

Gender Equality handles matters such as sex ratio, Gender empowerment, sex, and gender distinction, Coloniality of gender, and so on. Besides, it also deals with the health and safety of individuals, violence against women, and transwomen, reproductive and sexual rights, family planning, abortion, child marriage, sex trafficking, traditional cruelty, freedom of movement, education, women’s participation in social and political fields.  

Main Differences Between Feminism and Gender Equality

  1. The major difference between Feminism and Gender Equality is the Party, where Feminism focuses on the Female gender, whereas Gender equality spays fair and square attention to everyone. 
  2. In history, Feminism introduced by Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792 in the book “A Vindication of the Rights of Women”. On the other hand, Gender equality incipient in 1405 in the book “The Book Of the city of Ladies” by Christine de Pizan.
  3. Feminism protests on the side of the Female gender, whereas Gender equality seeks opportunities for both the gender- Female and Male.
  4. Movement of feminism based on domestic violence, Maternity leave, equal payment, sexual violence and women’s suffrage. Furthermore, Gender equality focuses on Equal rights to everything, same-sex marriage, Child marriage, freedom to dress and Gender stereotypes.
  5. Feminism is performed by Feminist, and Gender equality is performed by people who are equal in the eyes of the law. 


Feminism protest or represent women’s rights and freedom which has been introduced in the world of discrimination. Feminism seeks women equal right just like men in the world of opportunities. Feminism confronts domestic violence, sexual, women’s suffrage and ill-treatment.

Gender equality seeks equal rights or opportunities for both Gender- Female, Male and others. Gender equality plays fair and veracious on both sides and fights for gender inequalities, discrimination and unequal opportunities. 


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118405376.wbevl119
  2. https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Dv0cBQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=gender+equality&ots=xj6jVjFe2f&sig=aDIFSLhOs4Xi8LfQ0nddjoU4zM0