Difference Between Summary and Analysis (With Table)

Writing a text in any form requires a lot of research. The research shall pave the way for you with a lot of content. Text in any form, viz. thesis, project work or even academic writing, requires you to analyse as well as summarize the points that you are planning to express.

Summary vs Analysis

The main difference between Summary and Analysis lies in the context of the expression through writing. The summary presents the ideas and facts that are arrived at as an inference, while Analysis discusses the ideas and facts to substantiate them vividly. More importantly, the summary is concise, while Analysis is elaborate.

A summary is a part of the text or content that identifies the main plot or the points. This is sketched concisely to make the reader understand the context quickly. The summary helps in the identification of the ideas in a crisp fashion. A summary usually negates or omits details of the discussion.

The analysis goes a step further as it discusses the main points more vividly. It normally involves arguments and helps to arrive at an optimal conclusion. The meaning, as well as the significance of the topic, is substantiated as a writer analyses a topic.

Comparison Table Between Summary and Analysis

Parameters of Comparison




It helps in knowing the main ideas, plots or theme.

It helps to discuss the ideas, plots or theme.


Clear identification of facts

It breaks the facts and investigates the same.

Text Size

Concise and short.

Elaborate and Vivid


It does not make or arrive at a conclusion.

It helps in optimal as well as substantial-conclusion


Gives only the facts

Clearly explain each fact and questions every instance of the fact.

What is Summary?

A summary is that block of the text that offers or restates the context of the content. It is normally drafted in a condensed fashion. The summary is a short description of the context that enables the reader to understand the topic or the plots in relatively less time.

A summary is generally identified as the ‘what’ of the text. It sketches only the facts. The summary identifies a lot of main points. It is generally written in one’s own words. The summary gives the whole idea of the article or the thesis or any other form of text in a cutthroat style.

As a reader, if you are planning to understand the gist of a topic, the summary is the right part to read. Summary normally is written at the beginning of the text as well as in every paragraph if there are sections and subsections. Every section or the subsection shall offer the gist at the beginning itself.

A summary is written by jotting down the main points of that part of the subpart. The main points are then connected to form sentences. It is a part of the text that requires less research than the analysis part of the text.

What is Analysis?

An analysis is that block or series of blocks of text that shall explain and discuss every fact or idea in detail. The analysis is normally drafted elaborately. It describes every event and happening. It also discusses the inference of a particular action in the main idea of the text.

The analysis is generally identified as the ‘how’ of the text. It investigates the facts with many connected pieces and concludes. Every detail in the idea is broken into pieces and analysed thoroughly. The analysis argues and discusses the details to make the work more authentic.

As a reader, if you have to trust a text, analysis is the part you must read. The facts and figures are not just bluntly sketched. But, every fact is dissected and helps in identifying the right reasons. The analysis discusses the cause and effect.

An analysis is a calculated imagination that is substantiated with valid evidence that is present in any form in the world. It also helps in finding the connection between different points in the text drafted. It also helps in delivering the significance of the context. The examination and interpretation of the theme can be done with sheer practice.

Main Differences Between Summary and Analysis

  1. The main difference between Summary and Analysis is the size of the text. A summary is concise and always written in a crisp and condensed fashion. The analysis is an elaborate version of the text that is always written in a lengthier fashion.
  2. Summary sketches the facts while analysis discusses the facts.
  3. A summary is always written directly and it conveys the information without any supporting evidence. The analysis aims at giving the information with maximum evidence to support the same.
  4. Summaries are the ones that help you to take notes from a lecture and also answer relevant questions, while Analysis helps you to develop a thesis statement. Also, analysis is the one that helps you in selecting a research paper.
  5. Summary assists the reader to know the context of the text very quickly while analysis builds the trust in the reader about the content being read.


Writing a text is an art. Engaging the reader to read through the content is always challenging. Right usage of summary helps you to make the reader read further. At the same time, the strong analysis makes the reader glued to the content written. Though the summary part is concise, it must be written in a fashion that creates a curiosity among the readers.

More importantly, the analysis part must go hand in hand in developing the curiosity levels to read further. All the more, research and information collection plays a major role in writing both the blocks of a text. It is always advised to collect maximum information before writing a text.


  1. https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/58335/1/Mueller_How%20to%20write%20a%20good%20summary_May%202008.pdf
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4548566/