Difference Between Verbal and Oral Communication (With Table)

Communication is the way toward passing or trading thoughts, feelings, data, and musings between at least two individuals. At the point when a significant interaction occurs among individuals, at that point meaningful exchange of communication happens.

How individuals see and comprehend the significance of words or sentences or actual activities, then afterward an actual interaction and communication occur.

In the most important part, we send signs that the other person understands and answers in their way. The transferred signs are not necessarily always words that are spoken out but even written information. Whereas, Oral communication contributes to more interpersonal communication. Though in day-to-day life, verbal communication makes it easier for people to get along with each other.

Verbal vs Oral Communication

The main difference between Verbal and Oral Communication is that Verbal communication allows sharing of thoughts, feelings, or data between people through words written or spoken. On the contrary, Oral communication signifies messages sent through spoken words only, and no written format of conversation is possible.

Verbal Communication is the process of interaction where an individual uses words to chat and converse with another individual. The person can converse without being physically present with the use of speech. Oral communication is likewise considered as a backhanded technique through which individuals speak with others without utilizing words or language.

Oral Communication is the process of communication that involves the person communicate through the use of spoken words or speeches. Oral communication plays a vital role in any conversation indicating the behavioral attitude of the person through his communication skills and provides more clarity in conversations.

Comparison Table Between Verbal and Oral Communication

Parameters of Comparison 

    Verbal Communication

   Oral Communication 


Communication is delivered through words or written messages.

Communication is delivered through spoken words or speeches only.

Use of Written Documents

Use of written documents in expressing thoughts.

No use of written documents.

Sharing of messages

Through spoken words or written both ways.

Through spoken words or speeches only.

Specific method

Verbal communication is less specific as it has the use of both written or spoken methods.

Oral communication is more specific or restrictive due to the use of spoken words only.

Inbuilt quality

It can be adapted through time.

More of an inbuilt quality of giving out expressions.

What is Verbal Communication?

In Verbal communication, an individual uses words or discourse to trade data, messages, or thoughts. It happens in oral communication, too, just as a composed arrangement between at least two people. Some of the examples of verbal communication are speeches as well as written information such as letters, meetings, reports, emails, and real-life face-to-face conversations among people.

Having good communication with people around you ensures a healthy relationship among the people around you. It ensures productivity in the workplace with fewer chances of misunderstandings or faults. It is required to build a positive relationship with others through the communication process.

There are varieties of cultures around, and people from different backgrounds have different ways of expressing themselves, so to be successfully communicating with the people around, verbal communication is essential. It is even a fast mode of communication than that of any other with more clarification.

There are even formal as well as non-formal types of verbal communication. Informal, one is needed to follow some type of rules and regulations in their speeches and written forms. While in the informal way of communication, one is not needed to follow any rules but the way they want to communicate. 

What is Oral Communication?

Oral communication is the way of communicating with the use of mouth only that is only through the spoken form of words. There is no use of a written form of documents in conversations or sharing of ideas. The only way of communicating is through speaking.

The ways through which Oral communication occurs are through the use of speeches, whether physically or through any telecommunication portal.

Oral communication is also an essential part of one’s life as they comprise of some first impressions or proves the quality of one’s speaking skills, whether it is formal or informal conversation.

As for that matter, having good oral speaking skills matters is important for creating a better impression in interviews or even normal conversation with friends. It even shows the command over any language through their speech. 

The ways of communicating through Oral communication skills are, in most of the way, taught since childhood in an individual, and they also show the mannerism by the way they speak.

Main Differences Between Verbal and Oral Communication

  1. In Verbal communication, an individual is required to make proper use of words, phrases to communicate through words and written formats. Whereas, in Oral communication, there is no use of written formats and just spoken words for communication.
  2. In the process of Verbal communication, good communication is judged through both speech and written methods. On the other hand, to perform better Oral communication, only speaking skills matters.
  3. In Verbal communication, there is the use of written documents through which information is transferred, while Oral communication does not have anything to do with written documentation of information for interacting with others.
  4. Verbal communication is less specific in providing clarity and depth as the ideas are conveyed through both the written and spoken method. On the contrary, Oral communication is more specific as it is conveyed through spoken words only.
  5. Verbal communication can be mastered through time to present oneself better. Whereas, Oral communication skills are more of a naturally occurring behavioral pattern that expresses the manners of a person through their manner of speaking.


Communication plays a vital role in character building as well as maintaining relationships with people around. It is required to learn the basics of communicating manners to stand out in the crowd and to be able to make your impression out there. It represents the overall attitude and also the psychology of an individual through the ways he acts around people both in personal and professional life.

Both, Verbal and Oral communications are certainly of key importance in our life to lead a balanced life without any complications. Even if there are certain rules and etiquette of proper communication, it still solely depends on the individual how they carry themselves in a conversation which might make or break a relationship. 

Even being able to communicate and converse with each other being worlds apart is fascinating in itself, as verbal communication helps us to achieve that. Speech is important to express your thoughts and what’s going on in your head, whether something good or something troubling. It helps to relieve oneself of the burdening of thoughts. 

Thus, both are important ways of communication and expressing the desires and wishes of an individual. Just that, one must know how to be proper with the ways to have a striking impression on others. 


  1. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED120865
  2. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2006-11026-006