Difference Between Harvard and Cambridge (With Table)

Education has always been the fundamental right and important for a child. Many students aspire to pursue their higher studies from a renowned college nationally or internationally. Thus, to support various students, the Universities provide numerous scholarships for them to lessen the load of students. These Universities provide a healthier environment, encourage academics as well as co-curricular activities, also in pursuing one of their hobbies to build up strong personalities from the inside out.

Harvard vs Cambridge 

The main difference between Harvard and Cambridge is that the location where both Universities are situated. Harvard is located in America and is built in an urban area, whereas Cambridge is located in England, the United Kingdom, nearly around agricultural lands. Although, a point of similarity between the two is that both the Universities are situated in the same city called Cambridge.

Harvard is a private institution that belongs to the Ivy League University System. The University has always been considered among the top-rated colleges. Considering the history of the college, it has been the oldest institute to be present in the United States. It was founded by John Harvard in the year 1636, and the Massachusetts legislative established it. Even though the name of the University was after him.

Cambridge is a public institution and is a part of the Golden Triangle of United Kingdom Universities. The history of the institution is quite longer than Harvard. The institute was founded by the alumni of Oxford University in the year 1209. Later on, King Henry III supported the institution and made him a recognized educational institute by the popes. Also, around 31 colleges are affiliated with Cambridge University, and coincidently it is located in the same name city in the United Kingdom.

Comparison Table Between Harvard and Cambridge

Parameters of Comparison





England, United Kingdom

Educational Institution




Board of Overseers and Harvard Cooperation

Regent House and University Council

Number of Colleges Affiliated



Official Colour

Crimson Red


What is Harvard?

The renowned Harvard University was founded by John Harvard and established by the Massachusetts legislature in the year 1636. It is comparatively newer than Cambridge. The University is sited in America, the United States, in the city called Cambridge.

Harvard University is a private institute providing higher education to numerous students now and back then. The University has many notable alumni, including some millennials. It is considered to be the oldest institution within the United States.

The college is headed by the President along with the Principal Administrator. The college has provided its affiliation to the other 15 colleges. The University preferred the Crimson Red color as its representative color and also name its athletic team as Harvard Crimson.

The teacher staff directly focus on the method of lectures and seminars as the teaching aid. Being one of the top-rated University the competition also rises with it. Thus Harvard University mainly competes with the two institutes are – Ivy League School and Yale University.

What is Cambridge?

Located in England, the United Kingdom, with the coincidently same city name Cambridge. The institution is surrounded mainly by the agricultural land area. The Cambridge University was founded by few alumni of Oxford University. Then the English King Harry III put forward his helping hand and supported the institution. He was the person who made it possible and acclaimed it as an educational institute from the pops. 

Therefore, it is considered to be the second oldest educational institute for higher studies in England, Europe, English-speaking countries, etc., because of its foundation stone in the year 1209.

The University believes in providing special attention to its students, and therefore, the teaching staff emphasizes one-to-one interaction with them. Also, the University has doubled the number of colleges affiliated with it compared to Harvard.

The institute is headed by the Reagent House and the University Council and has chosen Blue color as their representative color. Sometimes, Cambridge is also called, “Oxbridge” which means the combination of Oxford University and the Cambridge University. This is because of the rivalry competition between both Universities to be on the list of top-ranked universities.

Main Differences Between Harvard and Cambridge 

  1. The Harvard University is situated in America, the United States, in an urban area naming the city called Cambridge, whereas the Cambridge University is situated in England, the United Kingdom, around some agricultural land area in the same city as Harvard naming Cambridge.
  2. Harvard University is a private institute and belongs to the Ivy League University system, while Cambridge University is a public institution and is said to be the Golden Triangle of United Kingdom Universities.
  3. Harvard University is governed by two bodies that are – the Board of Overseers and Harvard Cooperation, while the Cambridge University is governed by the Reagent House and the University Council.
  4. Harvard University has affiliated 15 colleges under its institution, while the Cambridge University has affiliated a double number of colleges besides the one that is 31 colleges within its prestigious institution.
  5. Harvard University has chosen its University color to be Crimson Red while Cambridge University preferred the color Blue. 


It is correctly said that education is the key to success. Therefore, our Government has even made it mandatory for children up to 14 years of age to get a basic education. Because it is one of the ways to impart the best values possible within the child through daily experiences they face in life. It helps us to shape them in the best way possible.

Some students also aspire to move abroad for their higher studies. Thus, Harvard and Cambridge are excellent options. The academic structure, co-curricular activities, the staff, hostel facilities, various scholarships to help students to meet their expenses, etc., are excellent.

Both the Universities count up in the most top-rated educational institute. 

In Harvard, the staff mainly focuses on the lectures and seminars, while in Cambridge, the staff is believed to make one-to-one interactions with their students and thus teach in small groups or batches. It is also believed that both the Universities also have their rivalry competition although it isn’t among each other, Harvard competes with Yale University and Ivy League School while Cambridge competes with the Oxford University.

In the end, it is only advised that choose the college nicely and wisely by going through the complete brochure of the respective Universities and then get enrolled in them to make your future bright and spark.


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