Difference Between Hebrew Bible and Torah (With Table)

There are so many scriptures because there are so many religions. Hebrew Bible and Torah are the two terms with totally different meanings. Hebrew Bible refers to the whole set or collection of scriptures, including the Torah. Whereas Torah refers to teaching, and it includes the first five books which come under Hebrew Bible.

Hebrew Bible is also called Tanakh, is a collection of holy books of Jewish peoples. It is a little bit similar to Christian Bible. The Hebrew Bible is structured into three important divisions that are the Torah, Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim. Each of them has further divisions. The Torah is a section of the Hebrew Bible, and it is divided into five parts that are Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy.

Hebrew Bible vs Torah

The main difference between the Hebrew Bible and Torah is that the Hebrew bible is the first sacred book of the Jewish people. It is the collection of old writings or scriptures, including the Torah. And Torah is one of the important sections of the Hebrew bible, which has a further five divisions within it.

The Hebrew Bible is counted in as the main holy scriptures of the jews, and it is comparable to the Bible. Hebrew Bible is a set of a total of twenty-four books, all of which are antique. Hebrew Bible is structured into three important divisions that are the Torah or “sayings”, the Nevi’im, or the “messengers,” and the Ketuvim or “scribbles”.

The Torah is one of the sections of the Hebrew Bible, and it is again divided into five divisions. The Torah contains Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy. These five divisions are customarily credited to Moses. Sayings in Torah are an important part of Jewish people’s culture.

Comparison Table Between Hebrew Bible and Torah

Parameters of Comparison

Hebrew Bible



The Hebrew Bible is a collection of 24 books and is an important holy scripture of the jews.

The Torah is one of the main sections of the Hebrew Bible and is further divided into five books.

Collection of

It has a total set of twenty-four books.

Torah is divided into five books.

Followed by

The Hebrew Bible is followed by Jewish people.

It is also followed by Jewish people.

Main Divisions

Hebrew Bible has three main divisions the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim.

Torah has five divisions within it as Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy.

Public reading started

2nd century CE.

4th century CE.

What is Hebrew Bible?

Hebrew Bible is the first sacred book followed by the Jewish people. It is the collection of old writings or scriptures, including the Torah. Hebrew Bible is a set of a total of twenty-four books, and it has three main sections the Torah or “sayings,” the Nevi’im, or the “messengers,” and the Ketuvim or “scribbles.”

Hebrew Bible is a little bit similar to the Bible, which is obeyed by Christians. In the Hebrew bible, Jews are declared as God’s selected people. The initial six books of the Hebrew Bible contain the past and the study of the Israeli people. The next seven books in the Hebrew bible continue the life story of the Israeli people. And the final eleven books contain verses, creed, and more about the past.

The new testament contains twenty-four books, but it is very much similar to the old testament, which contained a collection of thirty-nine books. Hebrew Bible is also referred to as Tanakh, which is the first alphabet of the three divisions.

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What is Torah?

The Torah is one of the important parts of the Hebrew bible. Torah is subdivided into five books that are Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy. These five divisions are customarily credited to Moses. 

Teachings given in Torah are important in the culture of Jewish people.

People believe that Torah was in paradise before it was given to Moses. Torah basically teaches about human living and their traditions or cultures. Torah is also referred to as Chumash or the books of Moses. 

This book contains all the laws ordered by God related to Jewish custom in written and oral form. The public reading of the Torah started during the 4th century CE.

Torah contains a total of six hundred thirteen orders of god. It is written in the Hebrew language.

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Main Differences Between Hebrew Bible and Torah

  1. The Hebrew bible is one of the holy scripture of the Jewish people, and the Torah is one of the sections of the Hebrew bible.
  2. The Hebrew bible is a set of a total of twenty-four books, and the Torah is subdivided into five books that are Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy.
  3. The Hebrew Bible is also referred to as Tanakh, and the Torah is referred to as Chumash or books of Moses.
  4. The Hebrew Bible has three main units or divisions the Torah or “sayings,” the Nevi’im, or the “messengers,” and the Ketuvim, or “scribbles.” And Torah is a part of the Hebrew Bible, and it is divided into five books.
  5. The Hebrew Bible contains all the teachings related to the culture and traditions of the religion, while the Torah contains sayings or teachings of human life and the way a person must spend his/her life.


Religious text is all about the basics of human living, and they define the way of life and the meaning of humanity. Both the Hebrew Bible and the Torah are followed by the Jewish people, and they contain some similarities with the bible. Hebrew Bible is one of the important sacred books of the jews, and it is mainly divided into three important segments that are the Torah, the Nevi’im, and the Ketuvim.

Torah contains teachings that are all about the way a human should live. Torah is referred to as Chumash or books of Moses, and the public reading of the book was started during the 4th century CE. Hebrew bible contains all the religious prayers and texts. Hebrew Bible is also called Tanakh by the jews.


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