Difference Between King James Bible and New World Translation (With Table)

The Bible is a document of God’s presence on the earth as well as his inspiration for all of life. The Bible was written over a period of more than sixteen centuries by more than forty human authors. It is a significant stunning assortment of 66 books with altogether different styles, all containing the message God wanted us to have.

The Bible’s accounts were not, for the most part, written down when they unfolded. Or maybe they were told again and again and gave over as the years progressed, before, in the end, being recorded. However, similar subjects might be found all through the book. Alongside the variety, there is additionally amazing solidarity all through. The King James Bible (also known as the King James Version) and the New World Translation are the two most common Bible versions.

King James Bible vs New World Translation

The main difference between the King James Bible and the NWT (New World Translation) is that the King James Bible, moreover called the Authorized Bible, was conveyed in 1611 under King James after he articulated the Geneva Bible defiant, and the NWT (New World Translation) of the Christian Greek Scriptures was conveyed at a show of Jehovah’s Witnesses held at Yankee Stadium in New York, on August 2, 1950, and the entire Bible conveyed in 1961.

The King James Version is viewed as quite possibly the main strictly sacred writings ever, not just for its most generally acknowledged depiction of Christianity yet in addition for its capacity to spread the English language around the world. This Bible was dispatched and distributed in 1604 and 1611 individually for the Church of England after its archetype, the Breeches Bible, was viewed as unconventional.

The NWT (New World Translation) is unique in its one way as it is the most important purposeful, exact attempt at creating an all-encompassing type of the Bible that is modified and reevaluated for the precise reason of agreeing with a gathering’s rationale. It was realized by the Watchtower Society and the Witnesses of Jehovah that their emotions contradicted Scripture. Rather than conforming their feelings to Scripture, they changed Scripture to conform to their feelings.

Comparison Table Between King James Bible and New World Translation

Parameter of comparison

King James Bible

New World Translation


The King James Bible is the Church of England’s view of the Holy Bible. Since King James agreed that the revolutionary Geneva Bible was rebellious, it was charged and circulated under his sponsorship.

The sanctified substance of the Witnesses of Jehovah is the NWT (New World Translation) of the Holy Scriptures, a Christian Bible interpretation. The NWT (New World Translation) is used only by the Witnesses of Jehovah.

Published by

Under the reign of King James I, the King James Version was commissioned and circulated.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society distributed NWT in six volumes.

Publishing year

In the year 1611, the King James Bible was published.

New World Translation was first published between 1950 and 1960.

Books and volumes

The King James Version includes 80 volumes: 27 New Testament books, 14 in the Apocrypha, 36 in Hebrew Bible.

The Hebrew Bible was partitioned into five books somewhere in 1953 and 1960, and in 1961, the whole NWT of the Holy Scriptures was written in one volume.

Translation Popularity

Nearly 38 percent of Americans favor the King James Bible.

NWT has been distributed in 220 million duplicates in 200 unique dialects.

What is King James Bible?

In the King James Bible, there were all out prohibitions of the Alexandrian contents. The King James Bible rather depends on exclusively addresses and deciphers the Latin contents. This Bible is typically thought of by individuals as difficult to peruse as it contains ancient language, which was utilized long back and now has been eliminated from the English language. Probably the greatest benefit of the King James Bible is its degree of commonality and solace.

Its greatest downside is that it is totally founded on Latin Greek compositions, otherwise called Textus Receptus. The King James Bible was subsequently modified in the year 1631. The King James Bible is yet to be said as the most precise Bible change scripted for more than 400 years. It took around 45 to 47 researchers to decipher Richard Bancroft’s works and lecture his compositions in this Bible. This Bible has an extremely significant impact on writing in recent years now.

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What is New World Translation?

The NWT is highly popular with readers because of its modern, readable vocabulary, as well as the translators’ devotion to the original Bible languages.

The NWT (New World Translation) is unique in its one way as it is the most important purposeful, exact attempt at creating an all-encompassing type of the Bible that is modified and reevaluated for the precise reason of agreeing with a gathering’s rationale. It was realized by the Watchtower Society and the Witnesses of Jehovah that their emotions contradicted Scripture. Rather than conforming their feelings to Scripture, they changed Scripture to conform to their feelings.

The “New World Bible Translation Committee” went through the Bible and altered some verses that couldn’t help but refute the beliefs of the Witness of Jehovah. This is illustrated by the fact that as new versions of the NWT were circulated, new additions to the scriptural content were made. The Watchtower Society would deliver new entrants with the NWT of those Scriptures updated as scriptural Christians began to raise Scriptures that distinctly fight for the spiritual power of Christ.

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Main Differences Between King James Bible and New World Translation

  1. King James Bible was published in the year 1611, whereas NWT was published between 1950-1960.
  2. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society distributed NWT in six volumes, whereas the King James Version was commissioned and circulated under the reign of King James the First.
  3. Nearly 38 percent of Americans favor the King James Bible, whereas NWT has been distributed in 220 million duplicates in 200 unique dialects.
  4. The King James Version includes 80 volumes: 27 New Testament books, 14 in the Apocrypha, 36 in the Hebrew Bible, whereas the Hebrew Bible was interpreted in five books between 1953-1960, and in 1961, the whole NWT of the Holy Scriptures was published in one single edition.
  5. The NWT is more popular than King James Bible among the readers because of its modern, readable vocabulary, as well as the translators’ devotion to the original Bible languages.


As the essential contrast between the King James Bible and the NWT has been clarified, it turns out to be certain that both the interpretations of The Holy Bible have their own trademark contrasts.

The King James Bible is an English interpretation of The Holy Bible for the Church Of England. It was dispatched and distributed under the request of King James, while the NWT was distributed by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.


  1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/ref_1998_3_1_004
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/000608446401500311

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