Difference Between Premier and Premiere (With Table)

Several words or terms have similar pronunciations but different meanings. These terms are often used in the world. They are widely used by many people across the globe. Two such words are Premier and Premiere. These two terms/ words are pronounced pretty much the same. But their meanings are different from each other.

Premier vs Premiere

The main difference between the premier and premiere is that the term premier refers to something or someone that/ who is important and has a valuable status. On the other hand, the term premiere means the first public appearance of a show, play, or movie. Both the terms have different open-class categories.

The term premier refers to a person with a valuable status or an important event and an important object. This term is assigned to an important and valuable status. Premier can be placed in two open-class categories. It can either be grouped into a noun category or an adjective category. This term has several antonyms and synonyms.

Premiere is a common term widely used across the world. This term refers to the first performance of a band play, theatrical work, or the first screening of a movie/ play. Premiere has several synonyms (similar words) and antonyms (contradicting words). It can either be grouped in a noun category or a verb category.

Comparison Table Between Premier and Premiere

Parameters Of Comparison




Premier refers to an important person, event, or object.

Premiere directs to a movie or play which is publicly launched for the first time.

Open-class Category

Premier is either a noun or an adjective.

The open-class category of the term premiere is either a noun or a verb.


Words like the chief, primary, top, main, foremost, leading, first, and prime are synonyms of the premier.

Synonyms of the word premiere are launch, debut, opening, opening night, and first night.


The antonyms of premier are inferior, minor, least, and inessential.

Finishing, closing, end, finish, and conclusion are the antonyms of the term premiere.


Doctor Robin Smith is one of the world’s premier doctors.

Several celebs attended the film premiere.

What is Premier?

The term premier can be used either as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, the term “premier” refers to a leader of the government of a country or a prime minister and any other head of the government. As an adjective, this term represents someone or something who/ that has a primary title and is important.

Premier can be represented by several synonyms. “Premier” as a noun can also be called prime minister, head of government, chancellor, PM, president, and chief minister. As an adjective the term “premier” has the following synonyms:

  • Leading
  • Head
  • Top
  • Prime
  • First
  • Top-ranking
  • Foremost
  • Primary
  • Primary
  • Second to none

Generally, all words have a set of synonyms and antonyms. Similarly, the term premier also has many antonyms. A few of its antonyms are given below:

  • Minor
  • Least
  • Unimportant
  • Secondary
  • Inferior
  • Last
  • Inessential
  • Subordinate
  • Unnecessary
  • Trivial

 This term originated for several years from Latin and old French. The initial term “primarius” had a Latin origin. After that, the term “primarius” was converted to another term, “premier” that has a French origin. Nowadays, “premier” has been recognized as the modern-day term.

Premier can be explained using several examples like:

  • Ron accepted the invitation to the premier’s party.
  • Blair is considered one of the best premiers in the world.
  • He is living in a premier hotel in India.

What is Premiere?

Premiere is a term that refers to the first public performance of a theatrical work, play, and music concert. This term also represents the initial launch or opening of a film. Premiere belong to two open-class categories that are noun and verbs.

The term premiere has several contradicting and opposing words. Some of these words (one can also call them antonyms) are:

  • Ending
  • Closing
  • Finishing
  • Close
  • Termination
  • Conclusion
  • Finale
  • Conclude
  • Closure
  • Completion

The term premiere has a French origin. This term originated in the year 1889 during the first performance of a particular French play. The French word “première” later originated as “premiere” that is now being used worldwide.

Several words have the same meaning as the world premiere. Such words are called synonyms. Given below is a list of a few synonyms of this term:

  • Debut
  • First night
  • Opening
  • Opening night
  • First performance
  • Launch
  • First showing
  • First launch
  • Beginning
  • Initial show

Premiere is generally used as a term that represents a beginning of an event. It is usually used to describe the launch of a film or movie. The word is also used to represent the opening of a theatrical play or show.  

A few examples to explain the word “premiere” are:

  • Several celebs were invited to the film premiere.
  • A new Indian film has its premiere at the Film festival.
  • The play will have its premiere in September.

Main Differences Between Premier and Premiere

  1. Premier is an adjective while on the other hand, the premiere is a verb.
  2. Least, minor, and inessential are a few antonyms of premier while on the other hand, premiere’s antonyms are finish, end, and closing.
  3. Premier’s synonyms are first, leading, and foremost while on the other hand, launch, debut, and opening are a few synonyms of the premiere.  
  4. Premier directs to a valuable status or title while on the other hand, premiere directs to the initial opening of a movie or play.
  5. The couple living in a premier hotel is an example of “premier” while on the other hand, Rose hosted her film premiere in New York is an example of “premiere.”


Several kids grow up with the dream of playing in the football premier league. While several other kids have an ambition of acting in great Hollywood movies and attending their film premiere. But often people get confused between the two terms that are “premier” and “premiere”.

Premier is a term that means important or primary. It is often used to represent a title of high value. It can be represented by several examples and synonyms.

Premiere is a term that means a launch or a debut of a film or a theatrical work. This term has many antonyms, synonyms, and examples. It is a verb.


  1. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=premier&oq=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3Dcj7oRXCE9PcJ
  2. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=premiere&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3D0m-vgFIhpn4J