Difference Between Who and Whom (With Table)

There are a couple of rules when you should utilize who and when whom. “Who” and is an abstract pronoun. “Whom” is a goal pronoun. That essentially implies that “who” is consistently dependent upon an action word, and that “whom” is continually filling in as an item in a sentence.

Who vs Whom

The main difference between who and whom is that who ought to be utilized to allude to the subject of a sentence. Whom ought to be utilized to allude to the object of an action word or relational word. In the event that you can exchange the word with “he” or “she” you should utilize who. Notwithstanding, on the chance that you can exchange it with “him” or “her,” utilization whom.

Who is an inquisitive pronoun and can be utilized instead of the subject of an inquiry. For example, Who is leaving?; Who are you?; Is this who asked you?

Who can likewise be utilized in explanations, instead of the subject of a proviso. For example, This is who told me.; Joe is the one who wants to sing.; Anybody who knows the true story should tell us.

Whom is an inquisitive pronoun, however, it is utilized instead of the object of an inquiry. For example, Whom is this book about?; With whom are you staying?; Whom did you tell?

What’s more, whom can be utilized in articulations, instead of the object of a proviso. For example, This is the woman whom I told her about.; Joe is the man whom I met at lunch last week.

Comparison Table Between Who and Whom

Parameters of Comparison




Who is used to highlight the subject in a sentence.

Whom is used to highlight the object of a verb or preposition.

Used With

Who is used with I or he or she.

Whom is used with me or him or her .


Who is consistently dependent upon an action work. 

Whom is continually functioning as an item in a sentence.


Who is the doer of the action.

Whom is the receiver of the action.


Who is the subject of the verb.

Whom can never be the subject of the verb.

What is Who? 

Who frequently works as an inquisitive pronoun, which implies that it presents questions that have things like the appropriate response: 

Who gave my cat that sandwich? 

Who should my cat apologize to? 

Both of these sentences seem normal with who, however assuming we need to know whether who is the decision in both of them, we’ll need to decide whether every who is in the article position. With questions, the simplest method to do this is to rethink the inquiry as an assertion. “Who gave my cat that sandwich?” becomes “X gave my cat regarding that sandwich,” with “X” representing the obscure divulger of sandwich presence. “X” is the subject of the action word gave since “X” has done the giving, so who is to be sure right. 

Rethinking the second inquiry as, “Who should my cat apologize to? ” turns into “My cat ought to apologize to X.” “X” is the object of the relational word to, so who ought to actually be whom: “Whom should my cat apologize to?” (If you don’t care for the terminal relational word—which is antiquated and completely syntactic—you might like “To whom should my cat apologize?”).

What is Whom?

Whom is both straightforward and confounded. It is basic in that it is just the target instance of who, which implies that it’s the type of who that is in the article position in a sentence. The pair of words is closely resembling they and them: similarly as we’d say (failing to remember the absence of clearness) “They helped them,” we’d say “Who helped whom.” 

What precisely comprises the item position in a sentence is the place where things get convoluted. 

An item, in linguistic terms, is a thing or thing same (like a pronoun, “ing” word, or proviso) that gets the activity of an action word or that finishes the significance of a relational word—in this way, for instance, sandwich in “They purchased a sandwich”; it in “My dog ate it”; saying ‘sorry\’” in “a suitable time for saying ‘sorry’. 

Who is a pronoun, which implies that it’s utilized rather than a thing or thing expression to allude to a thing/thing phrase that has effectively been referenced or that shouldn’t be named explicitly. Whom replaces who in spots where that word would get the activity of the action word or complete the importance of a relational word.

Main Differences Between Who and Whom

  1. Who in a sentence comes when I/he/she is used where as whom comes when me/him/her is used.
  2. While who can be the sujectof the verb, whom can not.
  3. Who is referred to the doer of of the action whereas whom is referred to as the receiver of the action.
  4. Who depends on the action being done while whom is not dependent.
  5. Who revolves arround the subject whereas whom revolves arround verb.


The distinction among who and whom is by and large equivalent to the contrast among I and me, he and him, she and her, and so forth Who, similar to I, he, and she, is a subject – it is the individual playing out the activity of the action word. Whom, similar to me, him, and her, is an article – it is the individual to/about/for whom the activity is being finished. Whom is likewise the right decision after a relational word: with whom, one of whom, not “with who, one of who.” 

To comprehend the distinction between “who” and “whom,” you should know the contrast between the subject of an action word and the object of an action word. In case you’re new to the language and don’t have the foggiest idea what these terms mean, relax. They’re less difficult than they sound, and you as of now manage subjects and items viably.


  1. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED613321
  2. https://www.sid.ir/en/Journal/ViewPaper.aspx?ID=280418