Difference Between Proclivity and Propensity (With Table)

While these two words might sound the same, they have very different meanings. Proclivity is a noun that means inclination or tendency to do something. For example, if you have a proclivity for math, then you are more likely to take on more math courses in college than someone with little to no interest in mathematics. Propensity is also a noun that means the likelihood of something happening.

Proclivity vs Propensity

The main difference between Proclivity and Propensity is that both proclivity and propensity have different meanings, but they sound very similar in their pronunciation, so it can be difficult to tell them apart when reading or listening to someone speak about them. The only way you might notice a difference between these two words is if you were able to see them written out.

Proclivity is a noun that means inclination or tendency to do something. For example, if you have a proclivity for math, then you are more likely to take on more math courses in college than someone with little to no interest in mathematics. Proclivity is the noun form of proclivity, which is an adjective.

Propensity is also a noun that means the likelihood of something happening. For example, if you are prone to getting sick, then it means that the likelihood of you getting sick is higher than someone who rarely gets a cold. It can also mean inclination or tendency to do something. For instance, your propensity for reading may be lower if you read less often compared with other people.

Comparison Table Between Proclivity and Propensity

Parameters of Comparison




The definition of proclivity is a natural, inherent, or habitual disposition towards something. It can also mean ‘inclination to do wrong.

The definition of propensity is a natural or habitual inclination, tendency, or disposition. It can also mean “a person’s actual behaviour”.


Proclivity is a tendency to behave in one way rather than another. A person might have a strong proclivity towards violence.

Propensity can refer to the likelihood of a certain outcome.


A proclivity is an inherent or natural inclination to do something.

A propensity is a natural or inherent tendency to do something.


The word “proclivity” comes from the Latin verb “proclivus,” which means “to lean forward.”

The word “propensity” comes from the Latin verb “propendere,” which means to have a natural leaning or tendency.


If you have a proclivity for math, then you are more likely to take on more math courses in college than someone with little to no interest in mathematics.

If you are prone to getting sick, then it means that the likelihood of you getting sick is higher than someone who rarely gets a cold.

What is Proclivity?

Proclivity is the tendency to favour one thing or person over another. For example, if someone has a proclivity for art, then they might have an inclination towards that profession and maybe better at it than others with other tendencies. It can also mean a natural aptitude in something or doing things in a particular manner. Again using the example of art, it could be that one person has a proclivity for painting while another might have an aptitude in sculpture.

Proclivity means natural aptitude – this word has taken on another meaning over time and now refers to one’s ability or natural skill in a particular area. For instance, if you have an inclination towards mathematics or another subject, then it could mean that you are more likely to understand the material and do well in future tests because of your proclivity for it.

It can also mean a natural aptitude in something or doing things in a particular manner. Again using the example of art, it could be that one person has a proclivity for painting while another might have an aptitude in sculpture. If I’m not sure if my daughter has a natural tendency for something or just habits from doing it over and over again, she’ll be much better off with proclivity.

In order for someone to become a professional painter or sculptor, they need both types of tendencies-proclivities and propensities. It would be hard work, but for those who want to do it, they’ll manage.

What is Propensity?

Propensity (noun) is the natural inclination or tendency of a certain thing. It’s the state of being more prone to do something. The propensity of distribution to have outliers. An act, occurrence, or event that is likely to happen. A strong disposition toward doing one particular activity as opposed to another. Propensity is the probability that an event will occur.

For example, if the propensity of a population to have blood pressure above 150/100 millimetres of mercury (mmHg) and their age is greater than 65 years old, then they are at risk for stroke or another cardiovascular disease. If more people in a population are left-handed, then the population is a dominant left-hand one.

In the case of propensity, a person is more likely to do something. It’s about probability (i.e., there are no guarantees that I will buy ice cream). The advantage of using the word propensity is that it means “the probability that an event will occur.” The disadvantage to this word is if you use it, there are a lot of other words used for similar contexts.

A person with propensities for both math and English would have more of a variety in their education (i.e. they would study and practice both languages). The word is usually used to describe the tendency or likelihood that someone has towards particular activities, thoughts, feelings etc., rather than just one specific activity as opposed to another. For example, if a person is left-handed, then the population is a dominant left-hand one.

Main Differences Between Proclivity and Propensity

  1. Proclivity and propensity are usually measured on scales, with some people being more likely to act in one way than another.
  2. Proclivities are more specific than propensities because they express a predisposition for a certain type of behaviour. Propensity is the likelihood that someone will engage in an activity based on their interests or personality traits; it’s how prevalent something is among a population.
  3. When it comes to behaviours and tendencies related to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, for example, differences between proclivity and propensity is different in each individual person because of the availability of the substances and how often they are used.
  4. Proclivity and propensity can be seen in people’s behaviour; some people are more prone or inclined to act in certain ways based on their personality.
  5. Proclivity and propensity range from low to high, with a higher score indicating that the person is more likely to do something than someone who scored lower on the scale.


Proclivity and propensity are two words with very similar meanings. Both proclivity and propensity refer to a natural, habitual tendency or inclination of someone. The difference between the two is that proclivity refers to an individual’s own tendencies, while propensity tends to describe how other people would view them based on their habits.

Proclivity refers to an individual’s own natural, habitual tendency or inclination. Propensity tends to describe how other people would view them based on their habits. The differences are subtle, but it is important for writers not to be confused about which word to use. The difference is that “proclivity” can be used for an individual’s own natural, habitual tendencies, while “propensity” tends to describe how other people would view them based on their habits.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022435905000850
  2. http://rogosateaching.com/somgen290/cc_9.pdf