Difference Between Mrs and Ms (With Table)

In the English language, many salutations have been used by common people for each other. It is a formal and appropriate way of greeting someone when approached, making a request, asking for a favour, and many other. Some of the salutations used by people are – Sir, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. These salutations are assumed to be similar but may have the slightest of differences between them.

Mrs vs Ms

The main difference between Mrs and Ms is that the Mrs salutation is majorly used for any married women whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the salutation of Ms is used for the women under the age of 25 or are single or unmarried or married. These salutations are used as the formal way of greeting the second or third person.

Mrs is the salutation that has been used in the daily lives that signifies the married women. It is the word that originated from British English, but along the other side, Mrs. is also used for the same purpose, but the difference between the two is that it is originally from American English. A person may use the salutation as part of the individual full name or surname.

Ms is the salutation that has been used in common day-to-day lives. The significance of the salutation is that it has been used for women under 25 years of age or the women who are single or unmarried or can be used for married women. This is because it is the safest form of greeting women. Ms is the word originated from British English, along with Ms. is used and originally belong to the American English.

Comparison Table Between Mrs and Ms

Parameters of Comparison



Plural Form

Plural form of Mrs is ‘Mesdames’

Plural form of Ms is ‘Mss.’ or ‘Mses’


Salutation for women generally married

Salutation for women under 25 years of age, single, unmarried, or married


When the marital status of the woman is known or is at the higher post and is married.

When the marital status of the women is unknown or nevertheless is irrelevant.







What is Mrs? 

It is a word that has been used forever since the existence of the language. The same word is used in two different ways that are – in American English, it is the word ‘Mrs.’ that is used as the common practice along with that in British English that is most commonly used in India uses ‘Mrs’ in the common practice.

The definition of the word, according to the dictionary, is that it is the term used for women that are married. For using the word ‘Mrs’, the status of the marriage must be known to the second or the third person. Formally, it has been in used as the practice with the last name of the individual.

Also, it is not a compulsion to always use the salutation of the word ‘Mrs’ with the first name or surname because if someone has another salutation like – Dr, Professor, Lady, Dame, etc., they must be used to neglect the ‘Mrs’ salutation with the name.

What is Ms? 

It is a word that has been used verbally and as in written and is a very common practice. It is also used for the same purpose just like the word ‘Mrs’ but with the slightest difference between the two and that is – In American English, the word ‘Ms’ is used as the very common word whereas along with it in the British English language that is widely accepted in India uses the word ‘Ms’ in the daily practice.

The complete and proper definition of the word ‘Ms’ is that the term is used for women irrespective of their marital status in society. The word ‘Ms’ is used to signify the women under the age of 25 years, or single, or unmarried, or even married.

Using the word ‘Ms’ to greet a second or third person is the most default type or way to reach someone else. Also, the same is with the ‘Ms’ salutation that if someone carries an additional salutation like – Dr, Professor, Lady, Dame, etc., they must be used instead of using the word ‘Ms’ with the name.

Main Differences Between Mrs and Ms

  1. The plural form of the salutation Mrs is the word ‘Mesdames’ (although the word is not used commonly) whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the plural form of the salutation of Ms is ‘Mss’ or the ‘Mses’ (these terms are also not that common in use). 
  2. The word Mrs can be defined as the salutation word that is used for the women who are married or at a higher post and is married, whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the word Ms can be defined as the salutation word that is used for the women that are under the age of 25 or are single or unmarried or can also be used for the married women. 
  3. For using the salutation Mrs the marital status of the women must be known whereas comparatively, on the other hand, for using the salutation Ms, it is not important for knowing the marital status of the women. 
  4. The pronunciation of the word ‘Mrs’ is ‘misses’ whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the pronunciation of the word ‘Ms’ is ‘mizzes’. 
  5. The salutation ‘Mrs’ is equivalent with the other word ‘Mr’ whereas comparatively, on the other hand, the salutation ‘Ms’ is equivalent with the other word ‘Master’.


Greeting to the second person or the third person is what is called etiquettes or morals of an individual. Also, a person must make correct and proper salutation to them. Different words have been in used as salutations for the second or third person, and they are – Mr, Miss, Master, Mrs, Ms, etc.

As these words sound familiar as well as similar but still do have differences in between them and thus is same with the above terms although it may be minute but are worth considering. ‘Mrs’ word is in use for the married women in common while on the other side ‘Ms’ word is used for the women irregular of their marital status that may be unmarried, single, married, or under the age of 25.


  1. https://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-HXYX200701031.htm
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/mrm.25352
  3. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00287454