Difference Between Mission and Goals (With Table)

There are many words in the English dictionary which people often use interchangeably as they think two words have similar meanings and can be used in any contest in a sentence. Two such words are mission and goals. Both these words may appear to be similar in meaning, but they are two completely different words.

A person must not use the terms goals and mission interchangeably as they have vast differences. If replacement takes place between these two words in a sentence, it will change the meaning of the entire sentence leading to miscommunication.

Mission vs Goals

The main difference between mission and goals is that an organization uplifted for the development and upbringing of people for improving them is known as a mission, and on the other hand, planning for achieving to fulfill the motto of a mission in an organization for the people’s betterment is known as a goal.

The mission is a word that means to carry a motto for bringing in betterment in something or someone. A mission can be carried out by a single person or even a group of people having the same motto or tagline. A mission states a purpose from which any kind of business or a company operates systematically.

The goal is a word that means the steps to achieve the final part of a mission. There is a need for carrying out a goal in systematic planning to achieve the result through the mission. The goal is, in short, the main aim or motive of the company or any individual performing any business or task.

Comparison Table Between Mission and Goals

Parameters of Comparison



Number of letters

This is a 7-lettered word.

This is a 5-lettered word.


This is the path to achieving the goal.

This is the final result achieved through systematic planning and management.


This is, in short, the version of an organization built for improving a community or themselves.

This is, in short, the version of a systematic plan for achieving the mission.


This is a broad concept.

This is a narrow concept.

Writing format

This is always observed to be written vaguely.

This is always written in a specific, measurable, and uniform manner.

What is Mission?

The mission is a word that means to carry a motto for bringing in betterment in something or someone. A mission can be carried out by a single person or even a group of people having the same motto or tagline. A mission states a purpose from which any kind of business or a company operates systematically.

A mission is a statement that helps in guiding the everyday working of members in a company which helps the board members to make decisions accordingly in the manner the mission is supposed to be carried out. An example of the mission is that in any company registered under section 8, which has its mission statement.

An NGO’s mission statement that it should perform towards things that will only lead to betterment in the social wellbeing of humans or any kind of living things. It is very essential to carry out a mission in the most systematic way in a company or for an individual as this is the only way of attaining the goal or motive.

What are Goals?

The goal is a word that means the steps to achieve the final part of a mission. There is a need for carrying out a goal in systematic planning to achieve the result through the mission. The goal is, in short, the main aim or motive of the company or any individual performing any business or task.

Performing in a manner to attain the goal in a company gives a sense of path or direction which helps to achieve a goal in the short term or the long term. A short-term goal based on what is may even take months or weeks for attainment and see the final result. This process of attaining goals requires patience.

Another type of short goal is a goal that would get completed within 6 to 7 hours, and this too depends literally on what goal has to be achieved. A long-term plan is a construction plan of a building that may go up to years for achieving the goals. In short, a short-term goal is a part of achieving a long-term goal in the future.

Main Differences Between Mission and Goals

  1. The word Mission has 7 letters, and on the other hand, the word goals have 5 letters in it.
  2. The mission is the path of achieving the goal, and on the other hand, the goal is the final result achieved through systematic planning and management.
  3. A version of an organization built for improving a community or themselves is known as a mission, and on the other hand, a version of a systematic plan for achieving the mission is a goal.
  4. A mission is a broader concept, and on the other hand, a goal is a narrow concept achieved through small wins in missions.
  5. A mission is usually observed to be written vaguely, and on the other hand, a goal is always written in a specific, measurable, and uniform manner.


Both the words are mission and goals are two words that focus on the betterment of something or someone or even of a company as a whole. Even though people use it interchangeably in sentences, they do have their difference between them when they have to be used in a sentence.

When the terms mission and goals are used in a sentence, their differences lie in how they are used in a sentence, in what context they are used in a sentence, and what function they perform along with characteristics they possess. The mission is the path to attaining a goal. One should know the basic difference between the terms mission and goal to use them in a sentence.


  1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-010-0375-9_2
  2. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11214-017-0449-2