Difference Between Error and Mistake (With Table)

There are many words in the English dictionary which have different spellings but have similar means and are often confused by many people and are used wrongly in sentences by people. Though both these words are stated to have similar meanings, they do have their differences. Two such words are Error and Mistake.

Error vs Mistake

The main difference between error and mistake is that the word ‘error’ is most commonly used in scientific terms or highly technical terms by professionals when something is done at fault, and on the other hand, the word ‘mistake’ is most commonly used in sentence commonly by the common people in everyday life for describing someone’s fault.

The word ‘Error’ is a word that is used in a sentence by a person to denote something faulty. It denotes that something is wrong when this word is used in a sentence by a person. This word falls under a noun in the figures of speech. This word is often observed to be used in technical and formal terms. The word Error is derived from the Latin words’ error or ‘error, which means to stray.

The word ‘mistake’ is a word that is used in a sentence by a person to denote something when someone does something wrong due to some bad judgment. This word also occurs when someone does something in ignorance or an intention. This word is derived from two old words, namely the ‘mistake. A person is said to make a mistake when he or she brings out a negative or bad result by doing something.

Comparison Table Between Error and Mistake

Parameters of Comparison



Number of letters

This is a five-lettered word.

This is an eight-lettered word.


This cannot be rectified.

This can be rectified.

Figures of speech

This is a noun.

This is a noun and a verb.

Intensity of fault

This is a severe fault.

This is a less severe fault.

Type of communication

This word is used more in technical language.

This word is used more in daily communication.

What is Error?

The word ‘Error’ is the word that is used in a sentence by a person to denote something faulty. It denotes that something is wrong when this word is used in a sentence by a person. This word falls under a noun in the figures of speech. This word is often observed to be used in technical and formal terms. The word Error is derived from the Latin words’ erroree or ‘errore, which means to stray.

An action performed by a person is stated to be an error when he or she performed it against any code, rules, or any specific model. A person doing anything that is stated to be a Violence is known as an error. An error cannot be corrected by a person. It is generally used as a collective term.

The following are examples of some sentences in which the word error is used—

  1. This paper has several errors in writing.
  2. This article has several grammatical errors.
  3. There is an error that occurred while writing the legal terms and conditions.
  4. You have performed so many errors which cannot be rectified.

What is Mistake?

The word ‘mistake’ is a word that is used in a sentence by a person to denote something when someone does something wrong due to some bad judgment. This word also occurs when someone does something in ignorance or an intention. This word is derived from two old words, namely the ‘mistakaa.’ A person is said to make a mistake when he or she brings out a negative or bad result by doing something.

A mistake, in short, refers to an action that is done by mistake in a specific situation at a particular period. When a person performs a mistake, there can be rectification done of that mistake. A mistake can never be made by purpose in legal terms. This word is used in many common ways by the general people in day-to-day life.

The following are examples of some sentences in which the word mistake is used—

  1. I’m so sorry I have made a mistake.
  2. Mistakes did a person should be apologized.
  3. She made a mistake by letting him inside the party.
  4. Everyone once in a lifetime makes many mistakes that can be corrected.

Main Differences Between Error and Mistake

  1. The word ‘Error’ is a noun when it is used in a sentence by a person. The word ‘mistake’ is a noun and a verb when it is used in a sentence by a person.
  2. The word ‘Error’ is commonly used in formal communication only when it a fault is made by a person. The word ‘mistake’ is Commons used in informal communication only when it is a fault made by a person.
  3. The word ‘Error’ is used in a sentence when a fault cannot be corrected or rectified, and on the other hand, the word ‘mistake’ is used in a sentence by a person when a fault can be corrected or rectified.
  4. An error made by a person when the fault made is severe, and on the other hand, a mistake made by a person when the fault made is less severe.
  5. Error is occurred due to a wrong judgment and ignorance by a person, and on the other hand, a mistake is occurred due to some performance based on some circumstance.


The words’ Error’ and ‘Mistake’ are two words that people often confuse, get confused with, and use these words interchangeably in a sentence by a person. Even though they are used in such a way by a person, they do have some differences between them.

Both these words have differences in them based on their word meaning and in what context they are used in a sentence by a person. These words have their difference in meanings and un what they are used for, for the respective situations in a particular period. One should know the common difference between these two words that is the error and mistake.


  1. https://psycnet.apa.org/journals/bul/101/1/75.html?uid=1987-15546-001