Difference Between Might and Might Be (With Table)

The English language is one of the ancient and most widely used languages in the world. People are bilingual or multilingual, and one of their languages is always English. English has eight parts of speech. Parts of speech are a category to which a word is assigned based on its function. English also makes use of various other components, which makes up their grammar. One of them is auxiliary verbs. It is used with the verb to give a voice, tone and mood to the sentence.

Might vs Might Be

The main difference between Might and Might be is that might is used when there are few chances of an event to occur, whereas might be is used in cases that have very fewer chances of happening. Both are used for the same purpose, but the tone and severity of the situation differentiate their usage in the situations.

Might- refers to a situation that has a possibility of occurrence. Might be- refer to a chance or situation that may or may not happen. The occurrence of this is not entirely assured. E.g. Riya might go to Delhi next. She might be planning the trip right now.

‘Might Be’ refers to a situation that has very little possibility of occurrence. It can also be used in hypothetical situations and in case of making assumptions. The events can be either happening or not happening. It doesn’t show the happening of the event. E.g. She might be in the library right now. 

Comparison Table Between Might and Might Be

Parameters of Comparison


Might Be


Might is an auxiliary verb used in a past tense form.

Might be is an auxiliary verb used after the subject and before the verb.

Root verb




The past principle form of may

Simple past tense of may


Used in a situation that has very fewer possibilities or in situations that are unlikely to happen.
Used in case of seeking permission.

Used in implied future but conditional cases.  

Nature of speech


Less Informal

What is Might?

Might is an auxiliary verb. It is the past principle form of the verb- ‘may’. It can be used in several sentences, but the context can differ greatly. Might is used in sentences that show a fewer possibility of occurrence of a future event. It can be used to describe a situation that is hypothetical, counterfactual, or has fewer chances of happening. Some of the usage of the auxiliary verb ‘might’ is demonstrated in this article.

Might is used when we have to report something that was said or thought or asked by someone. E.g. Risha said that she might join the golf club. I bought an umbrella with me, as I thought it might rain today.

Might is also used while suggesting something to someone. E.g. I think you might try this cuisine one more time. She might take the painkiller for her joint pain.

Might is also used to ask questions or to request something politely. E.g. I wonder if you might give me a ride back home. Might I invite you to the dinner hosted by my parents this weekend?

Might is also be used to describe situational aspects or hypothetical aspects. E.g. If I win the lottery, I might buy a house. If you drive a little fast, you might reach the venue on time.

Other examples: Ajay might have lost his wallet at the shop. The teacher might have noticed the similarities in the concept idea. I might go to the hospital to visit my grandmother.

What is Might Be? 

Might be is an auxiliary verb used with the verb to make a meaningful sentence. It is used in cases where there is a remote possibility of the occurrence of events. ‘Might be’ can be used in sentences that show a rare possibility of occurrence.

Might be- is used to signify a situation or a small probable event. E.g. Raghav’s parents might be upset after knowing her exam results. Saif might be playing volleyball with his friends. Kritika might be working from home all this time.

Might be is often used while making situational assumptions. E.g. This might be the hardest decision she would ever make. Ankita might be more uncomfortable in these surroundings.

Might be can also be used to address the present scenario or is answering something. Eg. The wallet might be on the table.

Main Differences Between Might and Might Be

  1. ‘Might’ is a past principle form of may, which is often used to describe a possibility of the occurrence of an event, but only when there is a small degree of possibility. ‘Might’ when complemented with a lexical verb ‘be’, then its usage becomes more of a future perspective. E.g. She might be late for the class.
  2. ‘Might’ is used in situations that have fewer chances of happening, but ‘might be’ suggests even less probability of happening of the situation.
  3. ‘Might’ is be used while seeking permission. ‘Might be’ is used to describe situations happening at the moment or in the near future.
  4. ‘Might’ is used for avoiding confusion. Might be is used to make assumptions or describe hypothetical situations.
  5. ‘Might’ imply the present and is used in the present tense, whereas ‘might be’ refers to implied future but conditional.


‘Might’ and ‘might be’ can be used to give the same meaning, but their usage can differ in a different context or different situations. One can be used to describe a normal situation, while the latter can be used to describe a conditional statement. The addition of an auxiliary verb changes the context of the sentence and can be used in entirely different and sometimes in completely opposite situations.

While may is referred to as a possibility, ‘might’ is called probability, and ‘might be’ can be an assumption. ‘Might’ is the term that depicts less possibility of situations or a counterfactual. ‘Might be’ depicts the situational, which can either be real or hypothetical, conditional or assumption.