Difference Between Because and Although (With Table)

Part of speech is the basic building block in English grammar. It is a category of words that have the same syntactical meaning.

It includes noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection, and determiner. Of the above, the conjunction connects two parts of a sentence, such as phrases and clauses.

There are three types of conjunction – coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction and correlative conjunction. Two widely used words in speech, because and although, fall under the category of subordinating conjunction.

A subordinating conjunction connects a main clause with a dependent clause. The main clause is an independent entity with complete meaning, whereas the subordinate clause is not so. The subordinating conjunction is also called subordinator.

Because vs Although

The main difference between because and although is that “because” gives a reason for something, whereas “although” implies an unexpected situation.

  1. Because” is a subordinating conjunction that gives the cause of something. It is also used as a compound preposition.
  2. Although” is a subordinating conjunction that means – in spite of something. It is also used as a prepositional phrase.


Comparison Table Between Because and Although (in Tabular Form)

Parameter Of Comparison



Prominent Usage

“Because” is a subordinating conjunction that primarily gives the reason or justification for something.

“Although” is a subordinating conjunction primarily used to give contrasting information.

Other Uses

“Because” is also used for :
· Introducing facts for a cause of belief
· Immediate use before another part of speech to hide unnecessary information

“Although” is also used to :
· Give information about unexpected circumstances
· Give relevant information
· Give a favorable fact for a disregarded thing


· He turned the AC on because it was too hot.
· I think she is angry because we ate her chocolate.
· He stopped working because of pay cuts.

· Although I am the topper of my class, I don’t receive much attention.
· Although the pictures are old, they are still in good condition.
· Although the authorities denied any misconceptions, his ghost continued to haunt the neighborhood.

Position of the Subject and the Verb

“Because” is used to modify a verb or an action. It generally follows the verb.

“Although” is immediately followed by a subject and the corresponding verb.

Alternate Role

“Because” can be used as a compound preposition. For this, we use “because of” in the sentence.

“Although” can be used as a prepositional phrase. For this, we have to change the subject-verb structure of the sentence.


When to Use the Word Because?

Because” is a subordinator used to connect two phrases or clauses. The general structure that the sentence takes is :

  • Main Clause +because +Subordinate clause

It’s most general use is to provide a justification for an action. Example :

  • I killed the ant because it came in my way.
  • I patrol around because I am a policeman.

Besides, it can be employed to hide unnecessary details and make the sentence concise. Example :

  • I stopped the practice because exhausted.
  • I am unable to find my wallet because stolen.

It is also used to express a person’s belief. Example :

  • I think he took the joke on him, because he is not talking to us.

Finally, it can also be used as a compound preposition. Example :

  • His sore throat is because of the cold drink he had last night.
  • She has lost her job because of my complaint.

However, one important thing to remember is that one should not use a comma before the conjunction because. The independent clause must be carefully scrutinized before ascertaining the use of a comma.


When to Use the Word Although?

Although” is a subordinator used to give contrasting information. It starts with a fact or information, and then gives an unexpected turn to the situation.

It’s most general use is to apprise about unexpected circumstances. Example :

  • He lived a miserable life, although he had a trove full of gold.
  • Although she had initially approached him, she refused for the marriage at the end.

It is widely used to disseminate pertinent information regarding a topic. Example :

  • Although the head office is closed, you can carry the documents to the magistrate’s house.
  • I will try to complete the project, although I have an important meeting tomorrow.

It can also be used to strike a balance between two parallel aspects of a subject. Example :

  • Although a bit arrogant, he is an excellent dancer.
  • Although battered, this book has vast information.

In order to use “although” as a prepositional phrase, the structure of the sentence has to be modified.

However, a comma is necessary to separate the clauses in a sentence having the subordinator, although.

Main Differences Between Because and Although

  1. “Because” and “although” are conjunctions. They join different parts of a sentence.
  2. Both of them belong to the category of subordinating conjunctions. However, they have considerably different usage. The main differences between the two are :
  3. “Because” gives the justification for an activity, whereas “although” is used to provide contrast.
  4. “Because” is generally used after a verb, whereas “although” is immediately followed by a subject and a verb.
  5. A sentence that uses the conjunction because, should not use a comma to separate the clauses. On the other hand, it is generally necessary to separate the clauses with a comma when “although” is used.
  6. “Because” can be used as a compound preposition, whereas “although” can be used as a prepositional phrase.
  7. But can be used with because in a sentence. However, it cannot be used with although in a sentence. This is because both “but” and “although” are used to convey opposite meaning.



The term parts of speech has now become obsolete. The new terms used nowadays are lexical categories or word classes.

However, the thing that has not changed is its importance. A basic knowledge of the parts of speech is a must to leverage the benefits of knowing English.

Both because and although are parts of speech and impact the structure of a sentence. They have certain rules associated with their usage. One should take care of these rules while using them in a sentence.

Having a knowledge of the general structure of English grammar is necessary as it has the following advantages :

  1. Easy identification of the mistakes in writing
  2. Support in analyzing the meaning of a sentence
  3. Acquaintance with the varied roles of a single word in different sentences
  4. Increased mental flexibility


  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Part_of_speech
  2. https://www.macmillandictionary.com/amp/dictionary/british/because