Difference Between Through and Throughout (With Table)

English is one of the most influential languages across the globe. It is not only the language of science and technology but also the aviation industry, IT sector, diplomatic relations of countries, and the tourism industry is also linked with the English language. 

Learning and understanding of the English language can help you to reach your goals. It can be a ladder of success. If you have good English skills your chances of getting a job in multinational companies increases. That’s why it is important to have a very good command over the English language. Grammar is the base for understanding and learning of this language.

Prepositions are parts of speech and are the most important ones. Prepositions are also called the biggest small words. Prepositions are used to express the time or time of an event, location, direction, or to show the state of something. The real meaning is expressed when you link prepositions with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

Through and throughout are two prepositions that often confuse many of us. There is a similarity in the look and sound of words through and throughout, but they can’t be used by replacing each other

Through vs Throughout

The main difference between through and throughout is that throughout is used to indicate every part of a place or an object whereas through can has several meanings, the most common meaning is ‘using’.

The difference between these two is alike to the one between a line and a plane in geometry. Throughout mainly covers the whole area of distance or time, while through typically follows a straight line within that area. The ‘out’ throughout can be a way to remember the difference. There are several differences among “through and throughout”.


Comparison Table Between Through and Throughout (in Tabular Form)

Parameter of Comparison




Through can be used to indicate how something is achieved

Throughout cannot be used to indicate how something is achieved


It can be used to indicate the location (from one place to another or across something)

It can be used to indicate in every part of a place or object


It can be used to indicate time (during the whole period of activity)

It can be used to indicate time (from beginning to end of a period of activity)


The medicine moved slowly through the plastic tube into her vein.

The medicine spread throughout her body.


When to Use the Word Through?

Through is a preposition. Prepositions are a small yet important set of words, used to link up a noun or pronoun to parts of a sentence.

Through can be used to indicate how something is achieved, to indicate the location, and to indicate the time of activity. 

It can be used to indicate the location (from one place to another or across something). For example, He entered through the doorway.

As an adjective, through is used for a finished activity or its meaning is done. When used as an adverb it gives the meaning of backward direction and frontal direction, completely, or to the end of something.

It can be used also to indicate the time of activity. For example, he studied through the night. It can be used to indicate the means of’ achievement or how something was achieved. For example, Snake has entered the shop through a small hole in the wall.


When to Use the Word Throughout?

Through is also a preposition. Throughout is used adjective also as a preposition. It is similar to all over, right through, all around, etc.

It has two important meanings. One meaning covers the section of a place or object. For example, the howling of dogs reverberated throughout the jungle. The other meaning is from start to finish or endpoint or end period. For example, the blog contained important data that took place throughout the month.  

Throughout can be used to show each section or place of the object, to indicate the period of activity.

As adverb throughout is used to indicate from first to last. For example, the play was excellent end-to-end

Main Differences Between Through and Throughout

Both these words through and throughout are different from each other. The main difference between through and throughout lies in its operation that depends on the surrounding, environment, or external factors. Through it can refer to several meanings; generally, its meaning is ‘use.’ While throughout means in every part of a place or an object.

  1. The word through when used as a preposition gives the meaning of from one side of an opening to other, on the other hand, throughout means each section; all through.
  2. Through means from one point to the other while throughout is labeled as completely through, or a way through.
  3. Use of through as an adjective gives a meaning of; is passing from one corner or side of the object to the other. But when used as an adverb, it means from one side to another by way of the interior.
  4. Through can be used for the indication of achievement. While throughout can’t be used for achievement.
  5. Through indicates the location from one place to another. But throughout can be used to indicate in every part of a place or object



For better career opportunities one must understand the importance of the English language. Learning and use of the English language can increase your chances of progress in every walk of life.  Prepositions are part of speech and are most important. Both through and throughout are prepositions that often confusing many of us.

These two words look and sound similar, but their interchangeable use is not possible. Their practical application depends upon their use, location, and period. There are several meanings of through. But before the use of any one of these you should keep in mind the external factors i.e. related location, period, place, and objects.



  1. https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/through
  2. https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/throughout.html