Differences Between Dysport and Botox

Dysport vs Botox

People like the thought that they can try and prolong the signs of aging. This is probably why more and more products and cosmetic doctors are offering their services as they entice, lure, and tempt the hundreds of both men and women in using their services. Another example for such services include Botox and Dysport. What are they? Both have been talked about fairly often when the topic is about improving one’s looks. So what exactly is the difference?

To start with, let us define what Botox and Dysport are. Both Botox and Dysport are a derived protein. Their purpose is to relax the targeted muscles. This means they both work at improving the area where they are injected. When an individual would undergo Botox injections, it would mean having a specific parts of the body injected with it, usually in the face, around the eyes, jaw, between the eyebrows, to name a few. Another reason for the use of Botox is to prevent further signs of aging, which means sagging, wrinkles, and many more. Ultimately, what both these products, Botox and Dysport, do is similar in action: both do neuromuscular blocking toxin. So what about differences between the two?

Here are the Differences Between Dysport and Botox:


Many cosmetic surgeons have stuck with Botox simply because they have seen its results and know that it works, and, more importantly, how it works. The most common observation that doctors talk about, especially when presenting rates to their clients, is the price for this type of cosmetic enhancement. Yearly, Botox has seen an increase in price, which is the main reason why many cosmetic doctors try to find an alternative. These days, many surgeons and cosmetic surgeons turn to Dysport because the price is much more affordable than Botox. With the continued increase of popularity in Botox, this would also mean an increase in the demand, hence, an increase in the fee and rates, compared to a less popular Dysport.

Less protein load

When a certain medication has ‘less protein load’, this would mean that there are fewer antibodies that would detect and destroy the antigens. If there are less antigens, this means that the effect would last longer. Based on studies found, Dysport has less protein load compared to Botox, which again, is another reason why more and more cosmetic surgeons are turning to Dysport.

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There have been studies that show that Dysport spreads more, which means that one should need less number of injections, since it would spread more compared to Botox. This would also mean, less discomfort, less swelling, and less bruising. At the same time, its negative effect would mean that, should the doctor doing the procedure is not ‘that’ experienced, there is a likelihood of the medication spreading to unwanted areas.


Studies show that Dysport is more diluted which means that with a less experienced cosmetologist or surgeon, the measurement of how much medication should be injected might be compromised.


Lastly, results show that Dysport proves to be more ‘safe’. Although this has not been fully tested and confirmed, those who have tried and tested it say that there is, to a clinically significant degree, fewer allergies and infection.

There will always be the good side and the bad side for anything new. The final and end result will always be what happens to the individual should he decide to use this newer product over the one that has been in use for quite some time. In using these differences mentioned above, it would be good that any person interested to try out any Botox treatment will have an alternative.