Differences Between Vaccine and Toxoid

Vaccine vs Toxoid

In our modern world, we tend to be assailed by too many terms than we can care to count. Oftentimes, we hear people use a certain term and sometimes associate it with another and we assume that they are the same. Two of these terms that we tend to use equally are vaccine and toxoid. The use of vaccines and toxoid these days is quite due to the fact that there are simply too many illnesses and diseases that are ‘there,’ so when a baby is born, it is imperative that he would be vaccinated with the necessary ‘antigen’ that would help his body in producing the antibody. There are so many types of medical what-not that are simply too many for us laymen to fully understand. So when we get to meet terms like vaccine and toxoid, especially when heard in almost the same usage and conversation, we would put two and two together and assume that such terms are similar in meaning, hence, they can be used one with the other.

What is vaccine?

Vaccine is an antigenic material. Antigenic is from the term ‘antigen,’ which is a substance that is introduced and brought to one’s body. Its purpose is to be able to produce the antibody internally. The antigens that are injected or introduced to your body can be toxins. It can also be bacteria, foreign blood cells, and even cells of transplanted organs. The main purpose of a vaccination is to stimulate, increase, or even promote your body’s immune system to come up with an adaptive immunity to whatever vaccine it is that you are about to take it for. Examples of vaccines that have been created are influenza vaccine, chicken pox vaccine, polio vaccines, measles, and many more.

What is toxoid?

Toxoid, on the other hand, is introducing a bacterial toxin to your body. The toxic has been made ‘inactive’ by use of a chemical or heat treatment. The most common toxoid that is probably being administered is the diphtheria, botulism, and tetanus. Toxoids are used as vaccines because they help the individual in stimulating an immune response to the toxin. Another reason for using toxoid as vaccine is to increase the antigen in one’s body.

With those different definitions above, it might be easier to now grasp how one is different from the other. Then again, as one layman to another, it is really easier to comprehend medical terms when used as examples. Simply put, vaccines help your body by increasing the antibodies. Toxoid helps your body by putting the virus in, in a modified version, and allowing your body to produce the antibody to deflect and kill it, naturally.


Vaccine and toxoid are both committed to helping your body in coming up with ‘something’ to fight the virus, the bacteria, or the illness.

They would both vary in how your body would ‘accept’ the virus, for toxoid; or antigen, for vaccine, and come up with how to fight them naturally. Your immune system has its ways of coming up with a powerful ‘method’ in killing the antigen or virus. This is why some doctors deem it best on how to go about curing you through any of these methods.

The bottom line is that vaccine uses antigens that should help produce the antibody against the virus. Toxoid is introducing the modified version of the virus to your body, and allowing your body to create the ‘immune response’ to the virus.

Since doctors would know best on how to prevent, cure, and improve your health, it is always best to consult with them with any problem that you might have. Better yet, for any questions regarding proper care and achieving a healthier you, or family, get in touch with your family doctor now.