Difference Between Xanax and Klonopin

Xanax vs Klonopin

Alprazolam and Clonazepam are brand names of xanax and klonopin. Xanax and klonopin are classes of drugs recognized as benzodiazepines. These varieties of drugs are utilized for the treatment of anxiety and these drugs are of help to individuals who suffer from panic disorder. Xanax and klonopin are known to be the potent among the drugs under benzodiazepines.

Although xanax and klonopin fall under the same drug classification, klonopin is prescribed more frequently based on an article that I have read. It is accordingly due to it has longer acting affect than xanax. Xanax is prescribed mostly for individuals suffering from panic disorders. It is because, Xanax has a fast acting effecting but at the same time for a short period of time. Xanax, unlike klonopin, is excreted from the body faster. Klonopin is available in extended release forms, as for xanax it is accessible in extende-release (XR) form as well as in a regular form.

Xanax and klonopin are also prescribed for insomniac individuals. Xanax and klonopin can cause addiction. Individuals taking these drugs must be monitored to assure no taking of these drugs more than how much is prescribed. Xanax, according to some sources might cause withdrawal symptoms. It may cause flashbacks, nightmares, and the likes. Consult your health care provider once you or your neighbors experience it.

All drugs are both beneficial and harmful to individuals. As for xanax and klonopin, their detrimental effects, although not applicable or felt by all individuals taking these, includes mood swings, drowsiness especially during the day, allergic reactions, as well as hung over feelings. Xanax and klonopin are taking effect less over a period of time when taken longer. That is why, when an individual is under Xanax and klonopin therapy, he/ she is given or prescribed higher dose than what he/ she is taking previously.

When under xanax and klonopin therapy, it is advisable to avoid activities requiring alertness. Do not drive or operate machineries. Alcohols or drinks with alcohol are not to be taken at the same time with Xanax and klonopin. Alcohols may alter the drugs’ effect and may cause and lead to serious end product. For pregnant women, taking xanax and klonopin is dangerous for their unborn babies. Consult your health care provider to know what drug is best for pregnant and breastfeeding moms other than xanax and klonopin.

Xanax and klonopin are taken in orally. Klonopin is easily ingested because it has a friendly taste. Xanax, on the other hand, must be taken as a whole. Both drugs are available in milligrams. Xanax and Klonopin are stronger than Diazepam (Valium). For 4 mg of xanax and klonopin, 80mg of diazepam is needed to equalize it.

Both xanax and klonopin interacts with other medications. Consult your health care provider about the other drugs, vitamins, and supplements that you are taking before taking xanax and klonopin. The side effects are affected by taking in of grapefruit juices. Better avoid these juices for it may boost the medications’ amount in the body.


1.Xanax and klonopin are classes of drugs recognized as benzodiazepines. They are prescribed for individuals with anxiety and panic attacks. Also, they are given to patients with insomnia.

2.Alprazolam and Clonazepam are brand names of xanax and klonopin.

3.Klonopin is available in extended release forms, as for xanax it is accessible in extende-release (XR) form as well as in a regular form.

4.Detrimental effects of xanax and klonopin are: mood swings, hung-over feelings, allergic reactions, and drowsiness especially during the day. Higher doses are prescribed for individuals taking these drugs over a period of time.

5.When under xanax and klonopin therapy, it is advisable to avoid activities requiring alertness. Do not drive or operate machineries. Alcohols may alter the drugs’ effect and may cause and lead to serious end product. For pregnant women, taking xanax and klonopin is dangerous for their unborn babies. Consult your health care provider to know what drug is best for pregnant and breastfeeding moms other than xanax and klonopin.