Difference Between Parakeets and Lorikeets

Parakeets vs Lorikeets

Parakeets and lorikeets are both birds characterized with small to medium-sized bodies. Both birds have almost the same scientific classification: kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, family Psittaciformes and family Pssittacidae. The lorikeets, in particular, have an additional classification. It belongs to the subfamily Loriinae. The subfamily has an approximately 50 species accredited to its name.

There are few discerning differences between the two birds. Despite being small, a lorikeet is still a little bigger compared to the parakeet. They also have a unique tongue called a brush tongue which helps them in eating their diet of nectar, pollen, and soft, tropical fruits like papaya, apple, pear, melons, mangoes, and others. The brush-tipped tongues are a specialized feature of this specie. It has papillae, a collection of extremely fine hairs on the surface of the tongue. Their tongue allows the lories to harvest the pollen and nectar directly from the flowers into their bodies.

They are also identified by their bright and colorful plumage and are also characterized with their clownish behavior, high energy, and tendency to mimic others who are near their vicinity. Lorikeets are originally Pacific parrots and are usually found in the nearby countries of Australia, the Australasian region, southeastern Asia, Polynesia, Papua New Guinea, and others. It is the smaller of the two birds in the same subfamily. The larger kinds are called lories.

On the other side of the cage, the parakeet is an American term that describes a specific, small bird species with a small body with a long tail. The parakeet serves as a broad term or a blanket name for birds that cover an approximate number of 120 species and sub-species. Nevertheless, some parakeets are easily distinguishable due to their diet of seeds which are usually bought from the pet shop or market store.

Both birds are popular as pets due to their playful and intelligent natures. Both lorikeets and parakeets love the attention of their owners and other people. They are also naturally curious so there is a need to have a stimulating environment for them in order to amuse themselves and encourage their inquisitive nature. Between the two birds, the lorikeets are comparatively more expensive and command higher maintenance and care compared to other birds.

Both the lorikeet and the parakeet are known to be flock birds or birds that exist in a flock. This gives them an advantage on being social and able to bond with other birds or others like people and animals.


1.“Parakeets” is a general term and common name for a bird species with a small to medium body size and a long tail. It covers an approximate 150 species and sub-species. On the other hand, lorikeets are a specific species included in the 150 species.
2.Though “parakeets” and “lorikeets” are broad and specific terms, they belong in the same classification of birds.
“Parakeets” are also an American term to describe the aforementioned description of the bird. Other nationalities call the same birds by different names.
3.Parakeets and lorikeets differ by diet. The parakeets usually eat seeds while lorikeets favour nectar or pollen. 4.Lorikeets also have a brush tongue, a unique feature of the bird which helps them eat their food.
5.As pets, lorikeets are more expensive and require more attention than a parakeet. However, both birds have the same nature and behavior.
6.The lorikeet also has the advantage of having bright and colorful plumage and a slightly larger body which makes it appealing to pet owners.
7.The lorikeet is often found in the Pacific region and usually resides in tropical forests and woodlands.