Difference Between Celiac and Coeliac Disease

Celiac vs Coeliac Disease

Celiac disease, also known by many other names, such as: tropical sprue, gluten enteropathy and coeliac disease, is an autoimmune disease, a condition that is genetically programmed into the body and cannot be removed from the system. Celiac disease, also called as coeliac disease in other European countries, is a disease of the small intestine.

Celiac disease is a type of an autoimmune disorder where the villus in the small intestine is sensitive or allergic to certain foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a protein type of substance that is found in foods such as wheat, barley, rye, and other processed foods which contain gluten. When the partially digested food that contains gluten enters the small intestine from the stomach, the immune system is activated for it sees the gluten in the food as a harmful substance or a foreign body. When an immunologic response happens in the small intestine, it damages the villi where the hair-like structure flattens out, and this can affect greatly its function in the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Due to malabsorption of these nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, it may lead to numerous deficiencies. Celiac disease, or coeliac disease, is a noncurable disease but very preventable. It can be prevented by abstaining from food that contains gluten. By doing so, it will lessen the signs and symptoms like diarrhea. The disease may ring a bell to anyone, but only a few would consider the underlying difference between the two relatively similar names for this disorder.

Celiac disease and coeliac disease are obviously different words but have the same meaning. Basically, the primary and most noticeable difference between the two terms, celiac and coeliac, is how the words are spelled. The next highlighted distinction is the origin of both words. The word coeliac is the term used in other European countries such as England, Britain, etc. while the word celiac is an American term for the coeliac disease. The term “coeliac” is a word from the British English while the term “celiac” is from American English. These are under the simplification of the “oe” in British English words to only “e” in American English. For example, the word oesophagus in British English is termed as esophagus in American English. The same as in “coeliac” and “celiac,” but there are many exceptions with this simplification because some words in British English who have “oe” are accepted in American English without changing “oe” to “e.” Historically speaking, “coeliac” was created first as a word for this disease. History brings us to the time of Aretaeus of Cappadocia, an ancient Greek, who encountered the disease a thousand years ago. Accordingly, celiac is derived from a Greek word koiliakos, meaning “abdominal” and was later brought up as a translation of what it is in the 19th century. Aside from this, celiac is the universal term for this kind of disease.

It is of utmost importance to know the differences these two words for it may confuse readers on the meaning and usage of these two words (celiac and coeliac).


1.The word coeliac is spelled differently from celiac.

2.The word coeliac originated from British English while celiac came from American English.

3.Coeliac is the simplification of the word celiac.

4.The word coeliac is the first term coined for the disease and later came the term celiac.

5.Celiac is universally used as the medical term.