Difference Between Solid and Liquid

Solid vs Liquid

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space and can be felt and observed by one or more of the senses. It is distinguished from a mental or spiritual substance by its physical existence. It is composed of atoms and subatomic particles. It has mass, length, width, and height which can be measured, and it attracts other matters with gravity. It is what makes up all substances. It exists in four states, namely:

Plasma, which is a state of matter that is similar to gas with ionized particles.

Gas, which is a state of matter that is described through its pressure, volume, temperature, and number of particles.

Solid, which is a state of matter that has a fixed volume and shape with atoms that are bound tightly to each other that makes it resistant to change. They can only change if they are cut or broken by force.

Liquid, which is a state of matter that has no shape and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Atoms in a liquid, although also bound together, are temporary thus allowing them to move freely and flow.

The density of a liquid is constant. While both a solid and a liquid are condensed matters, liquids like gas are considered fluids. Liquids have many uses and one of them is as a solvent. They can dissolve solids and other liquids.

As lubricants, they are used in engines, gears, and metalwork. They are even used in power generation and transmission. Measuring devices use liquids to indicate temperature and air pressure. Mercury, bromine, ethanol, and water are examples of liquids.

Solids, on the other hand, are strong, elastic, tough, hard, and ductile or flexible. They have several classes such as metals, minerals, ceramics, wood, polymers, organic solids, composite materials, semiconductors, nanomaterials, and biomaterials. They have thermal, electrical, electromechanical, optical, and optoelectronic properties. They can be turned into a liquid when heated which does not change the atoms but affects how they are bound together. Liquids flow with gravity, and some liquids turn into gas when heated or into solids when cooled.


1.A solid is a state of matter that has a definite shape and volume while a liquid is a state of matter that has volume but no definite shape.
2.A liquid takes the shape of the container that holds it while a solid has a shape of its own.
3.The atoms in a solid are bound tightly together causing it to become compressed, and it can only vibrate while the atoms in a liquid, although bound together, are temporary which allows them to flow.
4.Solids are strong, tough, elastic, ductile, and flexible while liquids are not.
5.Liquids are used as solvents, lubricants, power generators and transmission, and in measuring devices while solids have a variety of uses such as building materials, conducting heat and energy, and as insulators among other things.
6.Examples of solids are wood, stones, trees, and soil while examples of liquids are water, oil, mercury, and ethanol.