Difference Between Otter and Seal

Otter vs  Seal

Otters and seals belong to two different families. As such they have many differences between them. Otters belong to the Mustelidae family, and seals belong to the Phocidae family. Though they have many differences between them, the most significant one is related to their ways of keeping themselves warm. Otters have dense fur for keeping themselves warm whereas the seals have a deposit of blubber under their skin.

Both otters and seals also differ in many physical characteristics. Unlike the otters, seals tend to spend a bit more time on land. They breed and also give birth on land. Otters are known to mate in the sea and give birth in the sea.

It can also be seen that seals love fish which is one of their favorite foods. On the other hand, otters only eat fish rarely, and they mainly thrive upon invertebrates.

When otters have paws, seals have flippers. Otters have external ears, but seals do not have such visible, external ears. When comparing the swimming ability of both otters and seals, the latter ones are considered to be good swimmers. This is because they have flippers and also a streamlined body. Unlike otters, seals are known to lie around beaches and rocky islands.

Seals have a gestation period of 12 months, and otters have a gestation period of about 60 to 86 days.


1.Otters belong to the Mustelidae family, and seals belong to the Phocidae family.
2.Otters have dense fur for keeping themselves warm whereas the seals have a deposit of blubber under their skin.
3.Seals love fish which is one of their favorite foods. On the other hand, otters only eat fish rarely, and they mainly thrive upon invertebrates.
4.When otters have paws, seals have flippers. Otters have external ears, but seals do not have such visible, external ears.
5.Unlike otters, seals tend to spend more time on land. They breed and also give birth on land. Otters are known to mate in the sea and give birth in the sea.
6.When comparing the swimming ability of both otters and seals, the latter ones are considered to be good swimmers. 7.This is because they have flippers and also a streamlined body.
8.Seals have a gestation period of 12 months, and otters have a gestation period of about 60 to 86 days.