Difference Between Family Practice and Internal Medicine

Family Practice vs Internal Medicine

You may wonder if there is any difference between family practice and internal medicine. There need be no wonder as there are specific differences between family practice and internal medicine.

When family medical practitioners deal with the comprehensive health of all individuals, internal medicine practitioners specialize in some category.

Internal medicine involves specialty treatment. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases of a particular organ. Some say that the emphasis is on internal structures. The medical practitioners of internal medicine in North America are known as internists and in the commonwealth nations they are called physicians.

Family medicine is a division of the primary care that deals with the overall health of a family or individuals of all ages and sexes. Family medicine practitioners will only have a general awareness of the diseases and treatment unlike the internal medicine practitioners who are well versed in special treatments. Unlike family medicine practitioners, internal medicine practitioners have special training in dealing with very complex and chronic illnesses.

An internal medicine resident doctor does not have to deal with obstetrics or pediatrics. These resident doctors are mainly involved with adult medicine. The only time when they interact with a pregnant patient is when certain complications are developed on top of their pregnancy. For example, in the case of an increase in blood pressure or sugar levels or cardiac problems, then the internal medicine practitioner is called for.

Apart from dealing with adult internal medicine, the family medicine resident doctors have to go for pediatric rotations. The training imparted to a family medicine practitioner is divided between adult medicine and pediatric medicine. In case of any complications, and if there is a need for any special treatment, then the family medicine practitioners may refer the patients to an internal medicine practitioner.

It can be seen that most of the doctors prefer to have some specialization. Lastlyl, internal medicine practitioners are paid more than the family medicine practitioners.


1.When family medical practitioners deal with the comprehensive health of all individuals, internal medicine practitioners specialize in some category.
2.Internal medicine involves specialty treatment. It involves the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases of a particular organ.
3.Family medicine is a division of the primary care that deals with the overall health of a family or individuals of all ages and sexes.
4.Unlike the family medicine practitioners, internal medicine practitioners have special training in dealing with very complex and chronic illnesses.