Difference Between Melting and Dissolving

Melting vs Dissolving

In chemistry, we were taught to mix chemicals. We were also taught how to make simple products such as soaps and candles utilizing chemical processes. This was a fun way of learning as far as we can remember. We were also able to apply the different principles of the scientific process as far as our knowledge is concerned.

In chemistry, there is this process called melting and dissolving. If we’ll look at the two words, they seem to be identical, right? But let’s find out if these are really identical or have major differences. There’s no harm in finding out. So let us try to differentiate them for a clearer understanding.

Melting is the process in which a solid turns into a liquid. There is a phase change as we can already observe. Melting is also called fusion. It is a physical process of phase change which means we can observe the phenomenon. Melting occurs due to increased energy that was being released by the substance. This will not occur without heat or pressure application. Once heat or pressure is applied, the melting point will definitely occur and change its way from solid to liquid. An example of melting is ice (solid) melting in water which eventually turns to liquid.

Dissolving, on the other hand, is a process in which liquid solute or solid solute compound dissolves to form a solution via a solvent. An example is a coffee powder (solid solute) and hot water (solvent). When the coffee powder is mixed in the hot water, it forms a solution (the coffee drink). It is very simple to understand the difference of the two concepts in the examples given.

Melting and dissolution are two processes that can be used in chemical industries and mining. Dissolution is often used among gold compounds. Melting, on the other hand, is used more in cooking such as the melting of butter, melting a bar of chocolate, and so on and so forth. These two concepts are specifically discussed in chemistry. The rate of dissolution and melting depends on the compound and the chemical properties of the solute and solvent for dissolving.


1.Melting is also called fusion while dissolving is also called dissolution.
2.Melting involves a change of the physical state from a solid to a liquid without the use of a solute or solvent while dissolving involves the use of a solute and solvent to produce a solution.