Difference Between PTT and PT


PTT is ‘partial thromboplastin time’, and PT is ‘prothrombin time.’ Both PTT and PT are tests used for measuring the time taken for the blood to clot. These two tests are mainly conducted for checking for bleeding problems or the chances of excessive bleeding during surgery.

The PT measures the extrinsic coagulation pathway by calculating the prothrombin ratio along with the international normalized ratio. The clotting factors like I, II, V, VII and X are looked into in the prothrombin time. The PT also determines the warfarin levels and the vitamin K position. The normal PT value is 11 to 16 seconds.

The PTT is a measurement of the intrinsic coagulation pathway and the common coagulation pathway. The partial thromboplastin time test also measures the heparin level in the body in case a patient is on anti-coagulation therapy. The clotting factors that are noted in a PTT test are: I, II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII. The normal PTT value is 25 to 39 seconds.

The PTT is called partial because of the absence of the tissue factor. The PT is the time taken for the plasma to clot after the tissue factor is added.
Prothrombin time is measured for determining the cause of bruising or abnormal bleeding and to check if blood-thinning medicines will work. It is also used to check the factors that lead to a blood clot, check for low levels of vitamin K, and check liver functions.
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is also measured for determining the cause of abnormal bleeding and check for factors leading to blood clots that cause clotting problems. It also looks at the timer for a blood clot before any surgery and to see if the right dosage of anti-clotting medicine is used.

1. PTT is ‘partial thromboplastin time’ and PT is ‘prothrombin time.’
2. The PT measures the extrinsic coagulation pathway by calculating the prothrombin ratio along with the international normalized ratio.
3. The PTT is a measurement of the intrinsic coagulation pathway and the common coagulation pathway.
4. The clotting factors like I, II, V, VII and X are looked into in prothrombin time. The clotting factors that are noted in PTT are I, II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII.
5. The PT also determines the warfarin levels and the vitamin K position. The partial thromboplastin time measures the heparin level in the body.
6. The normal PT value is 11 to 16 seconds. The normal PTT value is 25 to 39 seconds.